typedef struct _tagOPTIMIZEIMAGEDIRINFO 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_TCHAR szOrgFileName[MAX_PATH]; 
   L_TCHAR szOptFileName[MAX_PATH]; 
   L_INT nStatusCode; 
   L_INT nFilePercent; 
   L_INT nTotalPercent; 
   L_INT nTotalFolderFilesCount; 
   pFILEINFO pFileInfo; 

The OPTIMIZEIMAGEDIRINFO structure provides information about the image(s) being optimized.

Member Description
uStructSize Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() macro to calculate this value.
szOrgFileName A character string that contains the original full file name.
szOptFileName A character string that contains the optimized full file name.
nStatusCode Value that represents the current status. If an error occurred during image optimization, this will be < SUCCESS. Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
  <SUCCESS An error occurred.
  SUCCESS [1] Indicates that all selected and supported files in the directory(s) have been optimized successfully.
  OPTIMIZE_DIR_PRE_OPTIMIZINGIMAGE [2] Indicates that the image specified in szOrgFileName is about to be optimized. You can update the optimization options by updating the structure referenced by pOptImgOptions.
  OPTIMIZE_DIR_OPTIMIZINGIMAGE [3] Indicates that the image specified in szOrgFileName is being optimized. Information on the percent of optimization that has been completed can be found in nFilePercent and nTotalPercent.
nFilePercent Value that represents the percentage of the original file that has been optimized, when the nStatusCode is OPTIMIZE_DIR_OPTIMIZINGIMAGE.
nTotalPercent Value that represents the percentage of all files that have been optimized, when nStatusCode is equal to OPTIMIZE_DIR_OPTIMIZINGIMAGE.
nTotalFolderFilesCount Value that represents the total number of files in the directory to be optimized.
pFileInfo Pointer to a FILEINFO structure that contains information about the file specified in szOrgFileName. This pointer is valid only inside the callback function.
pOptImgOptions Pointer to an OPTIMIZEIMAGEOPTIONS structure that contains the optimization options to be used in the optimization operation. This pointer is valid only inside the callback function. You can update the optimization options by updating the optimization options structure values pointed to by pOptImgOptions ONLY if nStatusCode = OPTIMIZE_DIR_PRE_OPTIMIZINGIMAGE.


This structure is used by the LOptimize::OptimizeDirCallBack callback function.

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