public int PerformedOperationsCount { get; }
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSUInteger performedOperationsCount;
property int PerformedOperationsCount {
int get();
The number of Asynchronous Operations that have been completed.
If a DICOM Associate connection does not support Asynchronous Operations, then an Application Entity must wait for the response from one message before sending another. If Asynchronous Operations are supported, multiple messages may be sent without waiting for a response. The number of messages that may be sent is set using SetAsynchronousOperations. InvokedOperationsCount specifies the number of Asynchronous Operations that may be invoked without a response. PerformedOperationsCount specifies the number of operations that have been completed.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
void BuildVerifyAssociate()
//Make sure to initialize the DICOM engine, this needs to be done only once
//In the whole application
using (DicomAssociate associate = new DicomAssociate(true))
//Role Select
associate.AddPresentationContext(1, 0, DicomUidType.VerificationClass);
associate.SetRoleSelect(1, true, DicomRoleSupport.Supported, DicomRoleSupport.Unsupported);
Debug.Assert(associate.IsRoleSelect(1) == true);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetUserRole(1) == DicomRoleSupport.Supported);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetProviderRole(1) == DicomRoleSupport.Unsupported);
//Extended Data
associate.SetExtendedData(1, new byte[] { 55 });
Debug.Assert(associate.GetExtendedDataLength(1) == 1);
byte[] extendedData = associate.GetExtendedData(1);
Debug.Assert(extendedData[0] == 55);
// We can also call GetExtendedDataPtr
//Asynchronous Operations
associate.SetAsynchronousOperations(true, 5, 5);
Debug.Assert(associate.IsAsynchronousOperations == true);
Debug.Assert(associate.InvokedOperationsCount == 5);
Debug.Assert(associate.PerformedOperationsCount == 5);
//User Information
associate.AddUserInformation(4, new byte[] { 88 });
Debug.Assert(associate.UserInformationCount == 1);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetUserInformationType(0) == 4);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetUserInformationDataLength(0) == 1);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetUserInformationDataPtr(0) != null);
byte[] userInformationData = associate.GetUserInformationData(0);
Debug.Assert(userInformationData[0] == 88);
associate.SetUserInformation(0, 3, new byte[] { 56 });
userInformationData = associate.GetUserInformationData(0);
Debug.Assert(userInformationData[0] == 56);