typedef struct tagZOOMVIEWPROPS 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uIndex; 
   RECT rcSrc; 
   RECT rcDst; 
   RECT rcView; 
   L_INT nZoom; 
   L_BOOL bForceDst; 
   L_BOOL bEnabled; 
   L_UINT32 uZoomViewBorderStyle; 
   COLORREF crZoomViewBorder; 
   L_INT nZoomViewPenStyle; 
   HRGN hBorderRgn; 
   L_UINT32 uSrcBorderStyle; 
   COLORREF crSrcBorder; 
   L_INT nSrcPenStyle; 
   L_BOOL bCallouts; 
   COLORREF crCallout; 
   L_INT nCalloutPenStyle; 
   HANNOBJECT hAnnContainer; 
   L_INT nSrcPenWidth; 
   L_INT nZoomViewPenWidth; 
   L_INT nCalloutPenWidth; 

The ZOOMVIEWPROPS structure provides information about Zoom View properties.

Member Description
uStructSize Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof(ZOOMVIEWPROPS).macro to calculate this value. This must be set before passing this structure to the LEADTOOLS functions.
uIndex A zero-based index of this Zoom View. This index is zero-based. This member is updated by the AddZoomView and the DestroyZoomView functions. Set this value before calling the GetZoomViewProps or the UpdateZoomView functions.
rcSrc Rectangle describing the source area of the image to be zoomed, in bitmap coordinates. The values describing this rectangle must be multiplied by 100.
rcDst Rectangle describing the location on the display of the zoomed view, in screen coordinates. By default, only the TOP_LEFT is used. The values describing this rectangle must be multiplied by 100.
rcView This member is obsolete.
nZoom The percentage zoom factor for the zoomed view; 100 = no zoom. Value must be >= 100.
bForceDst Flag that indicates whether the zoomed view should be forced to be the size of rcDst.
  Value Meaning
  TRUE Force the zoomed view to the size of rcDst.
  FALSE Allow LEADTOOLS to calculate the size based on nZoom and rcSrc. The top and left values of rcDst are used for positioning.
bEnabled Flag that indicates whether the zoomed view is enabled. If the zoomed view is not enabled, then it will not be displayed.
  Value Meaning
  TRUE The zoomed view is enabled.
  FALSE The zoomed view will not be displayed.


uZoomViewBorderStyle Value that represents the border style to be used for the Zoom View. Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
  ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_NONE [0x0000] Do not use a border for the Zoom View.
  ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_SIMPLE [0x0001] Use a flat border for a rectangular, rounded rectangular and Torn out Zoom View.
  ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_3D [0x0002] Use a 3D border for a rectangular Zoom View.
  ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_TEAROUT [0x0004] Use a border that has a Torn out look for the Zoom View.
  ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED [0x0008] Use a rounded rectangular border for the Zoom View. This can be OR-ed with ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_NONE or ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_SIMPLE.
  The following figures display the different border styles that are available:
crZoomViewBorder A COLORREF value that specifies the color of the border of the Zoom View. This member can only be used when uZoomViewBorderStyle is ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_SIMPLE.
nZoomViewPenStyle Value that represents the pen style to be used for the Zoom View Border. This value is only used when uZoomViewBorderStyle is ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_SIMPLE. These are the same values as the ones used in the CreatePen Windows GDI function, like PS_SOLID or PS_DASH. For more information, refer to the Windows GDI section on MSDN.
hBorderRgn Reserved for future use. Pass NULL.
uSrcBorderStyle Value that represents the border style to be used on the source rectangle. Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
  SOURCEBORDERSTYLE_SIMPLE [0x0000] Use a flat border on the source rectangle.
  SOURCEBORDERSTYLE_3D [0x0001] Use a 3D border on the source rectangle.
  The following figure displays the different border styles that are available:
crSrcBorder COLORREF value that specifies the color of the border on the source rectangle. This value is only used when uSrcBorderStyle is SOURCEBORDERSTYLE_SIMPLE.
nSrcPenStyle Value that represents the pen style to be used on the source rectangle for the Zoom View. This value is only used when uSrcBorderStyle is SOURCEBORDERSTYLE_SIMPLE.
  These are the same values as the ones used in the CreatePen Windows GDI function, such as PS_SOLID or PS_DASH. For more information, refer to the Windows GDI section on MSDN.


bCallouts Flag that indicates whether to enable callout lines. Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
  TRUE Enable callout lines for the zoomed view.
  FALSE Disable callout lines for the zoomed view.
crCallout COLORREF value that specifies the color of the callout lines. This member is ignored when bCallouts is FALSE.
nCalloutPenStyle Value that specifies the pen style to be used for connected source and destination rectangles for the Zoom View. This value is ignored when bCallouts is FALSE.

These are the same values as the ones used in the CreatePen Windows GDI function, such as PS_SOLID or PS_DASH. For more information, refer to the Windows GDI section on MSDN.

hAnnContainer Handle to the root container object of an annotation object to be displayed. If NULL, no annotation will be displayed in the zoom view.
nSrcPenWidth Value that represents the pen width in pixels, to be used on the source rectangle for the Zoom View. This value is only used when uSrcBorderStyle is SOURCEBORDERSTYLE_SIMPLE.These are the same values as the ones used in the CreatePen Windows GDI function. For more information, refer to the Windows GDI section on MSDN.
nZoomViewPenWidth Value that represents the pen width in pixels, to be used for the Zoom View border. This value is only used when uZoomViewBorderStyle is ZOOMVIEWBORDERSTYLE_SIMPLE.

These are the same values as the ones used in the CreatePen Windows GDI function. For more information, refer to the Windows GDI section on MSDN.

nCalloutPenWidth Value that represents the pen width in pixels, to be used for connected source and destination rectangles for the Zoom View. This value is ignored when bCallouts is FLASE.

These are the same values as the ones used in the CreatePen Windows GDI function. For more information, refer to the Windows GDI section on MSDN.


pZOOMVIEWPROPS is a pointer to an ZOOMVIEWPROPS structure. Where the function parameter type is pZOOMVIEWPROPS, you can declare a ZOOMVIEWPROPS variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pZOOMVIEWPROPS variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.

This structure is used within the following functions:

LBitmapWindow::AddZoomView, to create a Zoom View.

LBitmapWindow::UpdateZoomView, to update a zoomed view properties.

LBitmapWindow::GetZoomViewProps, to retrieve the properties for a zoomed view.

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