
#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTANN_API L_INT L_AnnGetAutoBackColor(hObject, uObjectType, pcrBack)

Gets the background color of one or more annotation objects.



Handle to the annotation object.

L_UINT uObjectType

Type of object for which to get the background color. For a list of possible values, refer to Types of Annotations.


Pointer to a COLORREF variable to be updated with the background color of the specified object type.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Please note the following:

If uObjectType is The background color retrieved is
ANNOBJECT_NOTE or ANNOBJECT_PUSHPIN the background color used for Note objects and push pin objects created by the automation object.
ANNOBJECT_HILITE the background color used for Hilite objects created by the automation object.
ANNOBJECT_REDACT the background color used for Redact objects created by the automation object.
Any other object such as ANNOBJECT_TEXT, ANNOBJECT_RECT, etc. the background color used for all other objects, created by the automation object, which have a background color property.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




This example rotates the colors through all of the object types.

L_INT AnnGetAutoBackColorExample(HANNOBJECT hAutomation) 
   L_INT nRet; 
   COLORREF crColor1, crColor2; 
   nRet = L_AnnGetAutoBackColor(hAutomation, ANNOBJECT_NOTE, &crColor2); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_AnnGetAutoBackColor(hAutomation, ANNOBJECT_HILITE, &crColor1); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_AnnSetAutoBackColor(hAutomation, ANNOBJECT_NOTE, crColor1); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_AnnGetAutoBackColor(hAutomation, ANNOBJECT_REDACT, &crColor1); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_AnnSetAutoBackColor(hAutomation, ANNOBJECT_HILITE, crColor1); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_AnnGetAutoBackColor(hAutomation, ANNOBJECT_TEXT, &crColor1); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_AnnSetAutoBackColor(hAutomation, ANNOBJECT_REDACT, crColor1); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_AnnSetAutoBackColor(hAutomation, ANNOBJECT_TEXT, crColor2); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   return SUCCESS; 

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