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typedef struct _DOCWRTMOBIOPTIONS 
   L_VOID * pReserved; 

The DOCWRTMOBIOPTIONS structure provides information about a Mobi Pocket eBook format (MOB).



Options structure containing options for MOB format.


Reserved for future use. Pass 0.


pDOCWRTMOBIOPTIONS is a pointer to DOCWRTMOBIOPTIONS structure. Generally, where a function parameter type is pDOCWRTMOBIOPTIONS, you can declare a DOCWRTMOBIOPTIONS variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pDOCWRTMOBIOPTIONS variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.

MOBI is an e-Book file format for e-book readers such as the Kindle and mobile phones. The MOBI format is based on the PalmDOC format, extended by adding certain HTML-like tags to the data. It can load multipage files. For more information, refer to

The MOBI format supports the MobiPocket Reader.

The LEADTOOLS Document Writers support creating MOBI documents. The following features are supported:

The uStructSize at Options structure should be set to the size of DOCWRTMOBIOPTIONS, Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.

The structure is used by:

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