On September 20, 2022, it was announced that the business agreement between LEAD Technologies Inc and GrapeCity Corporation will terminate. The announcement highlighted LEAD's history and depth within the Japanese marketplace, as well as the success of LEADTOOLS in the developer community. With the end of this business agreement, GrapeCity will no longer sell LEADTOOLS products.
LEAD is pleased to announce that based on a new agreement with ComponentSource, a sales operation will be launched in the ComponentSource Tokyo office for the Japanese version of LEADTOOLS products as of November 1st, 2022. ComponentSource will sell both the Japanese and English versions of LEADTOOLS on behalf of LEAD as the only distributor in Japan. Under previous arrangements, only past versions of LEADTOOLS were made available in the Japanese marketplace. We are thrilled that under this new agreement, we are now able to deliver the latest versions of LEADTOOLS to Japanese developers.
LEAD has been doing business with ComponentSource for more than 25 years both in Japan and globally overseas. LEAD will continue to leverage the successful partnership with ComponentSource so that customers can use LEAD's products with confidence in Japan.
Welcome LEADTOOLS Customers from Japan!
We are pleased to begin working more directly with you and thank you for being a valued LEADTOOLS customer. It is through our customer relationships and feedback that you provide that we are able to keep our development tools on the cutting edge. Afterall, we are here to help you build better applications!
New to LEADTOOLS? Interested in Version 22?
If you are new to LEADTOOLS or interested in upgrading to our latest version
you may download here:
Within the installer, you are able to download the Japanese or English
version of LEADTOOLS 22. If you have any questions at all during your
evaluation, our support and sales teams are readily available to assist you.
How to Order LEADTOOLS Development and Deployment Licenses
You can always purchase licenses directly through us! You can order a V22 Development License anytime through our online store. You can also order development licenses and deployment licenses by contacting sales@leadtools.com.
Alternatively, we welcome you to order through ComponentSource Japan. Through ComponentSource, you are able to have a local representative with whom we work very closely with. If you are interested in ordering through ComponentSource, please contact sales@componentsource.co.jp.
2022年9月20日、LEAD Technologies Incとグレープシティ株式会社との間の業務委託契約が終了することが発表されました。この発表では、LEADの日本市場における歴史と深さ、そして開発者コミュニティにおけるLEADTOOLSの成功が強調されました。この業務提携の終了に伴い、グレープシティはLEADTOOLS製品の販売を終了します。
インストーラー内で、LEADTOOLS 22の日本語版または英語版をダウンロードすることが可能です。 評価中に何かご不明な点がございましたら、弊社のサポートおよびセールスチームがお手伝いさせていただきます。
ライセンスはいつでも弊社から直接ご購入いただけます。V22開発ライセンスは、当社のオンラインストアからいつでも注文できます。また、sales@leadtools.com までご連絡いただければ、開発ライセンスとデプロイメント・ライセンスを注文することができます。
また、ComponentSourceを通してのご注文もお待ちしております。ComponentSourceを通じて、私たちと緊密に連携している現地担当者が対応いたします。ComponentSourceを通じてのご注文をご希望の方は、sales@componentsource.co.jp までご連絡ください。