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DicomAutoScaleData Class


A class that specifies if DICOM pixel data has been autoscaled, and if so, the autoscale slope and autoscale intercept.

public class DicomAutoScaleData 
   ref class DicomAutoScaleData 

Remarks When calling DicomDataSet.GetImage to retrieve a Leadtools.RasterImage from a DicomDataSet, DicomGetImageFlags can be specified to autoscale the data (DicomGetImageFlags.AutoScaleModalityLut and DicomGetImageFlags.AutoScaleVoiLut).

If the data is autoscaled, it is modified from what was originally stored in the DicomDataSet. Calling the DicomDataSet.GetAutoScaleData method returns an DicomAutoScaleData object that shows if the DICOM pixel data has been autoscaled, and if so, the corresponding autoscale slope and autoscale intercept.

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Leadtools.Dicom Assembly