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UpdateAnnotationBox Method

Requests the Print SCP to update the specified Basic Annotation Box SOP Instance.
public void UpdateAnnotationBox( 
   string annotationBoxInstanceUid, 
   int annotationPosition, 
   string text 
void UpdateAnnotationBox(  
   String^ annotationBoxInstanceUid, 
   int annotationPosition, 
   String^ text 


The SOP Instance UID of the Annotation Box to be updated. The method will fail if this is a null reference (Nothing in VB) or if an empty string is specified. The method GetAnnotationBoxInstanceUid returns the SOP Instance UID of a particular Annotation Box.

The Value of the Attribute Annotation Position (2030,0010).

The Value of the Attribute Text String (2030,0020). If this is set to a null reference (Nothing in VB), the Attribute will not be included in the request to the Print SCP and hence will not be updated.


Two of the exceptions that can be thrown by this method are:

Exception Type Condition
DicomExceptionCode.PrintSCUFailureStatus The response of the Print SCP specifies a Failure status code.
DicomExceptionCode.PrintSCUClassNotSupported The Basic Annotation Box SOP Class is not supported on the Association.

When the Print SCP is requested to create a Film Box, and if an Annotation Display Format ID is specified, the Print SCP will also create one or more Annotation Boxes, based on the Annotation Display Format ID. This will happen only if the Basic Annotation Box SOP Class is supported on the Association. This method updates a particular Annotation Box. The Annotation Box specified (by the SOP Instance UID) must belong to the current (last created) Film Box.

The method will not return until it receives the response of the Print SCP, or an error occurs. The method GetLastOperationStatus can be used to obtain the status code specified in the response of the Print SCP. If the method UpdateAnnotationBox is successful, the Annotation Box was updated successfully, with either a Success or Warning status code in the response of the Print SCP.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
public class MyDicomPrintSCU : DicomPrintScu 
   public MyDicomPrintSCU(string path) : base(path) { } 
   public override void OnStatus(DicomPrintScuStatus status, DicomCommandStatusType operationStatus) 
      string statusCodeType = "Unknown"; 
      StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); 
      switch (status) 
         case DicomPrintScuStatus.ReceiveAbort: 
            DicomPrintScuAbortInformation printSCUAbortInfo = GetAbortInformation(); 
            msg.AppendFormat("Source = {0}, Reason = {1}", printSCUAbortInfo.Source, printSCUAbortInfo.Reason); 
            Console.WriteLine("Print SCP Aborted the Association: " + msg.ToString()); 
         case DicomPrintScuStatus.ReceivePrintFilmSessionRsp: 
            DicomCommandStatusType commandStatusType = GetLastOperationStatus(); 
            if (operationStatus == DicomCommandStatusType.Success) 
               if (commandStatusType == DicomCommandStatusType.Success) 
                  statusCodeType = "Success"; 
                  statusCodeType = "Warning"; 
               statusCodeType = "Failure"; 
            msg.AppendFormat("Status: 0x{0:X4} {1}", commandStatusType, statusCodeType); 
            Console.WriteLine($"Received N-ACTION-RSP (Basic Film Session SOP Class): {msg.ToString()}"); 
      public override void OnPrinterReport(int eventTypeID, DicomPrinterReportInformation reportInfo) 
      StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); 
      string eventTypeName = "Normal"; 
      switch (eventTypeID) 
         case 2: 
            eventTypeName = "Warning"; 
         case 3: 
            eventTypeName = "Failure"; 
      msg.AppendFormat("Event Type Name: {0}", eventTypeName); 
      if (eventTypeID != 1 && reportInfo != null) 
         if (reportInfo.PrinterStatusInfo != null) 
            msg.AppendFormat("{0}Printer Status Info: {1}", Environment.NewLine, reportInfo.PrinterStatusInfo); 
         if (reportInfo.FilmDestination != null) 
            msg.AppendFormat("{0}Film Destination: {1}", Environment.NewLine, reportInfo.FilmDestination); 
         if (reportInfo.PrinterName != null) 
            msg.AppendFormat("{0}Printer Name: {1}", Environment.NewLine, reportInfo.PrinterName); 
      Console.WriteLine($"Printer Status Report: {msg.ToString()}"); 
   public override void OnPrintJobReport(string printJobInstanceUID, int eventTypeID, DicomPrintJobReportInformation reportInfo) 
      StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); 
      msg.AppendFormat("Print Job SOP Instance UID: {0}", printJobInstanceUID); 
      string eventTypeName = "Pending"; 
      switch (eventTypeID) 
         case 2: 
            eventTypeName = "Printing"; 
         case 3: 
            eventTypeName = "Done"; 
         case 4: 
            eventTypeName = "Failure"; 
      msg.AppendFormat("{0}Event Type Name: {1}", Environment.NewLine, eventTypeName); 
      if (reportInfo != null) 
         if (reportInfo.ExecutionStatusInfo != null) 
            msg.AppendFormat("{0}Execution Status Info: {1}", Environment.NewLine, reportInfo.ExecutionStatusInfo); 
         if (reportInfo.FilmSessionLabel != null) 
            msg.AppendFormat("{0}Film Session Label: {1}", Environment.NewLine, reportInfo.FilmSessionLabel); 
         if (reportInfo.PrinterName != null) 
            msg.AppendFormat("{0}Printer Name: {1}", Environment.NewLine, reportInfo.PrinterName); 
      Console.WriteLine($"Print Job Status Report: {msg.ToString()}"); 
void PerformBasicPM() 
   //It's assumed that support for medical communication is already unlocked 
   //Make sure to initialize the DICOM engine, this needs to be done only once  
   //In the whole application 
   //Make sure to initialize the DICOM Communication engine, this needs to be done only once  
   //In the whole application 
   //The DicomPrintSCU is disposable, this is why we are using the "using" keyword 
   using (MyDicomPrintSCU printSCU = new MyDicomPrintSCU(null)) 
         // Establish the Association 
         bool ret = printSCU.Associate("", 7104, "PrintSCP", "PrintSCU", 
                              DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags.BasicGrayscalePmMetaSopClass | 
                              DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags.BasicColorPmMetaSopClass | 
                              DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags.BasicAnnotationBoxSopClass | 
                              DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags.BasicPrintImageOverlayBoxSopClass | 
                              DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags.PresentationLutSopClass | 
                              DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags.PrintJobSopClass | 
         //The method will return false if the association was rejected, 
         //if some other error occurred then an exception will be thrown 
         if (ret == false) 
            DicomPrintScuAssociateRejectInformation associateRejectInfo = printSCU.GetAssociateRejectInformation(); 
            if (associateRejectInfo != null) 
               StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); 
               msg.AppendFormat("Source = {0}, Reason = {1}", associateRejectInfo.Source, associateRejectInfo.Reason); 
         // Display some printer info 
         // Display some printer configuration info 
         // Create a Film Session 
         DicomFilmSessionParameters filmSessionParameters = printSCU.GetDefaultFilmSessionParameters(); 
         filmSessionParameters.NumberOfCopies = 1; 
         //Over here we can set some other film session parameters before creating the film session. 
         //To set these parameters we can access one or more of these properties: 
         printSCU.CreateFilmSession(filmSessionParameters, true); 
         Console.WriteLine($"Film Session SOP Instance UID: {printSCU.GetFilmSessionInstanceUid()}"); 
         // Update the Film Session to specify a "MED" Print Priority 
         filmSessionParameters = printSCU.GetDefaultFilmSessionParameters(); 
         filmSessionParameters.PrintPriority = "MED"; 
         DicomFilmBoxParameters filmBoxParameters = printSCU.GetDefaultFilmBoxParameters(); 
         if (printSCU.IsClassSupported(DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags.BasicAnnotationBoxSopClass)) 
            filmBoxParameters.AnnotationDisplayFormatID = "SomeID"; 
         //Over here we can set some other film box parameters before creating the film box. 
         //To set these parameters we can access one or more of these properties: 
         // Create a Film Box 
         printSCU.CreateFilmBox(filmBoxParameters, null); 
         Console.WriteLine($"Film Box SOP Instance UID: {printSCU.GetFilmBoxInstanceUid()}"); 
         // Create a Presentation LUT 
         if (printSCU.IsClassSupported(DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags.PresentationLutSopClass)) 
            // Make sure that you have a valid presentation state dataset, 
            // otherwise leave this code commented out 
            using (DicomDataSet presentationLUTDataset = new DicomDataSet()) 
               //Load DICOM File 
               presentationLUTDataset.Load(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path + "plut_Pre.dcm", DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None); 
               printSCU.CreatePresentationLUT(presentationLUTDataset, null); 
               string presLUTInstanceUID = printSCU.GetPresentationLutInstanceUid(); 
               if(presLUTInstanceUID != null) 
                  Console.WriteLine($"Pres LUT SOP Instance UID: {presLUTInstanceUID}"); 
                  printSCU.UpdateFilmBox(null, presLUTInstanceUID); 
         using (DicomDataSet imageDataset = new DicomDataSet()) 
            //Load DICOM File 
            imageDataset.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "IMAGE3.dcm"), DicomDataSetLoadFlags.LoadAndClose); 
            // Update the Image Box. Since the Image Display Format of the Film Box was 
            // set to "STANDARD\1,1", then we are supposed to have one Image Box created 
            // by the Print SCP. 
            if (printSCU.GetImageBoxesCount() > 0) 
               Console.WriteLine($"Image Box SOP Instance UID: {printSCU.GetImageBoxInstanceUid(0)}"); 
               DicomImageBoxParameters imageBoxParameters = printSCU.GetDefaultImageBoxParameters(); 
               imageBoxParameters.ImagePosition = 1; 
               //Over here we can set some other image box parameters before updating the image box. 
               //To set these parameters we can access one or more of these properties: 
               // We don't need them any more 
            // Create an overlay box 
            DicomOverlayBoxParameters overlayBoxParameters = printSCU.GetDefaultOverlayBoxParameters(); 
            //Over here we can set some other overlay box parameters before creating the image overlay box. 
            //To set these parameters we can access one or more of these properties: 
            printSCU.CreateOverlayBox(imageDataset, overlayBoxParameters); 
            Console.WriteLine($"Overlay Box SOP Instance UID: {printSCU.GetOverlayBoxInstanceUid()}"); 
         // Update the Annotation Boxes (if there are any)  
         int annotationBoxCount = printSCU.GetAnnotationBoxesCount(); 
         for (int i = 0; i < annotationBoxCount; i++) 
            printSCU.UpdateAnnotationBox(printSCU.GetAnnotationBoxInstanceUid(i), i + 1, "Some Text"); 
         printSCU.FreeAnnotationBoxesInstanceUids(); // We don't need them any more 
         // Print the Film Session (or the Film Box; there is no difference since we 
         // have a single Film Box in the Film Session)  
         // We can also call this 
         // Display some info about the Print Job 
         if (printSCU.IsClassSupported(DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags.PrintJobSopClass)) 
            GetPrintJobInfo(printSCU, printSCU.GetPrintJobInstanceUid()); 
         // Delete the Film Box (anyway, it would be deleted when the Film Session 
         // is deleted)  
         // Delete the Film Session 
         // We can also call printSCU.DeletePresentationLUT and printSCU.DeleteOverlayBox 
         // to Delete the Presentation LUT and the Image Overlay Box  
      catch (DicomException ex) 
         Console.WriteLine(string.Format("An error occurred, code: {0}", ex.Code)); 
         // Release the Association and close the connection 
void GetPrinterInfo(DicomPrintScu printSCU) 
   // Query the Print SCP for the information 
      DicomPrinterInformation printerInfo = printSCU.GetPrinterInformation(null, true); 
      StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); 
      msg.AppendFormat("Printer Status: {0}{2}Printer Status Info: {1}", printerInfo.PrinterStatus, printerInfo.PrinterStatusInfo, Environment.NewLine); 
      //Over here we can also investigate other printer information by accessing the following  
      //properties from the DicomPrinterInformation class: TimeOfLastCalibration, DateOfLastCalibration, 
      //SoftwareVersions, DeviceSerialNumber, ManufacturerModelName , Manufacturer, CreationDate, and CreationTime. 
      Console.WriteLine($"Printer Info: {msg.ToString()}"); 
   catch (DicomException ex) 
      Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Failed to get printer information, Error code: {0}", ex.Code)); 
void GetPrinterConfigInfo(DicomPrintScu printSCU) 
   // Assume that the Association is already established 
      // Query the Print SCP for the printer configuration information 
      DicomDataSet printerConfiguration = printSCU.GetPrinterConfiguration(); 
      // We will display only the Printer Name and Memory Bit Depth 
      // in the first Item 
      DicomElement element = printerConfiguration.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PrinterConfigurationSequence, false); 
      if (element == null) 
      element = printerConfiguration.GetChildElement(element, true); 
      if (element == null) 
      element = printerConfiguration.GetChildElement(element, true); 
      if (element == null) 
      StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); 
      msg.Append("Printer Name: "); 
      DicomElement printerName = printerConfiguration.FindFirstElement(element, DicomTag.PrinterName, true); 
      if (printerName != null) 
         string name = printerConfiguration.GetStringValue(printerName, 0); 
         if (name != null) 
            msg.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", name, Environment.NewLine); 
            msg.AppendFormat("N/A{0}", Environment.NewLine); 
      msg.Append("Memory Bit Depth: "); 
      DicomElement memoryBitDepth = printerConfiguration.FindFirstElement(element, DicomTag.MemoryBitDepth, true); 
      if (memoryBitDepth != null) 
         short[] value = printerConfiguration.GetShortValue(memoryBitDepth, 0, 1); 
         if (value.Length > 0) 
            msg.AppendFormat("{0}", value[0]); 
      Console.WriteLine($"Printer Config Info: {msg.ToString()}"); 
   catch (DicomException ex) 
      Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Failed to get Printer Configuration Info, Error code: {0}", ex.Code)); 
void GetPrintJobInfo(DicomPrintScu printSCU, string printJobInstanceUID) 
   // Query the Print SCP for the Print Job information 
      DicomPrintJobInformation printJobInfo = printSCU.GetPrintJobInformation(printJobInstanceUID, null); 
      StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); 
      msg.AppendFormat("Execution Status: {0}{2}Execution Status Info: {1}", 
      Console.WriteLine($"Print Job Info: {msg.ToString()}"); 
   catch (DicomException ex) 
      Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Failed to get Print Job information, Error code: {0}", ex.Code)); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images"; 

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