public IntPtr GetExtendedDataPtr(
byte id
IntPtr GetExtendedDataPtr(
byte id
Presentation Context ID of the Presentation Context from which to retrieve the extended data. The ID provides information about both the class type of the data and the Transfer Syntax to use when transferring the data. It also identifies a specific Presentation Context within an Associate.
Pointer to a buffer that contains the extended data for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
To retrieve the length of the extended data associated with a Presentation Context, call GetExtendedDataLength. To set the extended data associated with a Presentation Context, call SetExtendedData.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
void BuildVerifyAssociate()
//Make sure to initialize the DICOM engine, this needs to be done only once
//In the whole application
using (DicomAssociate associate = new DicomAssociate(true))
//Role Select
associate.AddPresentationContext(1, 0, DicomUidType.VerificationClass);
associate.SetRoleSelect(1, true, DicomRoleSupport.Supported, DicomRoleSupport.Unsupported);
Debug.Assert(associate.IsRoleSelect(1) == true);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetUserRole(1) == DicomRoleSupport.Supported);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetProviderRole(1) == DicomRoleSupport.Unsupported);
//Extended Data
associate.SetExtendedData(1, new byte[] { 55 });
Debug.Assert(associate.GetExtendedDataLength(1) == 1);
byte[] extendedData = associate.GetExtendedData(1);
Debug.Assert(extendedData[0] == 55);
// We can also call GetExtendedDataPtr
//Asynchronous Operations
associate.SetAsynchronousOperations(true, 5, 5);
Debug.Assert(associate.IsAsynchronousOperations == true);
Debug.Assert(associate.InvokedOperationsCount == 5);
Debug.Assert(associate.PerformedOperationsCount == 5);
//User Information
associate.AddUserInformation(4, new byte[] { 88 });
Debug.Assert(associate.UserInformationCount == 1);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetUserInformationType(0) == 4);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetUserInformationDataLength(0) == 1);
Debug.Assert(associate.GetUserInformationDataPtr(0) != null);
byte[] userInformationData = associate.GetUserInformationData(0);
Debug.Assert(userInformationData[0] == 88);
associate.SetUserInformation(0, 3, new byte[] { 56 });
userInformationData = associate.GetUserInformationData(0);
Debug.Assert(userInformationData[0] == 56);