
#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTIMGCOR_API L_INT L_TextBlurDetector(pBitmap, pNonBlurredBlocks, NonBlurredBlocksCount, pBlurredBlocks, BlurredBlocksCount, CombinedTextBlocks)

Divides an image it into many blocks, and determines whether each block's background in focus or out of focus.



Pointer to the bitmap handle referencing the bitmap to be divided.

L_RECT** pNonBlurredBlocks

Pointer to array of in focus blocks after applying text blur detector.

L_INT* NonBlurredBlocksCount

Pointer to L_INT to be updated with the number of in focus blocks after applying text blur detector.

L_RECT** pBlurredBlocks

Pointer to array of out of focus blocks after applying text blur detector.

L_INT* BlurredBlocksCount

Pointer to L_INT to be updated with the number of out of focus blocks after applying text blur detector.

L_RECT* CombinedTextBlocks

The boundary of text area in the image, that's isn't a background.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


This function supports 8, 12, 16-bit grayscale images and 24, 32-bit colored images.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64, Linux.


This example loads a bitmap and applies text blur detector.

L_INT TextBlurDetectorExample(L_VOID) 
    L_INT nRet; 
    BITMAPHANDLE LeadBitmap;   /* Bitmap handle to hold the loaded image. */ 
    /* Load the bitmap, keeping the bits per pixel of the file */ 
    nRet = L_LoadBitmap (MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("Barcode.jpg")), &LeadBitmap, sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE), 0, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL); 
    if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
        return nRet; 
    /* Apply text blur detector */ 
    L_RECT* pInFocusBlocks      = NULL; 
    L_INT InFocusBlocksCount    = 0; 
    L_RECT* pOutOfFocusBlocks   = NULL; 
    L_INT OutOfFocusBlocksCount = 0; 
    L_RECT CombinedTextBlocks   = {0}; 
    nRet = L_TextBlurDetector(&LeadBitmap, &pInFocusBlocks, &InFocusBlocksCount, &pOutOfFocusBlocks, &OutOfFocusBlocksCount, &CombinedTextBlocks); 
    L_TextBlurFree(pInFocusBlocks, pOutOfFocusBlocks); 
    //free bitmap  
    return nRet; 

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