
#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LBitmap::WatershedBitmap(ppPoints, pLengths, nSize)

L_POINT** ppPoints;

pointer of pointer to L_POINT structure which holds the initial point/path that represents the point or path from which to segment the bitmap

L_INT* pLengths;

pointer to number of points in each path

L_INT nSize;

number of paths

Separates the image into different segments using the Watershed algorithm.

Parameter Description
ppPoints Holds the initial point/path that represents the point or path from which to segment the bitmap.
pLengths Number of points in each path.
nSize Number of paths.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Each segment's pixels have the same color. The Watershed algorithm treats an image as if it were a topographic surface.

The dark areas are basins. The light areas are the ridges around the basins.

The user is responsible for determining the number of output segments and the location of each segment in the input array.

This function supports 8- and 16-bit grayscale and colored images and 24- and 32-bit colored images.

This function does not support 32-bit grayscale images.

This function supports signed/unsigned images.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

See Also


LBitmap::OtsuThreshold, LBitmap::LevelsetBitmapRgn, LBitmap::LambdaConnectedness, LBitmap::ShrinkWrapTool, LBitmap::KMeansBitmapSegmentation, LBitmap::GWireGetMinPath, Class Members


#define MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(pFileName) TEXT("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\LEADTOOLS Images\\")pFileName 
#if defined (LEADTOOLS_V19_OR_LATER) 
L_INT LBitmap__WatershedBitmapExample(L_VOID) 
   L_INT nRet; 
   LBitmap LeadBitmap; 
   nRet =LeadBitmap.Load(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("IMAGE3.dcm")), 0,ORDER_BGR); 
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet ; 
   /* Apply a WatershedBitmap filter */ 
   L_POINT* ppPoints[4] = {} ; 
   L_INT Lengths[4]  = {} ; 
   L_INT nSize = 4 ; 
   for(L_INT i = 0 ; i < nSize; i++) 
      Lengths[i]  = 2 ; 
      ppPoints[i] = (L_POINT*) malloc(Lengths[i]*sizeof(L_POINT)); 
      if ( ppPoints[i] == NULL ) 
         for( L_INT j = 0 ; j < nSize ; j++ ) 
            if ( ppPoints[j] != NULL ) 
               free(ppPoints[j]) ; 
         return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; 
   ppPoints[0][0].x = 35 ; ppPoints[0][0].y = 100 ; 
   ppPoints[0][1].x = 35 ; ppPoints[0][1].y = 200 ; 
   ppPoints[1][0].x = 180 ; ppPoints[1][0].y = 115 ; 
   ppPoints[1][1].x = 300 ; ppPoints[1][1].y = 115 ; 
   ppPoints[2][0].x = 235 ; ppPoints[2][0].y = 220 ; 
   ppPoints[2][1].x = 260 ; ppPoints[2][1].y = 220 ; 
   ppPoints[3][0].x = 180 ; ppPoints[3][0].y = 330 ; 
   ppPoints[3][1].x = 350 ; ppPoints[3][1].y = 330 ; 
   nRet = LeadBitmap.WatershedBitmap(ppPoints, Lengths, nSize); 
   for( L_INT j = 0 ; j < nSize ; j++ ) 
      free(ppPoints[j]) ; 
   return nRet ; 

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