Version Changes: 22 to 23
The following members have been added:
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None |
The following members have been removed:
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None |
Version Changes: 21 to 22
The following members have been added:
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None |
The following members have been removed:
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None |
Version Changes: 20 to 21
The following members have been added:
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None |
The following members have been removed:
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None |
Version Changes: 19 to 20
The following members have been added:
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None |
The following members have been removed:
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None |
Version Changes: 18 to 19
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.AppendBoxes1(Stream,List< 0>) |
Appends multiple boxes to a JPEG 2000 data stream. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.AppendBoxes1(string,List< 0>) |
Appends multiple boxes to a JPEG 2000 file. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.AppendFrames(RasterCodecs,Stream,CompositeJpxImages,int,int) | Appends new frames to a currently existing JPEG 2000 stream. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.AppendFrames(RasterCodecs,string,CompositeJpxImages,int,int) | Appends new frames to a currently existing JPEG 2000 file. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFrames(string,string,List<int>) | Extracts the specified frames from the input file, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFramesMemory(Stream,List<int>) | Extracts the specified frames from the input stream, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file in a byte array. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFramesMemory(string,List<int>) | Extracts the specified frames from the input file, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file in a byte array. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFramesNativeMemory(Stream,List<int>) | Extracts the specified frames from the input stream, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file in a Leadtools.RasterNativeBuffer object. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFramesNativeMemory(string,List<int>) | Extracts the specified frames from the input file, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file in a Leadtools.RasterNativeBuffer object. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.FragmentJpxFile(string,string,UuidUrl,Fragment) | Fragments the specified code streams within a JPEG 2000 part 2 (JPX) file. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.LoadImage | Occurs during the JPEG 2000 file loading process to provide functionality for manually handling the output image data or monitoring the progress status. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ReadFrames(RasterCodecs,Stream,List<int>,int,CodecsLoadByteOrder) | Loads the specified frame images (i.e. CompositeJpxImages.ColorImage, CompositeJpxImages.OpacityImage, and CompositeJpxImages.PreOpacityImage) from the specified JPEG 2000 stream using the specified options. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ReadFrames(RasterCodecs,string,List<int>,int,CodecsLoadByteOrder) | Loads the specified frame images (i.e. CompositeJpxImages.ColorImage, CompositeJpxImages.OpacityImage, and CompositeJpxImages.PreOpacityImage) from the specified JPEG 2000 file using the specified options. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.SaveComposite(RasterCodecs,Stream,CompositeJpxImages,Jpeg2000FileFormat,int,int) | Saves a CompositeJpxImages list to a stream in any of the supported JPEG 2000 file formats. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.SaveComposite(RasterCodecs,string,CompositeJpxImages,Jpeg2000FileFormat,int,int) | Saves a CompositeJpxImages list to a file in any of the supported JPEG 2000 file formats. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.SaveImage | Occurs during the JPEG 2000 file saving process to provide functionality for manually handling the output image data or monitoring the progress status. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.SetBoxes1(Jpeg2000FileFormat,List< 0>) |
Sets a list of boxes for the JPEG 2000 engine. |
The following members have been removed:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.AppendBoxes<T>(Stream,List<T>) | Appends multiple boxes to a JPEG 2000 data stream. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.AppendBoxes<T>(String,List<T>) | Appends multiple boxes to a JPEG 2000 file. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.AppendFrames(RasterCodecs,Stream,CompositeJpxImages},int,int) | Appends new frames to a currently existing JPEG 2000 stream. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.AppendFrames(RasterCodecs,string,CompositeJpxImages},int,int) | Appends new frames to a currently existing JPEG 2000 file. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFrames(string,string,Int32}) | Extracts the specified frames from the input file, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFramesMemory(Stream,Int32}) | Extracts the specified frames from the input stream, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file in a byte array. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFramesMemory(string,Int32}) | Extracts the specified frames from the input file, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file in a byte array. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFramesNativeMemory(Stream,Int32}) | Extracts the specified frames from the input stream, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file in a Leadtools.RasterNativeBuffer object. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ExtractFramesNativeMemory(string,Int32}) | Extracts the specified frames from the input file, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file in a Leadtools.RasterNativeBuffer object. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.FragmentJpxFile(string,string,UuidUrl},Fragment}) | Fragments the specified code streams within a JPEG 2000 part 2 (JPX) file. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.LoadImage | Occurs during the JPEG 2000 file loading process to provide functionality for manually handling the output image data or monitoring the progress status. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ReadFrames(RasterCodecs,Stream,Int32},int,CodecsLoadByteOrder) | Loads the specified frame images (i.e. Leadtools.Jpeg2000.CompositeJpxImages.ColorImage, Leadtools.Jpeg2000.CompositeJpxImages.OpacityImage, and Leadtools.Jpeg2000.CompositeJpxImages.PreOpacityImage) from the specified JPEG 2000 stream using the specified options. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.ReadFrames(RasterCodecs,string,Int32},int,CodecsLoadByteOrder) | Loads the specified frame images (i.e. Leadtools.Jpeg2000.CompositeJpxImages.ColorImage, Leadtools.Jpeg2000.CompositeJpxImages.OpacityImage, and Leadtools.Jpeg2000.CompositeJpxImages.PreOpacityImage) from the specified JPEG 2000 file using the specified options. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.SaveComposite(RasterCodecs,Stream,CompositeJpxImages},Jpeg2000FileFormat,int,int) | Saves a Leadtools.Jpeg2000.CompositeJpxImages list to a stream in any of the supported JPEG 2000 file formats. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.SaveComposite(RasterCodecs,string,CompositeJpxImages},Jpeg2000FileFormat,int,int) | Saves a Leadtools.Jpeg2000.CompositeJpxImages list to a file in any of the supported JPEG 2000 file formats. This method is available in the Leadtools.Topics.RasterProDocMed Toolkits. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.SaveImage | Occurs during the JPEG 2000 file saving process to provide functionality for manually handling the output image data or monitoring the progress status. |
Leadtools.Jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Engine.SetBoxes1(Jpeg2000FileFormat,List{ 0}) |
Sets a list of boxes for the JPEG 2000 engine. |
The following members have been added to the existing types:
Member | Description |
There are no new members added since last revision. | None |
Version 17.5 has not changed from Version 17. For more information, refer to New in 17.5.
Version 16.5 has not changed from Version 16. For more information, refer to New in 16.5.
Version 16 has not changed from Version 15