typedef struct tagANNMOVEPOINT 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_INT nState; 
   POINT pt; 
   L_UINT uIndex; 
   ANNPOINT apt; 

The ANNMOVEPOINT structure contains information about an annotation object when moving a point of the object in automated mode.

Member Description
uStructSize Size of the ANNCHANGEPARAM structure. Use sizeof(ANNCHANGEPARAM).
nState Value that indicates the state of the move. Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
pt Current move location (in client coordinates)
uIndex Index of the point (handle) being moved. The index can be used with other functions like the LAnnXXX::AddUserHandle, LAnnXXX::DeleteUserHandle, LAnnXXX::ChangeUserHandle, or LAnnXXX::EnumerateHandles functions, where LAnnXXX represents the classes that support handles. These classes are as follows:
  LAnnAudioClip, LAnnButton, LAnnCrossProduct, LAnnCurve, LAnnCurveClosed, LAnnEllipse, LAnnEncrypt, LAnnFreehand, LAnnFreehandHotSpot, LAnnHilite, LAnnHotSpot, LAnnLine, LAnnNote, LAnnPolygon, LAnnPoint, LAnnPolyline, LAnnPolyRuler, LAnnProtractor, LAnnPointer, LAnnPushPin, LAnnRedact, LAnnRectangle, LAnnRTF, LAnnRuler, LAnnStamp, LAnnText, LAnnTextPointer, LAnnToolBar, LAnnVideo
apt Current location of point being moved, in container coordinates.


The ANNMOVEPOINT structure is part of the union of the ANNCHANGEPARAM structure. For more information, see the documentation for ANNCHANGEPARAM.

A handle of an annotation object can be moved in automated mode by dragging the handle with the mouse. Doing so causes a WM_LTANNEVENT message to be sent where wParam is ANNCHANGE_ ANNCHANGE_MOVE_POINT and lParam points to a structure of type ANNCHANGEPARAM. In this case, the union of ANNCHANGEPARAM is type ANNMOVEPOINT. This message is sent when one of the following events occurs:

See Also



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