
The COLORRESDLGPARAMS structure provides information used to initialize the dialog box created by the LDialogColor::DoModalColorRes function. After the user closes the dialog box, this structure is updated with information about the user's selections.


typedef struct _COLORRESDLGPARAMS 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmap; 
   L_BOOL bZoomToFit; 
   L_INT nBitsPerPixel; 
   L_UINT32 uColorResFlags; 
   HPALETTE hpalCustom; 
   L_UINT32 uDlgFlags; 
   L_UINT32 uDlgFlagsEx; 
   LTCOMMDLGHELPCB pfnHelpCallback; 
   L_VOID  *pHelpCallBackUserData; 



Size of this structure, in bytes. Use the sizeof operator to calculate this value.




Flag that indicates the initial zoom level for previewing the image. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Set the initial zoom level to "Zoom to fit".
FALSE Set the initial zoom level to "Normal (1:1)".


A variable to be updated with the bits per pixel value entered in the dialog. Set this to indicate the initial value for the dialog.


A variable to be updated with the color resolution flags entered through the dialog. Setting this before calling the function has no effect. This will be one of the following:

Value Meaning
CRF_FIXEDPALETTE [0x01] Use the fixed palette.
CRF_OPTIMIZEDPALETTE [0x02] Create an optimized palette. Or, if you supply a palette in the pPalette or hPalette parameter, but not both, supply optimized colors for specified entries in the palette.
CRF_NETSCAPEPALETTE [0x40] Use the fixed palette that is employed by Netscape Navigator and by Microsoft Internet Explorer.
CRF_USERHPALETTE [0x0100] Use the palette specified in the hPalette parameter.
CRF_IDENTITYPALETTE [0x08] Insert the Windows system palette.
CRF_BYTEORDERBGR [0x04] Use BGR color order. This flag only has meaning when going to 16 bits per pixel or higher.
CRF_BYTEORDERRGB [0x00] Use RGB color. This flag only has meaning when going to 16 bits per pixel or higher.
CRF_NODITHERING [0x00000000] Use nearest color matching.
CRF_FLOYDSTEINDITHERING [0x00010000] Use Floyd-Steinberg dithering.
CRF_STUCKIDITHERING [0x00020000] Use Stucki dithering.
CRF_BURKESDITHERING [0x00030000] Use Burkes dithering.
CRF_SIERRADITHERING [0x00040000] Use Sierra dithering.
CRF_STEVENSONARCEDITHERING [0x00050000] Use Stevenson Arce dithering.
CRF_JARVISDITHERING [0x00060000] Use Jarvis dithering.
CRF_ORDEREDDITHERING [0x00070000] Use ordered dithering, which is faster but less accurate than other dithering methods.
CRF_CLUSTEREDDITHERING [0x00080000] Use clustered dithering.


A handle to a palette to be updated with a custom palette entered through the dialog. This member is valid only when CRF_USERHPALETTE is set in uColorResFlags.


User interface flags for this dialog, which determine the layout and action of the dialog. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_CONTEXTHELP [0x00000002] dialog should contain a context sensitive help icon.
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_ORDER [0x00000010] show the color order in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_OPENPALFILE [0x00000020] show the open palette button used to load LEAD palette files. LEAD palette files are created using the LDialogColor::DoModalCustomizePalette function.


User interface flags for this dialog, which determine the options available in the dialog. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_1BIT [0x00000001] 1-bit is an option in the dialog.
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_2BIT [0x00000002] 2-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_3BIT [0x00000004] 3-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_4BIT [0x00000008] 4-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_5BIT [0x00000010] 5-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_6BIT [0x00000020] 6-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_7BIT [0x00000040] 7-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_8BIT [0x00000080] 8-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_12BIT [0x00000100] 12-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_16BIT [0x00000200] 16-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_24BIT [0x00000400] 24-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_32BIT [0x00000800] 32-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_48BIT [0x00001000] 48-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_64BIT [0x00002000] 64-bit is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_BITALL [0x00003FFF] 1-bit to 64-bit are all options in the dialog.
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_NONE [0x00004000] no dithering is an option in the dialog.
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_FLOYD [0x00008000] Floyd dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_STUCKI [0x00010000] stucki dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_BURKES [0x00020000] burkes dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_SIERRA [0x00040000] sierra dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_STEVENSON [0x00080000] stevenson dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_JARVIS [0x00100000] jarvis dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_CLUSTER [0x00200000] clustered dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_ORDERED [0x00400000] ordered dithering is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_DITHER_ALL [0x007FC000] all dithering methods are options in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_FIXED [0x00800000] fixed palette is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_OPTIMIZED [0x01000000] optimized palette is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_IDENTITY [0x02000000] identity palette is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_NETSCAPE [0x04000000] netscape palette is an option in the dialog
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_SVGA [0x08000000] SVGA palette is an option
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_UNIFORM [0x10000000] Uniform palette is an option
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_MSIE [0x20000000] MSIE palette is an option
DLG_COLORRES_SHOW_PAL_ALL [0x3F800000] all palette options are included in the dialog






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