
#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTIMGEFX_API L_INT L_GetRgnPerimeterLength (pBitmap, pXForm, puLength, uFlags)

Computes the length of the perimeter of a region.



Pointer to the bitmap handle.


Pointer to an RGNXFORM structure that LEADTOOLS uses to translate between display coordinates and bitmap coordinates.

If you specify NULL in this parameter, the scalar fields default to 1, the offsets default to 0, and the view perspective defaults to the bitmap's view perspective.

L_SIZE_T *puLength

Address of a variable to be updated with the perimeter length of the region. The length is expressed in pixels.

L_UINT32 uFlags

Reserved for future use. Must be 0.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


This function works only on bitmaps having a region. If a bitmap does not have a region the function returns the error: Not Initialized.

To update a status bar or detect a user interrupt during execution of this function, refer to L_SetStatusCallback.

This function supports 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images is available in the Document and Medical Imaging toolkits.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




L_INT GetRgnPerimeterLengthExample(L_VOID) 
   L_INT nRet; 
   BITMAPHANDLE LeadBitmap;   /* Bitmap handle for the image */ 
   RECT   rcRect;  
   L_SIZE_T   uPerimeter;  
   /* Load a bitmap at its own bits per pixel */ 
   nRet = L_LoadBitmap (MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("ImageProcessingDemo\\Image3.cmp")), &LeadBitmap, sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE), 0, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL);  
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   rcRect.top = LeadBitmap.Height/3;  
   rcRect.bottom = LeadBitmap.Height*2/3;  
   rcRect.left = LeadBitmap.Width/3;  
   rcRect.right = LeadBitmap.Width*2/3;  
   nRet = L_SetBitmapRgnEllipse (&LeadBitmap, NULL, &rcRect, L_RGN_SET);  
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_GetRgnPerimeterLength(&LeadBitmap, NULL, &uPerimeter, 0); 
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   //free bitmap  
   return SUCCESS; 
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