Zooming In on a Selection: Step 2

Modify the EZFUNC.H file to add global variables for tracking coordinates. The variable declarations should appear as follows:

L_BOOL FirstDraw; /* The state for the first WM_MOUSEMOVE event when cropping */   
int StartGDIX; /* Starting X position in screen pixels */   
int StartGDIY; /* Starting Y position in screen pixels */   
int EndGDIX; /* Ending X position in screen pixels */   
int EndGDIY;  /* Ending Y position in screen pixels */   
int StartPixelX; /* Starting X position in bitmap pixels */   
int StartPixelY; /* Starting Y position in bitmap pixels */   
int EndPixelX; /* Ending X position in bitmap pixels */   
int EndPixelY; /* Ending Y position in bitmap pixels */   
L_INT DisplayLeft, DisplayTop; /* Origin of the displayed image */ 

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