Leadtools.Annotations Assembly Changes

Version Changes: 18 to 19

[Deprecated, use Leadtools.Annotations.Core instead]

New Members

The following members have been added:


Removed Members

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomation.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomationManager.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnContainer.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnControlPoint.#ctor(bool,bool,bool) Initializes a new instance of Leadtools.Annotations.AnnControlPoint.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnControlPoint.#ctor(SerializationInfo,StreamingContext) This constructor is required by System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDesigner.#ctor Initializes a new instance of the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDesigner class.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawDesigner.#ctor Initializes a new AnnDrawDesigner object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnEditDesigner.#ctor Initializes a new instance of Leadtools.Annotations.AnnEditDesigner with default values.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnFreehandHotspotObject.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnGroupObject.Dispose(bool) Releases the resources used by this Leadtools.Annotations.AnnGroupObject object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnImageObject.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength.op_Addition(AnnLength,AnnLength) Adds the length of one Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength structure to another Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength structure.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength.op_Equality(AnnLength,AnnLength) Tests whether two Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength structures are equal.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength.op_Inequality(AnnLength,AnnLength) Tests whether two Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength structures are unequal.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength.op_Subtraction(AnnLength,AnnLength) Subtracts the length of one Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength structure from the length of another Leadtools.Annotations.AnnLength structure.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.#ctor(bool,bool,bool) Initializes a new instance of Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.#ctor(SerializationInfo,StreamingContext) This constructor is required by System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPicture.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint.op_Addition(AnnPoint,AnnSize) Translates an Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint by a given Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint.op_Equality(AnnPoint,AnnPoint) Tests whether two Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint structures are equal.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint.op_Inequality(AnnPoint,AnnPoint) Tests whether two Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint structures are unequal.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint.op_Subtraction(AnnPoint,AnnSize) Translates an Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint by the negative of a given Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPointObject.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRectangle.op_Equality(AnnRectangle,AnnRectangle) Tests whether two Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRectangle structures are equal.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRectangle.op_Inequality(AnnRectangle,AnnRectangle) Tests whether two Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRectangle structures are unequal.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRichTextObject.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize.op_Addition(AnnSize,AnnSize) Adds the width and height of one Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize structure to the width and height of another Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize structure.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize.op_Equality(AnnSize,AnnSize) Determines whether two Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize structures are equal.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize.op_Explicit(AnnSize)~Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint Converts the specified Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize structure to an Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint structure.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize.op_Inequality(AnnSize,AnnSize) Determines whether two Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize structures are unequal.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize.op_Subtraction(AnnSize,AnnSize) Subtracts the width and height of one Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize structure from the width and height of another Leadtools.Annotations.AnnSize structure.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnStampObject.Dispose(bool) Releases all resources used by this object.

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

New Members

The following members have been added to the existing types:

Member Description
There are no new members added since last revision. None

Leadtools.Annotations has been DEPRECATED. Use Leadtools.Annotations.Core instead. For more information, refer to New in 18.

Version Changes: 17 to 17.5

New Members

The following members have been added to existing types in v17.5:

Member Description
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.OnBeginEditText Raises the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.BeginEditText event.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.OnEndEditText Raises the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnEditDesigner.Edit event.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.BeginEditText Occurs when the AnnTextEditDesigner begins editing the text of an AnnTextObject.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.EndEditText Occurs when the AnnTextEditDesigner ends editing the text of an AnnTextObject.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRichTextEditDesigner.OnBeginEditText Raises the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.BeginEditText event.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRichTextEditDesigner.OnEndEditText Raises the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.EndEditText event.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRichTextEditDesigner.BeginEditText Occurs when the AnnTextEditDesigner begins editing the text of an AnnTextObject.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRichTextEditDesigner.EndEditText Occurs when the AnnTextEditDesigner ends editing the text of an AnnTextObject.
Leadtools.Annotations.IAnnProtractorObject.RestrictAngle Gets or sets a value that indicate whether the angle of the protractor will always be drawn between the two lines.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnGroupObject.RestrictAngle Gets or sets a value that indicate whether the angle of the protractor will always be drawn between the two lines.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnProtractorObject.RestrictAngle Gets or sets a value that indicate whether the angle of the protractor will always be drawn between the two lines.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawDesigner.UseNewMultilineBehavior Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to cancel the drawing of a multi-point object if the mouse cursor was clicked and released in the same position.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPolyRulerObject.GetPolyRulerLength(Leadtools.RasterCollection{Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint},Leadtools.Annotations.AnnUnit,Leadtools.Annotations.AnnUnitConverter) Helper method to get the total length of a poly ruler.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomationManager.UseNewMultilineBehavior Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to cancel the drawing of a multi-point object if the mouse cursor was clicked and released in the same position.
Leadtools.Annotations.IAnnRulerObject.RestrictLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this Leadtools.Annotations.IAnnRulerObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPolyRulerObject.RestrictLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this AnnPolyRulerObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnGroupObject.RestrictLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this Leadtools.Annotations.AnnGroupObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRulerObject.RestrictLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this AnnRulerObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnProtractorObject.RestrictLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this AnnProtractorObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnCrossProductObject.RestrictLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this AnnCrossProductObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container.

Version Changes: 16.5 to 17


Version Changes: 16 to 16.5

New Members

The following members have been added to existing types in v16.5:

Member Description
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.ConvertObjectToLogicalPoints Converts an array of points from object to logical coordinates.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.ConvertObjectToLogicalRectangle Converts a rectangle from object to logical coordinates.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.ConvertLogicalToObjectPoints Converts an array of points from logical to object coordinates.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.ConvertLogicalToObjectRectangle Converts a rectangle from logical to object coordinates.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnEditDesigner.MoveObjectWithName Gets or sets a value indicating whether to move the object when the name moves.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnContainer.Draw(Graphics, Rectangle) Draws the container on the specified surface.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomationManager.MoveObjectWithName Gets or sets a value indicating whether to move the object when the name moves.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomation.AttachViewer(Leadtools.WinForms.RasterImageViewer) Attaches this AnnAutomation object with a RasterImageViewer object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomation.AttachViewer(Leadtools.WinForms.RasterImageViewer) Detaches this AnnAutomation object from its AnnAutomation object with a RasterImageViewer object.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnCodecsFormat.Emf Use the Windows EMF format (LEADTOOLS Win32 compatible). Note that this format is Save only. LEADTOOLS for .NET Annotations library will not load or get information for a EMF file.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomationManager.HidePropertiesTabs Specifies the list of property pages that can be displayed or hidden when displaying the annotation properties dialog through automation.
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomation.DetachViewer Detaches this AnnAutomation object from it's RasterImageViewer object.

New Enumerations

The following enumerations have been added in LEADTOOLS for .NET v16.5:

Enumeration Description
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomationHidePropertiesTabs Flags that correspond to the property pages that can be displayed or hidden when displaying the annotation properties dialog through automation.

Version Changes: 15 to 16

Version 16 has not changed from Version 15.

Version Changes: 14.5 to 15

New Features

The following features have been added in v15:

Obsolete Features

The following features have been removed in v15:

New Members

The following members have been added to existing types in v15:

Member Description
AnnObject.SupportsFixed true if this AnnObject can be fixed; otherwise it is false
AnnObject.IsFixedStateStackEmpty True if the fixed stack is empty; false otherwise
AnnObject.GetFixedState Determines if this AnnObject is in a fixed state
AnnObject.PushFixedState Temporarily disables the fixed state of an AnnObject
AnnObject.PopFixedState Re-enables the fixed state of an AnnObject
AnnContainer.PushFixedState Temporarily disables the fixed state of every AnnObject in the AnnContainer
AnnContainer.PopFixedState Re-enables the fixed state of every AnnObject in the AnnContainer
AnnObjectChangedType.Fixed As a result from changing the 'fixed' state of an existing object via the AnnEditDesigner user interface

Event Handlers Delegates

LEADTOOLS For .NET Class Library uses the new .NET 2.0 generic event handler delegate module.

The following table lists the delegate types that have been removed in v.15:

Version 14.5 Version 15
AnnDrawDesignerEventHandler EventHandler<AnnDrawDesignerEventArgs>
AnnEditDesignerEventHandler EventHandler<AnnEditDesignerEventArgs>
AnnRunDesignerEventHandler EventHandler<AnnRunDesignerEventArgs>
AnnBeforeObjectChangedEventHandler EventHandler<AnnBeforeObjectChangedEventArgs>
AnnAfterObjectChangedEventHandler EventHandler<AnnAfterObjectChangedEventArgs>
AnnPaintEventHandler EventHandler<AnnPaintEventArgs>

Generic Collections

All collection types use the new .NET 2.0 generic collection module. The base RasterCollection class in v.14.5 has been replaced with a Generic RasterCollection class that all other collection classes in v.15 derive from.

The following table lists the collection classes that has been removed in v.15:

Version 14.5 Version 15
AnnPointCollection RasterCollection<AnnPoint>
AnnObjectCollection RasterCollection<AnnObject>
AnnAutomationObjectCollection RasterCollection<AnnAutomationObject>
AnnAutomationCollection RasterCollection<AnnAutomation>
AnnControlPointCollection RasterCollection<AnnControlPoint>

Renamed Members

The following members have been renamed in v.15:

Version 14.5 Version 15
AnnAutomationManager.UseXpStyleToolBar AnnAutomationManager.UseXPStyleToolBar

Properties Changed into Methods

The following properties have changed into methods in v.15:

Version 14.5 Version 15
AnnEditDesigner.ControlPointsLocation AnnEditDesigner.GetControlPointsLocation

Members Changed

The following members changed in existing types in v.15:

Member Description
AnnAutomationManager.CreateDefaultObjectContextMenu Method is now static (Shared) member of the AnnAutomationManager class
AnnAutomationManager.CurrentUICultureChanged Method is now static (Shared) member of the AnnAutomationManager class
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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