
#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LBitmap::ColoredBalls(uNumBalls, uSize, uSizeVariation, nHighLightAng, crHighLight, crBkgColor, crShadingColor, pBallColors, uNumOfBallColors, uAvrBallClrOpacity, uBallClrOpacityVariation, uRipple, uFlags)

L_UINT uNumBalls;

number of balls

L_UINT uSize;

average ball size

L_UINT uSizeVariation;

ball size variation

L_INT nHighLightAng;

light source direction of the highlight on the ball

COLORREF crHighLight;

highlight color on the ball

COLORREF crBkgColor;

background color

COLORREF crShadingColor;

gradient color of the background

COLORREF * pBallColors;

pointer to an array of ball colors

L_UINT uNumOfBallColors;

size of the ball color array

L_UINT uAvrBallClrOpacity;

ball color opacity

L_UINT uBallClrOpacityVariation;

ball color opacity variation

L_UINT uRipple;

gradient frequency

L_UINT uFlags;


Adds colored balls to the bitmap. Various parameters control the color and appearance of the balls.

Parameter Description
uNumBalls Number of balls that will be drawn in the image.
uSize Average ball size, in pixels.
uSizeVariation Ball size variation. Valid values range from 0 to 100. Use 0 to have all balls the same size. Use 100 to have the size vary from 0 to 2 X uSize.
nHighLightAng Light source direction of the highlight color on the ball. This value is in hundredths of degrees (+/-). A positive value will rotate the highlight color clockwise, while a negative value will rotate the highlight color counter-clockwise. Possible values range from 36000 to + 36000.
crHighLight Highlight color.
crBkgColor Background color.
crShadingColor Shade (or gradient) color.
pBallColors Pointer to an array of ball colors.
uNumOfBallColors The number of ball colors.
uAvrBallClrOpacity Average ball color opacity. Valid values range from 0 to 255 for 8-bit, 0 to 4095 for 12-bit and 0 to 65535 for 16-bit.
uBallClrOpacityVariation Ball color opacity variation. Valid values range from 0 to 100. Use 0 to have all pixels assigned the same opacity. Use 100 to have the opacity vary from 0 to 2 X uAvrBallClrOpacity.
uRipple The number of shades that are used to produce the background. This value is divided internally by 100. For example, if uRipple = 200 the actual frequency is 2. This value is ignored if the CLRBALLS_SHADING_SINGLE flag is set.
uFlags Flags that indicate which background color, shade (or gradient) type, ball type and ball color type to use. You can use a bit wise OR (|) to specify one flag from each group.

The following flags indicate how to draw the shading:

  Value Meaning
  CLRBALLS_SHADING_SINGLE [0x0001] Use only the background color (i.e. no shading).
  CLRBALLS_SHADING_LEFTRIGHT [0x0002] Draw shading as vertical lines that move from left to right.
  CLRBALLS_SHADING_TOPBOTTOM [0x0003] Draw shading as horizontal lines that move from top to bottom.
  CLRBALLS_SHADING_CIRCULAR [0x0004] Draw shading as concentric circles.
  CLRBALLS_SHADING_ELLIPTICAL [0x0005] Draw shading as concentric ellipses.
  The following flags indicate how to use the balls:
  Value Meaning
  CLRBALLS_STICKER [0x0010] Use Balls that will overlap like stickers.
  CLRBALLS_BALL [0x0020] Use Balls that will adjust like bubbles.
  The following flags indicate how to treat the background:
  Value Meaning
  CLRBALLS_IMAGE [0x0100] Make the background the same as the image.
  CLRBALLS_COLOR [0x0200] Make the background using crBkgColor and crShadingColor with the specified shade type.
  The following flags indicate which type of ball coloring to use:
  Value Meaning
  CLRBALLS_BALLCLR_MASK [0x1000] Have the Ball color block image colors.
  CLRBALLS_BALLCLR_OPACITY [0x2000] Use the opacity value when combining image colors with ball colors.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


The CLRBALLS_STICKER flag produces balls with more distinct edges than the CLRBALLS_BALL option.

For an example, click here

To update a status bar or detect a user interrupt during execution of this function, refer to LBase::EnableStatusCallback.

This function supports 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.

If the bitmap has a region, this function works only on the region. If the bitmap does not have a region, this function works on the entire bitmap.

This function does not support signed data images. It returns the error code ERROR_SIGNED_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED if a signed data image is passed to this function.

This function does not support 32-bit grayscale images. It returns the error code ERROR_GRAY32_UNSUPPORTED if a 32-bit grayscale image is passed to this function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

See Also


LBitmap::AddNoise, LBitmap::Emboss, LBitmap::Mosaic, LBitmap::MotionBlur, LBitmap::Oilify, LBitmap::Posterize, LBitmap::RemoveRedeye, LBitmap::Solarize, LBitmapBase::Underlay, LBitmap::BumpMap, LBitmap::Cubism, LBitmap::Dry, LBitmap::FreePlaneBend, LBitmap::FreeRadBend, LBitmap::GlassEffect, LBitmap::GlowFilter, LBitmap::LensFlare, LBitmap::Light, LBitmap::Ocean, LBitmap::PlaneBend, LBitmap::Plane, LBitmap::SampleTarget, LBitmap::Tunnel, LBitmap::Bending, LBitmap::Cylindrical, LBitmap::FreeHandShear, LBitmap::FreeHandWave, LBitmap::Impressionist, LBitmap::Pixelate, LBitmap::Polar, LBitmap::Punch, LBitmap::RadialBlur, LBitmap::RadWave, LBitmap::Ripple, LBitmap::Spherize, LBitmap::Swirl, LBitmap::Wave, LBitmap::Wind, LBitmap::ZoomBlur, LBitmap::ZoomWave, LBitmap::DrawStar


Raster Image Functions: Artistic Effects


Applying Artistic Effects


Raster Image Functions: Functions Where the Region Preempts the Bitmap


Raster Image Functions: Modifying Intensity Values


#define MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(pFileName) TEXT("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\LEADTOOLS Images\\")pFileName 
L_INT LBitmap__ColoredBallsExample() 
   L_INT nRet; 
   COLORREF       pBallColors[7]; 
   pBallColors[0] = RGB(230,50,50); 
   pBallColors[1] = RGB(230,200,160); 
   pBallColors[2] = RGB(255,255,128); 
   pBallColors[3] = RGB(240,50,100); 
   pBallColors[4] = RGB(255,255,180); 
   pBallColors[5] = RGB(170,240,100); 
   pBallColors[6] = RGB(255,255,255); 
   LBitmap LeadBitmap; 
   nRet =LeadBitmap.Load(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("cannon.jpg")), 0,ORDER_BGR); 
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet =LeadBitmap.ColoredBalls(1000, 25, 15, 4500, RGB(255,255,255), RGB(255,0,0), 
   RGB(255,255,0), pBallColors, 7, 64, 10, 100, 
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   return SUCCESS; 

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