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RasterDialogStringsId Enumeration

Indicates the dialog string ID.
public enum RasterDialogStringsId 
public enum class RasterDialogStringsId : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable   
Value Member Description
0 OpenOk String ID for the Open dialog "Open" string.
1 OpenCancel String ID for the Open dialog "Cancel" string.
2 OpenHelp String ID for the Open dialog "Help" string.
3 OpenPreviewNotAvailable String ID for the Open dialog "Preview not available" string.
4 OpenFileInfoToolTip String ID for the Open dialog "File Info" string.
5 OpenPreviewSelectedFileToolTip String ID for the Open dialog "Preview Selected File" string.
6 OpenPreviewPage String ID for the Open dialog "Page:" string.
7 OpenDeletePage String ID for the Open dialog "Delete" string.
8 OpenLookin String ID for the Open dialog "Look in" string.
9 OpenFileName String ID for the Open dialog "File name:" string.
10 OpenFilesoftype String ID for the Open dialog "Files of type:" string.
11 OpenShowOptionsonOpen String ID for the Open dialog "Show Options dialog on open" string.
12 OpenDeletePageMessageBody String ID for the Open dialog "Delete page d?" string.
13 OpenDeletePageMessageTitle String ID for the Open dialog "Delete Page" string.
14 OpenErrorDeletingMessageBody String ID for the Open dialog "Error Deleting Page!" string.
15 OpenFileInfoErrorMessageBody String ID for the Open dialog "Error {0}: Information not available for\n {1}" string.
16 OpenFileInfoErrorMessageTitle String ID for the Open dialog "FileInfo Error" string.
17 FileInformationCaption String ID for the File Information dialog "File Information" caption string.
18 FileInformationItem String ID for the File Information dialog "Item:" string.
19 FileInformationValue String ID for the File Information dialog "Value:" string.
20 FileInformationFormat String ID for the File Information dialog "Format" string.
21 FileInformationName String ID for the File Information dialog "Name" string.
22 FileInformationWidth String ID for the File Information dialog "Width" string.
23 FileInformationHeight String ID for the File Information dialog "Height" string.
24 FileInformationBitsPerPixel String ID for the File Information dialog "Bits per pixel" string.
25 FileInformationSizeOnDisk String ID for the File Information dialog "Size on disk" string.
26 FileInformationSizeInMemory String ID for the File Information dialog "Size in memory" string.
27 FileInformationCompression String ID for the File Information dialog "Compression" string.
28 FileInformationPage String ID for the File Information dialog "Page" string.
29 FileInformationArtist String ID for the File Information dialog "Artist" string.
30 FileInformationCopyright String ID for the File Information dialog "Copyright" string.
31 FileInformationDateTime String ID for the File Information dialog "Date/Time" string.
32 FileInformationDescription String ID for the File Information dialog "Description" string.
33 FileInformationHostComputer String ID for the File Information dialog "Host Computer" string.
34 FileInformationMake String ID for the File Information dialog "Make" string.
35 FileInformationTitle String ID for the File Information dialog "Title" string.
36 FileInformationModel String ID for the File Information dialog "Model" string.
37 FileInformationMisc String ID for the File Information dialog "Misc" string.
38 FileInformationNameofDocument String ID for the File Information dialog "Name of Document" string.
39 FileInformationNameofPage String ID for the File Information dialog "Name of Page" string.
40 FileInformationSoftware String ID for the File Information dialog "Software" string.
41 FileInformationXResolutionDPI String ID for the File Information dialog "XResolution (DPI)" string.
42 FileInformationYResolutionDPI String ID for the File Information dialog "YResolution (DPI)" string.
43 FileInformationWarning String ID for the File Information dialog "Warning" string.
44 FileInformationDisclaimer String ID for the File Information dialog "Disclaimer" string.
45 FileInformationClose String ID for the File Information dialog "Close" string.
46 FileInformationHelp String ID for the File Information dialog "Help" string.
47 LoadOptionsCaption String ID for the Load Options dialog "Caption" string.
48 LoadOptionsOk String ID for the Load Options dialog "OK" string.
49 LoadOptionsCancel String ID for the Load Options dialog "Cancel" string.
50 LoadOptionsHelp String ID for the Load Options dialog "Help" string.
51 LoadOptionsFullPath String ID for the Load Options dialog "Full Path" string.
52 LoadOptionsGeneral String ID for the Load Options dialog "General" string.
53 LoadOptionsGeneralProressivePasses String ID for the Load Options dialog "Progressive Passes:" string.
54 LoadOptionsGeneralPassesAll String ID for the Load Options dialog "All" string.
55 LoadOptionsGeneralPassesMeaningfulOnly String ID for the Load Options dialog "MeaningfulOnly" string.
56 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses1 String ID for the Load Options dialog "1" string.
57 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses2 String ID for the Load Options dialog "2" string.
58 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses3 String ID for the Load Options dialog "3" string.
59 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses4 String ID for the Load Options dialog "4" string.
60 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses5 String ID for the Load Options dialog "5" string.
61 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses6 String ID for the Load Options dialog "6" string.
62 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses7 String ID for the Load Options dialog "7" string.
63 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses8 String ID for the Load Options dialog "8" string.
64 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses9 String ID for the Load Options dialog "9" string.
65 LoadOptionsGeneralPasses10 String ID for the Load Options dialog "10" string.
66 LoadOptionsGeneralLoadRotated String ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Rotated" string.
67 LoadOptionsGeneralLoadCompressed String ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Compressed" string.
68 LoadOptionsGeneralPageNo String ID for the Load Options dialog "Page No.:" string.
69 LoadOptionsResolution String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution" string.
70 LoadOptionsRasterDpi String ID for the Load Options dialog "DPI:" string.
71 LoadOptionsRasterResolution String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution:" string.
72 LoadOptionsRasterWidth String ID for the Load Options dialog "Width:" string.
73 LoadOptionsRasterHeight String ID for the Load Options dialog "Height:" string.
74 LoadOptionsRasterNoResolutions String ID for the Load Options dialog "No Resolutions Available" string.
75 LoadOptionsNotImageFormatFile String ID for the Load Options dialog "Not Image Format File" string.
76 LoadOptionsNoOptions String ID for the Load Options dialog "No Options" string.
77 LoadOptionsPdf String ID for the Load Options dialog "Pdf" string.
78 LoadOptionsPdfResolutionDpi String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution ( Dpi )" string.
79 LoadOptionsPdfHorizontal String ID for the Load Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
80 LoadOptionsPdfVertical String ID for the Load Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
81 LoadOptionsPdfDisplayDepth String ID for the Load Options dialog "Display Depth ( Bpp ):" string.
82 LoadOptionsPdfGraphicsAlpha String ID for the Load Options dialog "Graphics Alpha ( Bits ):" string.
83 LoadOptionsPdfTextAlpha String ID for the Load Options dialog "Text Alpha ( Bits ):" string.
84 SaveOk String ID for the Save dialog "Save" string.
85 SaveCancel String ID for the Save dialog "Cancel" string.
86 SaveHelp String ID for the Save dialog "Help" string.
87 SaveLookin String ID for the Save dialog "Look in" string.
88 SaveFileName String ID for the Save dialog "File name:" string.
89 SaveFilesoftype String ID for the Save dialog "Files of type:" string.
90 SaveSubType String ID for the Save dialog "Sub Type:" string.
91 SaveBPP String ID for the Save dialog "BPP:" string.
92 SaveOptions String ID for the Save dialog "Options..." string.
93 SaveQualityFactor String ID for the Save dialog "QualityFactor:" string.
94 SaveQualityFactorPerfectQuality1 String ID for the Save dialog "Perfect quality 1" string.
95 SaveQualityFactorPerfectQuality2 String ID for the Save dialog "Perfect quality 2" string.
96 SaveQualityFactorSuperQuality String ID for the Save dialog "Quality far more important than size" string.
97 SaveQualityFactorQuality String ID for the Save dialog "Quality more important than size" string.
98 SaveQualityFactorQualityAndSize String ID for the Save dialog "Quality and size equally important" string.
99 SaveQualityFactorSharp String ID for the Save dialog "Size more important than quality (sharp)" string.
100 SaveQualityFactorLessTiling String ID for the Save dialog "Size more important than quality (less tiling)" string.
101 SaveQualityFactorMaximumQuality String ID for the Save dialog "Maximum compression keeping quality" string.
102 SaveQualityFactorMaximumCompression String ID for the Save dialog "Maximum compression" string.
103 SaveQualityFactorCustom String ID for the Save dialog "Custom" string.
116 SaveMultipageUpdateErrorMessageBody String ID for the Save dialog "{0} already exists. Do you want to update it?" string.
117 SaveMultipageOverwriteErrorMessageBody String ID for the Save dialog "{0} already exists. Do you want to replace it?" string.
118 FileSaveOptionsCaption String ID for the File Save Options dialog "File Save Options" string.
119 FileSaveOptionsOk String ID for the File Save Options dialog "OK" string.
120 FileSaveOptionsCancel String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Cancel" string.
121 FileSaveOptionsHelp String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Help" string.
122 FileSaveOptionsCompression String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Compression" string.
123 FileSaveOptionsGeneral String ID for the File Save Options dialog "General" string.
124 FileSaveOptionsMultipage String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Multipage" string.
125 FileSaveOptionsStampOptions String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Stamp Options" string.
126 FileSaveOptionsStampBpp String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Bits Per Pixel:" string.
127 FileSaveOptionsCompressionControl String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Control:" string.
128 FileSaveOptionsCompressionRatio String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Ratio:" string.
129 FileSaveOptionsProgressingOrder String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Progressing Order:" string.
130 FileSaveOptionsTargetSize String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Target Size:" string.
131 FileSaveOptionsOperation String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Operation:" string.
132 FileSaveOptionsPageNo String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Page No.:" string.
133 FileSaveOptionsProgOptions String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Progressive Options:" string.
134 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactor String ID for the File Save Options dialog "QualityFactor:" string.
135 FileSaveOptionsStampHeight String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Height:" string.
136 FileSaveOptionsStampWidth String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Width:" string.
137 FileSaveOptionsStampSave String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Save" string.
138 FileSaveOptionsJ2kAdvanced String ID for the File Save Options dialog "J2k Options..." string.
139 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorPerfectQuality1 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Perfect quality 1" string.
140 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorPerfectQuality2 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Perfect quality 2" string.
141 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorSuperQuality String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality far more important than size" string.
142 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorQuality String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality more important than size" string.
143 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorQualityAndSize String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality and size equally important" string.
144 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorSharp String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Size more important than quality (sharp)" string.
145 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorLessTiling String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Size more important than quality (less tiling)" string.
146 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorMaximumQuality String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Maximum compression keeping quality" string.
147 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorMaximumCompression String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Maximum compression" string.
148 FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorCustom String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Custom" string.
149 FileSaveOptionsOverwrite String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Overwrite" string.
150 FileSaveOptionsAppend String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Append" string.
151 FileSaveOptionsReplace String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Replace" string.
152 FileSaveOptionsInsert String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Insert" string.
153 FileSaveOptionsProgMeaningful String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Meaningful Only" string.
154 FileSaveOptionsProgAll String ID for the File Save Options dialog "All" string.
155 FileSaveOptionsProg1 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "1" string.
156 FileSaveOptionsProg2 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "2" string.
157 FileSaveOptionsProg3 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "3" string.
158 FileSaveOptionsProg4 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "4" string.
159 FileSaveOptionsProg5 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "5" string.
160 FileSaveOptionsProg6 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "6" string.
161 FileSaveOptionsProg7 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "7" string.
162 FileSaveOptionsProg8 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "8" string.
163 FileSaveOptionsProg9 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "9" string.
164 FileSaveOptionsProg10 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "10" string.
165 FileSaveOptionsJ2kLossless String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Lossless" string.
166 FileSaveOptionsJ2kCompRatio String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Compression Ratio" string.
167 FileSaveOptionsJ2kTargetSize String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Target File Size" string.
168 FileSaveOptionsJ2kQualityFactor String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality Factor" string.
169 FileSaveOptionsJ2kQuality String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality-axis" string.
170 FileSaveOptionsJ2kResolution1 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Resolution-axis 1" string.
171 FileSaveOptionsJ2kResolution2 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Resolution-axis 2" string.
172 FileSaveOptionsJ2kColor String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Color-axis" string.
173 FileSaveOptionsJ2kPosition String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Position-axis" string.
174 J2kAdvanceOptionsCaption String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Jpeg 2000 Options" string.
175 J2kAdvanceOptionsOk String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "OK" string.
176 J2kAdvanceOptionsCancel String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Cancel" string.
177 J2kAdvanceOptionsHelp String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Help" string.
178 J2kAdvanceOptionsOffset String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Offset" string.
179 J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetHorizontal String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
180 J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetVertical String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
181 J2kAdvanceOptionsFileSize String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Tile Size" string.
182 J2kAdvanceOptionsFileWidth String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Width:" string.
183 J2kAdvanceOptionsFileHeight String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Height:" string.
184 J2kAdvanceOptionsFileOffset String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Tile Offset" string.
185 J2kAdvanceOptionsFileHorizontal String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
186 J2kAdvanceOptionsFileVertical String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
187 J2kAdvanceOptionsGeneralSettings String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "General Settings" string.
188 J2kAdvanceOptionsUseColorTransform String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Color Transform" string.
189 J2kAdvanceOptionsUseDerivedQuantization String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Derived Quantization" string.
190 J2kAdvanceOptionsDecompressLevel String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Decompress Level" string.
191 J2kAdvanceOptionsGuardBits String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Guard Bits:" string.
192 J2kAdvanceOptionsMarkers String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Markers" string.
193 J2kAdvanceOptionsUseSopMarker String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Sop Marker" string.
194 J2kAdvanceOptionsUseEphMarker String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Eph Marker" string.
195 J2kAdvanceOptionsDerivedBase String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Derived Base" string.
196 J2kAdvanceOptionsMantissa String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Mantissa" string.
197 J2kAdvanceOptionsExponent String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Exponent" string.
198 J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlock String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Code Block" string.
199 J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockWidth String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Width" string.
200 J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockHeight String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Height" string.
201 J2kAdvanceOptionsSelectiveAcBypass String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Selective AC bypass" string.
202 J2kAdvanceOptionsResetContext String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Reset Context On Boundaries" string.
203 J2kAdvanceOptionsTermination String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Termination On Each Pass" string.
204 J2kAdvanceOptionsVerticallyCausal String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertically Causal Context" string.
205 J2kAdvanceOptionsPredictableTermination String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Predictable Termination" string.
206 J2kAdvanceOptionsErrorResilience String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Error Resiliences Symbol" string.
207 J2kAdvanceOptionsDefaultOptions String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Default Options" string.
208 J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannel String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Alpha Channel" string.
209 J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelLossless String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Lossless" string.
210 J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelActiveBits String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Active Bits:" string.
211 FileInformationFormatUnknown String ID for the File Information dialog "Unknown(or Raw Data)." string.
212 FileInformationFormatPcx String ID for the File Information dialog "ZSoft Pcx." string.
213 FileInformationFormatGif String ID for the File Information dialog "Gif." string.
214 FileInformationFormatTif String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)." string.
215 FileInformationFormatTga String ID for the File Information dialog "Truevision Tga(Targa)." string.
216 FileInformationFormatCmp String ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Compressed(Cmp)." string.
217 FileInformationFormatBmp String ID for the File Information dialog "Bitmap(BMP)." string.
218 FileInformationFormatJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)." string.
219 FileInformationFormatTifJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format." string.
220 FileInformationFormatOs2 String ID for the File Information dialog "OS/2 Bitmap(OS/2 BMP)." string.
221 FileInformationFormatWmf String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Metafile(WMF)." string.
222 FileInformationFormatEps String ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster(Encapsulated PostScript)." string.
223 FileInformationFormatTifLzw String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff with Lzw Compression." string.
224 FileInformationFormatJpeg411 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(4:1:1)." string.
225 FileInformationFormatTifJpeg411 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format(4:1:1)." string.
226 FileInformationFormatJpeg422 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(4:2:2)." string.
227 FileInformationFormatTifJpeg422 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format(4:2:2)." string.
228 FileInformationFormatCcitt String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt." string.
229 FileInformationFormatLead1Bit String ID for the File Information dialog "Lead1Bit LEAD 1-bit." string.
230 FileInformationFormatCcittGroup31Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string.
231 FileInformationFormatCcittGroup32Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 3(2 Dimensional)." string.
232 FileInformationFormatCcittGroup4 String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 4." string.
233 FileInformationFormatCals String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 1)." string.
234 FileInformationFormatMac String ID for the File Information dialog "MacPaint(MAC)." string.
235 FileInformationFormatImg String ID for the File Information dialog "Gem Image(IMG)." string.
236 FileInformationFormatMsp String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Paint(MSP)." string.
237 FileInformationFormatWpg String ID for the File Information dialog "WordPerfect(WPG)." string.
238 FileInformationFormatRas String ID for the File Information dialog "Sun Raster(Ras)." string.
239 FileInformationFormatFli String ID for the File Information dialog "Flic Animation(FLI)." string.
240 FileInformationFormatEpsTiff String ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster Tiff(Encapsulated PostScript Tiff)." string.
241 FileInformationFormatEpsWmf String ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster WMF( Encapsulated PostScript WMF)." string.
242 FileInformationFormatFaxG31Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string.
243 FileInformationFormatFaxG32Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 3(2 dimensional)." string.
244 FileInformationFormatFaxG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 4." string.
245 FileInformationFormatWfxG31Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "WinFax Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string.
246 FileInformationFormatWfxG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "WinFax Group 4." string.
247 FileInformationFormatIcaG31Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(1 Dimensional)." string.
248 FileInformationFormatIcaG32Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(2 Dimensional)." string.
249 FileInformationFormatIcaG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 4)." string.
250 FileInformationFormatOs22 String ID for the File Information dialog "OS/2 Bitmap(OS/2 BMP)." string.
251 FileInformationFormatPng String ID for the File Information dialog "Png(Portable Network Graphics)." string.
252 FileInformationFormatPsd String ID for the File Information dialog "Photoshop 3.0(Psd)." string.
253 FileInformationFormatRawIcaG31Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 3 1Dimensional)." string.
254 FileInformationFormatRawIcaG32Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 3 2Dimensional)." string.
255 FileInformationFormatRawIcaG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 4)." string.
256 FileInformationFormatBmpRle String ID for the File Information dialog "Bitmap(BMP)(With Rle)." string.
257 FileInformationFormatTifCmyk String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Cmyk(With Cmyk compression)." string.
258 FileInformationFormatTifLzwCmyk String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Lzw(Cmyk)." string.
259 FileInformationFormatTifPackBits String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits." string.
260 FileInformationFormatTifPackBitsCmyk String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits(Cmyk)." string.
261 FileInformationFormatWinIco String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Icon(ICO)." string.
262 FileInformationFormatWinCur String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Cursor(CUR)" string.
263 FileInformationFormatTifYcc String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff YCC." string.
264 FileInformationFormatTifLzwYcc String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Lzw YCC." string.
265 FileInformationFormatTifPackbitsYcc String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits(YCC)." string.
266 FileInformationFormatExif String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif." string.
267 FileInformationFormatExifYcc String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(YCC)." string.
268 FileInformationFormatExifJpeg422 String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg 4:2:2)." string.
269 FileInformationFormatExifJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg)." string.
270 FileInformationFormatExifJpeg411 String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg 4:1:1)." string.
271 FileInformationFormatPbmAscii String ID for the File Information dialog "Pbm Ascii." string.
272 FileInformationFormatPbmBinary String ID for the File Information dialog "Pbm Binary." string.
273 FileInformationFormatPgmAscii String ID for the File Information dialog "Pgm Ascii." string.
274 FileInformationFormatPgmBinary String ID for the File Information dialog "Pgm Binary." string.
275 FileInformationFormatPpmAscii String ID for the File Information dialog "Ppm Ascii." string.
276 FileInformationFormatPpmBinary String ID for the File Information dialog "Ppm Binary." string.
277 FileInformationFormatCut String ID for the File Information dialog "Dr.Halo." string.
278 FileInformationFormatXpm String ID for the File Information dialog "Xpm Window PixMap." string.
279 FileInformationFormatXbm String ID for the File Information dialog "Xbm." string.
280 FileInformationFormatIffIlbm String ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Ilbm)." string.
281 FileInformationFormatIffCat String ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Cat)." string.
282 FileInformationFormatXwd String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd)." string.
283 FileInformationFormatClp String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Windows Clipboard(Clp)" string.
284 FileInformationFormatJbig String ID for the File Information dialog "Jbig Jbig(JBG)." string.
285 FileInformationFormatEmf String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Enhanced Metafile(EMF)" string.
286 FileInformationFormatIcaIbmMmr String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Mmr Compressed)." string.
287 FileInformationFormatRawIcaIbmMmr String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Raw Mmr Compressed)." string.
288 FileInformationFormatAni String ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Animated Cursor(ANI)." string.
289 FileInformationFormatLaserData String ID for the File Information dialog "Unsupported." string.
290 FileInformationFormatIntergraphRle String ID for the File Information dialog "IntergraphRle(Itg)(Rle compressed)." string.
291 FileInformationFormatCals4 String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 4)." string.
292 FileInformationFormatCals2 String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 2)." string.
293 FileInformationFormatCals3 String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 3)." string.
294 FileInformationFormatXwd10 String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd 10)." string.
295 FileInformationFormatXwd11 String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd 11)." string.
296 FileInformationFormatFlc String ID for the File Information dialog "Flic Animation(Flc)." string.
297 FileInformationFormatTifCmp String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with LEAD Cmp compression)." string.
298 FileInformationFormatTifJbig String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with Jbig compression)." string.
299 FileInformationFormatTifDxf String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with embedded DXF)." string.
300 FileInformationFormatTifUnknown String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Unknown image data)." string.
301 FileInformationFormatSgi String ID for the File Information dialog "Silicon Graphics Image Format(Sgi)." string.
302 FileInformationFormatSgiRle String ID for the File Information dialog "Silicon Graphics Image Format(Sgi)(Rle)." string.
303 FileInformationFormatRasPdf String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)." string.
304 FileInformationFormatRasPdfG31Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 3 1-Dimensional)." string.
305 FileInformationFormatRasPdfG32Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 3 2-Dimensional)." string.
306 FileInformationFormatRasPdfG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 4l)." string.
307 FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg)." string.
308 FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg422 String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg 4:2:2)." string.
309 FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg411 String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg 4:1:1)." string.
310 FileInformationFormatRaw String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data." string.
311 FileInformationFormatTifCustom String ID for the File Information dialog "Unsupported." string.
312 FileInformationFormatRawRgb String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data." string.
313 FileInformationFormatRawRle4 String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Rle 4-bit)." string.
314 FileInformationFormatRawRle8 String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Rle 8-bit)." string.
315 FileInformationFormatRawBitfields String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(BitField compressed)." string.
316 FileInformationFormatRawPackBits String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Packbits compressed)." string.
317 FileInformationFormatRawJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Jpeg compressed)." string.
318 FileInformationFormatFaxG31DimNoEol String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Group 3 1 Dimensional - with no EOL)." string.
319 FileInformationFormatRawCcitt String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Ccitt compressed)." string.
320 FileInformationFormatJp2 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jp2 - Lossy or Lossless." string.
321 FileInformationFormatJ2k String ID for the File Information dialog "J2k - Lossy or Lossless." string.
322 FileInformationFormatCmw String ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Cmw." string.
323 FileInformationFormatTifJ2k String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(Jpeg 2000)." string.
324 FileInformationFormatTifCmw String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(LEAD Cmw)." string.
325 FileInformationFormatMrc String ID for the File Information dialog "Mrc format" string.
326 FileInformationFormatLeadMrc String ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Mrc format" string.
327 FileInformationFormatTifMrc String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Mrc format" string.
328 FileInformationFormatTifLeadMrc String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff LEAD Mrc format" string.
329 FileInformationFormatWbmp String ID for the File Information dialog "Wireless Bitmap Format(Wbmp)." string.
330 FileInformationFormatJpegLab444 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab)." string.
331 FileInformationFormatJpegLab411 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab 4:1:1)." string.
332 FileInformationFormatJpegLab422 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab 4:2:2)." string.
333 FileInformationFormatGeoTiff String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(GeoTiff)." string.
334 FileInformationFormatTifLead1Bit String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(With LEAD 1-bit compression)." string.
335 FileInformationFormatPtoca String ID for the File Information dialog "Ptoca Format(Ptoca)." string.
336 FileInformationFormatSct String ID for the File Information dialog "Scitex Continuous Tone Format(Sct)." string.
337 FileInformationFormatAfp String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp)." string.
338 FileInformationFormatIcaUncompressed String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(uncompressed)." string.
339 FileInformationFormatRawIcaUncompressed String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(raw uncompressed)." string.
340 FileInformationFormatSmp String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)." string.
341 FileInformationFormatSmpG31Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 3 1-Dimensional)." string.
342 FileInformationFormatSmpG32Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 3 2-Dimensional)." string.
343 FileInformationFormatSmpG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 4)." string.
344 FileInformationFormatTgaRle String ID for the File Information dialog "Truevision Tga(Targa)(Rle)." string.
345 FileInformationFormatRasRle String ID for the File Information dialog "Sun Raster Format(Ras)." string.
346 FileInformationFormatClpRle String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Windows Clipboard(Clp)(Rle compressed)." string.
347 FileInformationFormatFit String ID for the File Information dialog "Fits Format(Fit)." string.
348 FileInformationFormatCin String ID for the File Information dialog "Cineon Format(Cin)." string.
349 FileInformationFormatEpsPostscript String ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster(Encapsulated PostScript)." string.
350 FileInformationFormatIntergraphCcittG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "IntergraphRle(Itg)(Ccitt Group 4 compressed)." string.
351 FileInformationFormatSff String ID for the File Information dialog "Structured Fax File Format(Sff)." string.
352 FileInformationFormatIffIlbmUncompressed String ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Ilbm uncompressed)." string.
353 FileInformationFormatIffCatUncompressed String ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Cat uncompressed)." string.
354 FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG31Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group3 1 Dimensional." string.
355 FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG32Dim String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group3 2 Dimensional." string.
356 FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group4." string.
357 FileInformationFormatAfpIcaUncompressed String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Uncompressed." string.
358 FileInformationFormatAfpIcaIbmMmr String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Mmr Compressed." string.
359 FileInformationFormatJpeg8 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
360 FileInformationFormatTifJpeg8 String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
361 FileInformationFormatLosslessJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "Lossless Jpeg" string.
362 FileInformationFormatLosslessTifJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "Lossless TIF Jpeg" string.
363 FileInformationFormatJbig2 String ID for the File Information dialog "JBIG 2" string.
364 FileInformationFormatGeoTif String ID for the File Information dialog "GEO TIFF2" string.
365 FileSaveOptionsJbig2 String ID for the File Save Options dialog "JBIG2 Options..." string.
366 Jbig2OptionsCaption String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "JBIG2 Options" string.
367 Jbig2OptionsTemplate String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Template" string.
368 Jbig2OptionsThreeLines16Pixel String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 16 pixel" string.
369 Jbig2OptionsThreeLines13Pixel String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 14 pixel" string.
370 Jbig2OptionsThreeLines10Pixel String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 10 pixel" string.
371 Jbig2OptionsTwoLines10Pixel String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "2 lines 10 pixel" string.
372 Jbig2OptionsGbat1 String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1" string.
373 Jbig2OptionsGbat1X String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1X" string.
374 Jbig2OptionsGbat1Y String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1Y" string.
375 Jbig2OptionsGbat2 String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2" string.
376 Jbig2OptionsGbat2X String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2X" string.
377 Jbig2OptionsGbat2Y String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2Y" string.
378 Jbig2OptionsGbat3 String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3" string.
379 Jbig2OptionsGbat3X String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3X" string.
380 Jbig2OptionsGbat3Y String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3Y" string.
381 Jbig2OptionsGbat4 String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4" string.
382 Jbig2OptionsGbat4X String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4X" string.
383 Jbig2OptionsGbat4Y String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4Y" string.
384 Jbig2OptionsTypicalPrediction String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Typlical prediction" string.
385 Jbig2OptionsQFactor String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Q Factor" string.
386 Jbig2OptionsSetting String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Settings" string.
387 Jbig2OptionsSettingImage String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Image" string.
388 Jbig2OptionsSettingText String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Text" string.
389 Jbig2OptionsTextSymbol String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Text symbol" string.
390 Jbig2OptionsSymbolMin String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum" string.
391 Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinWidth String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum width" string.
392 Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinHeight String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum height" string.
393 Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinArea String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum area" string.
394 Jbig2OptionsSymbolMax String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum" string.
395 Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxWidth String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum width" string.
396 Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxHeight String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum height" string.
397 Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxArea String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum area" string.
398 Jbig2OptionsDictionarySymbol String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Dictionary symbol" string.
399 Jbig2OptionsKeepAll String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Keep all" string.
400 Jbig2OptionsRemoveUnrepeated String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Remove Unrepeated" string.
401 Jbig2OptionsDifferenceThreshold String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Difference Threshold" string.
402 Jbig2OptionsResolution String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Resolution" string.
403 Jbig2OptionsResolutionX String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "X Resolution" string.
404 Jbig2OptionsResolutionY String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Y Resolution" string.
405 Jbig2OptionsEnableDictionary String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Enable dictionary" string.
406 Jbig2OptionsOk String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "OK" string.
407 Jbig2OptionsCancel String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Cancel" string.
408 Jbig2OptionsHelp String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Help" string.
409 FileInformationFormatHdp String ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto(hdp)." string.
410 FileInformationFormatHdpGray String ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto Gray(hdp)." string.
411 FileInformationFormatHdpCmyk String ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto Cmyk(hdp)." string.
412 FileInformationFormatPngIco String ID for the File Information dialog "Vista Png Icon(ico)." string.
413 FileInformationFormatSid No longer supported.
414 FileInformationFormatWmz String ID for the File Information dialog "Compressed Windows Metafile(wmz)." string.
415 FileInformationFormatKdc String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc)." string.
416 FileInformationFormatCrw String ID for the File Information dialog "Canon RAW Format(crw)." string.
417 FileInformationFormatDcr String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Professional Digital Camera Format(dcr)." string.
418 FileInformationFormatRtfRaster String ID for the File Information dialog "Rich Text Format(rtf)." string.
419 FileInformationFormatTxt String ID for the File Information dialog "ASCII Text format(txt)." string.
420 FileInformationFormatFpx String ID for the File Information dialog "FlashPix(fpx)." string.
421 FileInformationFormatFpxJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "FlashPix(fpx)." string.
422 FileInformationFormatPct String ID for the File Information dialog "Macintosh Pict Format(pct)." string.
423 FileInformationFormatAwd No longer supported.
425 FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG31D String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G31D)." string.
426 FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG32D String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G32D)." string.
427 FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G4)." string.
428 FileInformationFormatTifxJbig String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(JBIG)." string.
429 FileInformationFormatDcs String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Professional Digital Camera System Format(dcs)." string.
430 FileInformationFormatDjvu (Deprecated) String ID for the File Information dialog "DjVu Format(djvu)." string.
431 FileInformationFormatKdc120 String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 120)." string.
432 FileInformationFormatKdc40 String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 40)." string.
433 FileInformationFormatKdc50 String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 50)." string.
434 FileInformationFormatPcd String ID for the File Information dialog "PhotoCD(pcd)." string.
435 FileInformationTifZip String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-ZIP" string.
436 FileInformationXps String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document (xps)" string.
437 LoadOptionsXps String ID for the Load Options dialog "Xps" string.
438 LoadOptionsXpsResolutionDpi String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution (Dpi)" string.
439 LoadOptionsXpsHorizontal String ID for the Load Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
440 LoadOptionsXpsVertical String ID for the Load Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
441 FileInformationFormatJpx String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG 2000 part-2 (JPX)." string.
442 FileInformationFormatMng String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics" string.
443 FileInformationXpsJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string.
444 FileInformationXpsJpeg411 String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string.
445 FileInformationXpsJpeg422 String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string.
446 FileInformationFormatMngGray String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Gray)" string.
447 FileInformationFormatMngJng String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng)" string.
448 FileInformationFormatMngJng411 String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng 411)" string.
449 FileInformationFormatMngJng422 String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng 422)" string.
450 FileInformationFormatTifxJbigT43 String ID for the File Information dialog "Internet Fax Jbig T43" string.
451 FileInformationFormatIcaAbic String ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA files Abic compression" string.
452 FileSaveOptionsPdfDefault String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "Default" string.
453 FileSaveOptionsPdfA String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF\A" string.
454 FileSaveOptionsPdfProfiles String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF Profiles:" string.
455 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSize String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Precinct Size:" string.
456 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeFull String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Full" string.
457 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform64 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 64" string.
458 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform128 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 128" string.
459 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform256 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 256" string.
460 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform512 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 512" string.
461 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform1024 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 1024" string.
462 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform2048 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 2048" string.
463 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne64 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 64" string.
464 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne128 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 128" string.
465 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne256 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 256" string.
466 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne512 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 512" string.
467 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo64 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 64" string.
468 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo128 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 128" string.
469 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo256 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 256" string.
470 J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo512 String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 512" string.
471 FileInformationFormatDicomRleGray String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM RLE Grayscale" string.
472 FileInformationFormatDicomRleColor String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM RLE Color" string.
473 FileInformationFormatDicomJpegGray String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpeg Grayscale" string.
474 FileInformationFormatDicomJpegColor String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpeg Color" string.
475 FileInformationFormatDicomGray String ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom Grayscale" string.
476 FileInformationFormatDicomColor String ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom Color" string.
477 FileInformationFormatDicomJ2kGray String ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom J2k Grayscale" string.
478 FileInformationFormatDicomJ2kColor String ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom J2k Color" string.
479 FileSaveOptionsPdf14 String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.4" string.
480 FileSaveOptionsPdf15 String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.5" string.
481 FileInformationFormatTdb String ID for the File Information dialog "Thumbs db" string.
482 FileInformationFormatTdbVista String ID for the File Information dialog "Thumbs db Vista" string.
483 FileInformationFormatSnp String ID for the File Information dialog "MS Access Report Snapshots" string.
484 FileInformationFormatAfpIm1 String ID for the File Information dialog "IM1-AFP Advanced Function Presentation" string.
485 FileInformationFormatJpeg12 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
486 FileInformationFormatTifJpeg12 String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
487 FileInformationFormatXls String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office Excel Workbook" string.
488 LoadOptionsXls String ID for the Load Options dialog "Xls" string for XLS tab.
489 LoadOptionsXlsMultiPageSheet String ID for the Load Options dialog "Multi Page Sheet" string for XLS tab.
490 LoadOptionsXlsShowHiddenSheet String ID for the Load Options dialog "Show Hidden Sheet" string for XLS tab.
491 FileInformationOriginalPageSize String ID for the File Information dialog "Original page size:" string.
492 FileInformationDocumentUnitPixel String ID for the File Information dialog "pixels" string.
493 FileInformationDocumentUnitInch String ID for the File Information dialog "inches" string.
494 FileInformationDocumentUnitMillimeter String ID for the File Information dialog "millimeters" string.
495 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocument String ID for the Load Options dialog "Rasterize Document" string.
496 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentPageWidth String ID for the Load Options dialog "Page width:" string.
497 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentPageHeight String ID for the Load Options dialog "Page height:" string.
498 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentLeftMargin String ID for the Load Options dialog "Left margin:" string.
499 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentTopMargin String ID for the Load Options dialog "Top margin:" string.
500 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentRightMargin String ID for the Load Options dialog "Right margin:" string.
501 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentBottomMargin String ID for the Load Options dialog "Bottom margin:" string.
502 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnit String ID for the Load Options dialog "Unit:" string.
503 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitPixel String ID for the Load Options dialog "Pixel" string.
504 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitInch String ID for the Load Options dialog "Inch" string.
505 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitMillimeter String ID for the Load Options dialog "Millimeter" string.
506 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentResolution String ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution:" string.
507 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode String ID for the Load Options dialog "Size mode:" string.
508 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeNone String ID for the Load Options dialog "None" string.
509 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFit String ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit" string.
510 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitAlways String ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit Always" string.
511 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitWidth String ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit Width" string.
512 LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeStretch String ID for the Load Options dialog "Stretch" string.
513 J2kAdvancedOptionsROICaption String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog caption.
514 J2kAdvancedOptionsROIOK String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog OK button.
515 J2kAdvancedOptionsROICancel String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Cancel button.
516 J2kAdvancedOptionsROIHelp String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Help button.
517 J2kAdvancedOptionsROIEnable String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Enable checkbox.
518 J2kAdvancedOptionsROIContorl String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog label.
519 J2kAdvancedOptionsROIWeight String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog weight label.
520 J2kAdvancedOptionsROILeft String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog left label.
521 J2kAdvancedOptionsROITop String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog top label.
522 J2kAdvancedOptionsROIRight String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog right label.
523 J2kAdvancedOptionsROIBottom String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog bottom label.
524 J2kAdvancedOptionsControlRegion String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog control combobox region item.
525 J2kAdvancedOptionsControlRectangle String ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog control combobox rectangle item.
526 FileInformationFormatDoc String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2003 Word Document" string.
527 FileInformationFormatPpt String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2003 PowerPoint Presentation" string.
528 FileInformationFormatAnz String ID for the File Information dialog "Mayo Clinic Analyze 7.5" string.
529 FileInformationFormatVff String ID for the File Information dialog "SUN TCCA Visualization File Format" string.
530 FileInformationFormatJpm String ID for the File Information dialog "JPM (jpm)" string.
531 FileInformationFormatDocx String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office Word Document 2007/2010" string.
532 FileInformationFormatXlsx String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML Workbook" string.
533 FileInformationFormatPptx String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2007/2010 PowerPoint Presentation" string.
534 FileSaveOptionsPdf16 String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.6" string.
535 LoadOptionsVff String ID for the File Information dialog "Vff" string.
536 LoadOptionsVffView String ID for the File Information dialog "VFF View:" string.
537 LoadOptionsVffViewUpToDown String ID for the File Information dialog "Up To Down" string.
538 LoadOptionsVffViewDownToUp String ID for the File Information dialog "Down To Up" string.
539 LoadOptionsVffViewLeftToRight String ID for the File Information dialog "Left To Right" string.
540 LoadOptionsVffViewRightToLeft String ID for the File Information dialog "Right To Left" string.
541 LoadOptionsVffViewFrontToRear String ID for the File Information dialog "Front To Rear" string.
542 LoadOptionsVffViewRearToFront String ID for the File Information dialog "Rear To Front" string.
543 LoadOptionsAnz String ID for the File Information dialog "Anz" string.
544 LoadOptionsAnzView String ID for the File Information dialog "ANZ View:" string.
545 LoadOptionsAnzViewTransverse String ID for the File Information dialog "Transverse" string.
546 LoadOptionsAnzViewSagittal String ID for the File Information dialog "Sagittal" string.
547 LoadOptionsAnzViewCoronal String ID for the File Information dialog "Coronal" string.
548 FileSaveOptionsPdf13 String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.3" string.
549 FileInformationFormatJxr String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range YUV 4:4:4" string.
550 FileInformationFormatJxrGray String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range Gray" string.
551 FileInformationFormatJxrCmyk String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range Cmyk" string.
552 FileInformationFormatJxr420 String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range YUV 4:2:0" string.
553 FileInformationFormatJxr422 String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range YUV 4:2:2" string.
554 FileInformationFormatJls String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG LS" string.
555 FileInformationFormatJpegRgb String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG RGB" string.
556 FileInformationFormatPostscript String ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript" string.
557 FileInformationFormatJlsLine String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG LS LINE" string.
558 FileInformationFormatJlsSample String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG LS SAMPLE" string.
559 FileInformationFormatDcfArw String ID for the File Information dialog "SONY" string.
560 FileInformationFormatDcfNef String ID for the File Information dialog "NIKON" string.
561 FileInformationFormatDcfCr2 String ID for the File Information dialog "CANON" string.
562 FileInformationFormatDcfRaf String ID for the File Information dialog "FUIJFILM" string.
563 FileInformationFormatDcfOrf String ID for the File Information dialog "OLYMPUS" string.
564 FileInformationFormatDcfPentax String ID for the File Information dialog "PENTAX" string.
565 FileInformationFormatDcfRw2 String ID for the File Information dialog "PANASONIC" string.
566 FileInformationFormatDcfCasio String ID for the File Information dialog "CASIO" string.
567 FileInformationFormatJxr1 String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range Black and White" string.
568 FileInformationFormatTifJbig2 String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with Jbig2 compression)" string.
569 FileInformationFormatTifAbic String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with Abic compression)" string.
571 FileInformationFormatPub String ID for the File Information dialog "Electronic Publication (ePub)" string.
572 FileInformationFormatHtm String ID for the File Information dialog "HyperText Markup Language (HTML)" string.
573 FileInformationFormatMob String ID for the File Information dialog "Mobipocket (MOBI)" string.
574 FileInformationFormatIng String ID for the File Information dialog "INGR - Intergraph Raster File Format" string.
575 FileInformationFormatIngRle String ID for the File Information dialog "INGR - Intergraph Raster File Format RLE" string.
576 FileInformationFormatIngAdRle String ID for the File Information dialog "INGR - Intergraph Raster File Format Adaptive RLE" string.
577 FileInformationFormatIngG4 String ID for the File Information dialog "INGR - Intergraph Raster File Format CCITT4" string.
578 FileInformationFormatIcaJpeg String ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA Image Object Content Architecture- IBM- JPEG" string.
579 FileInformationFormatIcaJpeg411 String ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA Image Object Content Architecture- IBM- JPEG 4:1:1" string.
580 FileInformationFormatIcaJpeg422 String ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA Image Object Content Architecture- IBM- JPEG 4:2:2" string.
581 FileInformationFormatMif String ID for the File Information dialog "MapInfo Interchange File" string.
582 FileInformationFormatE00 String ID for the File Information dialog "ArcInfo Interchange File" string.
583 FileInformationFormatDrw String ID for the File Information dialog "Micrografx Draw" string.
584 FileInformationFormatDwg String ID for the File Information dialog "AutoDesk Drawing" string.
585 FileInformationFormatSvg String ID for the File Information dialog "Scalable Vector Graphics" string.
586 FileInformationFormatDwf String ID for the File Information dialog "AutoDesk Vector Format" string.
587 FileInformationFormatDwfx String ID for the File Information dialog "Autodesk DWF XPS Document" string.
588 FileInformationFormatDxf String ID for the File Information dialog "AutoDesk Drawing Interchange Format" string.
589 FileInformationFormatDxf13 String ID for the File Information dialog "AutoDesk Drawing Interchange Format version 13" string.
590 FileInformationFormatPcl String ID for the File Information dialog "HPGL plotter file vector graphics PCL" string.
591 FileInformationFormatPclXl String ID for the File Information dialog "Printer Command Language 6/XL" string.
592 FileInformationFormatShp String ID for the File Information dialog "ESRI Shape (Environmental Systems Research Institute" string.
593 FileInformationFormatNap String ID for the File Information dialog "NAP format" string.
594 FileInformationFormatCgm String ID for the File Information dialog "Computer Graphics Metafile" string.
595 FileInformationFormatCmx String ID for the File Information dialog "Corel Clipart" string.
596 FileInformationFormatGerber String ID for the File Information dialog "Gerber Vector" string.
597 FileInformationFormatIntergraphVector String ID for the File Information dialog "Intergraph Vector" string.
598 FileInformationVectorParallelogramMinimum String ID for the File Information dialog "Vector Parallelogram Minimum" string.
599 FileInformationVectorParallelogramMaximum String ID for the File Information dialog "Vector Parallelogram Maximum" string.
600 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnit String ID for the File Information dialog "Vector Parallelogram Unit" string.
601 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitInches String ID for the File Information dialog "Inches" string.
602 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitFeet String ID for the File Information dialog "Feet" string.
603 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitYards String ID for the File Information dialog "Yards" string.
604 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitMiles String ID for the File Information dialog "Miles" string.
605 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitMicrometers String ID for the File Information dialog "Micrometers" string.
606 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitMilimeters String ID for the File Information dialog "Milimeters" string.
607 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitCentimeters String ID for the File Information dialog "Centimeters" string.
608 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitMeters String ID for the File Information dialog "Meters" string.
609 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitKilometers String ID for the File Information dialog "Kilometers" string.
610 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitTwips String ID for the File Information dialog "Twips" string.
611 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitPoints String ID for the File Information dialog "Points" string.
612 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitPixels String ID for the File Information dialog "Pixels" string.
613 FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitDummy String ID for the File Information dialog "Dummy" string.
614 LoadOptionsVector String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Vector" string.
615 LoadOptionsVectorWidth String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Width" string.
616 LoadOptionsVectorHeight String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Height" string.
617 LoadOptionsVectorMode String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Mode" string.
618 LoadOptionsVectorBitsPerPixel String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Bits Per Pixel" string.
619 LoadOptionsVectorForceBackgroundColor String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Force Background Color" string.
620 LoadOptionsVectorViewModeUseBest String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Use Best" string.
621 LoadOptionsVectorViewModeUseHeight String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Use Height" string.
622 LoadOptionsVectorViewModeUseWidth String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Use Width" string.
623 LoadOptionsVectorViewModeUseWidthAndHeight String ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Use Width and Height" string.
624 FileSaveOptionsPdf17 String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.7" string.
625 FileInformationFormatDcfDng String ID for the File Information dialog "Adobe DNG" string.
626 FileInformationFormatDicomJpegLsGray String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM JPEG-LS Grayscale" string.
627 FileInformationFormatDicomJpegLsColor String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM JPEG-LS Color" string.
628 FileInformationFormatDicomJpxGray String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpx Grayscale" string.
629 FileInformationFormatDicomJpxColor String ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpx Color" string.
630 FileInformationFormatPst String ID for the File Information dialog "Outlook Personal Storage(PST)" string.
631 FileInformationFormatMsg String ID for the File Information dialog "Outlook Message Format(MSG)" string.
632 FileInformationFormatEml String ID for the File Information dialog "Internet Email Message Format(EML/MHT)" string.
633 LoadOptionsGeneralLoadMultithreaded String ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Multithreaded" string.
634 FileInformationFormatJpegCmyk444 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Cmyk 444" string.
635 FileInformationFormatJpegCmyk422 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Cmyk 422" string.
636 FileInformationFormatJpegCmyk411 String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Cmyk 411" string.
637 FileInformationFormatTifJpegCmyk444 String ID for the File Information dialog "Tif Jpeg Cmyk 444" string.
638 FileInformationFormatTifJpegCmyk422 String ID for the File Information dialog "Tif Jpeg Cmyk 422" string.
639 FileInformationFormatTifJpegCmyk411 String ID for the File Information dialog "Tif Jpeg Cmyk 411" string.
640 FileSaveOptionsHuffmanTableStatic String ID for the File Save Options "Huffman Table Static" string.
641 FileSaveOptionsHuffmanTableDynamic String ID for the File Save Options "Huffman Table Dynamic" string.
642 FileOpenFormatAllFiles String ID for the File Open dialog "All Files" string.
643 FileOpenFormatAnimatedCursor String ID for the File Open dialog "Animated Cursor" string.
644 FileOpenFormatClipboard String ID for the File Open dialog "Clipboard" string.
645 FileOpenFormatEnhancedMetafile String ID for the File Open dialog "Enhanced Metafile" string.
646 FileOpenFormatOS2Bmp String ID for the File Open dialog "OS/2 Bitmap" string.
647 FileOpenFormatWindowsBmp String ID for the OS/2 Bitmap "Windows Bitmap" string.
648 FileOpenFormatCursor String ID for the OS/2 Bitmap "Windows Cursor" string.
649 FileOpenFormatIcon String ID for the OS/2 Bitmap "Windows Icon" string.
650 FileSaveSubFormatCmpLead1Bit String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format LEAD CMP "1-bit" string.
651 FileSaveSubFormatCmpNonProgressive String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format LEAD CMP "Non-Progressive" string.
652 FileSaveSubFormatCmpProgressive String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format LEAD CMP "Progressive" string.
653 FileSaveSubFormatJpegYuv444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Yuv 4:4:4" string.
654 FileSaveSubFormatJpegYuv422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Yuv 4:2:2" string.
655 FileSaveSubFormatJpegYuv411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Yuv 4:1:1" string.
656 FileSaveSubFormatJpegProgressive444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Progressive 444" string.
657 FileSaveSubFormatJpegProgressive422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Progressive 422" string.
658 FileSaveSubFormatJpegProgressive411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Progressive 411" string.
659 FileSaveSubFormatJpegLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Lossless" string.
660 FileSaveSubFormatJpegLab444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Lab 4:4:4" string.
661 FileSaveSubFormatJpegLab422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Lab 4:2:2" string.
662 FileSaveSubFormatJpegLab411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Lab 4:1:1" string.
663 FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmyk444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk 4:4:4" string.
664 FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmyk422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk 4:2:2" string.
665 FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmyk411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk 4:1:1" string.
666 FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmykProgressive444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk Progrssive 4:4:4" string.
667 FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmykProgressive422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk Progrssive 4:2:2" string.
668 FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmykProgressive411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk Progrssive 4:1:1" string.
669 FileSaveSubFormatJpegYuv400 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Yuv 4:0:0" string.
670 FileSaveSubFormatJpegProgressiveYuv400 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Progressive Yuv 4:0:0" string.
671 FileSaveSubFormatCalsType1 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Cals Type 1" string.
672 FileSaveSubFormatCalsType2 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Cals Type 2" " string.
673 FileSaveSubFormatCalsType3 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Cals Type 3" " string.
674 FileSaveSubFormatCalsType4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Cals Type 4" " string.
675 FileSaveSubFormatClpUncompressed String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format CLP "Uncompressed" string.
676 FileSaveSubFormatClpRleCompressed String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format CLP "Rle Compressed" string.
677 FileSaveSubFormatDicomUncompressed String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Compressed" string.
678 FileSaveSubFormatDicomUncompressedColor String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Uncompressed Color" string.
679 FileSaveSubFormatDicomRleGrayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Rle Grayscale" string.
680 FileSaveSubFormatDicomRleColor String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Rle Color" string.
681 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpegGrayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg Grayscale" string.
682 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpeg2000 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg 2000" string.
683 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpeg2000 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg 2000" string.
684 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpeg2000Part2 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg 2000 Part 2" string.
685 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpeg2000Part2 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg 2000 Part 2" string.
686 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJPEGLS String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless JPEG-LS" string.
687 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJPEGLS String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy JPEG-LS" string.
688 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpegGrayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg Grayscale" string.
689 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpeg2000Grayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg 2000 Grayscale" string.
690 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpeg2000Grayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg 2000 Grayscale" string.
691 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpeg2000Part2Grayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg 2000 Part 2 Grayscale" string.
692 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpeg2000Part2Grayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg 2000 Part 2 Grayscale" string.
693 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJPEGLSGrayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless JPEG-LS Grayscale" string.
694 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJPEGLSGrayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy JPEG-LS Grayscale" string.
695 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpegColor String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg Color" string.
696 FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpegColor String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg Color" string.
697 FileSaveSubFormatDicomUncompressedGrayscale String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Uncompressed Grayscale" string.
698 FileSaveSubFormatFaxCcittGroup31Dimension String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FAX "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
699 FileSaveSubFormatFaxCcittGroup32Dimension String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FAX "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
700 FileSaveSubFormatFaxCcittGroup4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FAX "Ccitt Group 4" string.
701 FileSaveSubFormatModcaCcittGroup31Dimension String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
702 FileSaveSubFormatModcaCcittGroup32Dimension String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
703 FileSaveSubFormatModcaCcittGroup4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Ccitt Group 4" string.
704 FileSaveSubFormatModcaIbmMmr String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Ibm Mmr" string.
705 FileSaveSubFormatModcaUncompressed String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Uncompressed" string.
706 FileSaveSubFormatModcaAbic String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Abic" string.
707 FileSaveSubFormatModcaJpeg String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Jpeg" string.
708 FileSaveSubFormatModcaJpeg411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Jpeg 4:1:1" string.
709 FileSaveSubFormatModcaJpeg422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Jpeg 4:2:2" string.
710 FileSaveSubFormatMrcLEAD String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "LEAD Mrc" string.
711 FileSaveSubFormatMrc String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Mrc" " string.
712 FileSaveSubFormatItgRleCompressed String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ITG "Rle Compressed" string.
713 FileSaveSubFormatItgCcittGroup4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ITG "Ccitt Group 4" string.
714 FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaG31Dim String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
715 FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaG32Dim String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
716 FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaG4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Ccitt Group 4" string.
717 FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaIbmMmr String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Ibm Mmr" string.
718 FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaUncompressed String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Uncompressed" string.
719 FileSaveSubFormatWfxG31Dim String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format WFX "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
720 FileSaveSubFormatWfxG4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format WFX "Ccitt Group 4" string.
721 FileSaveSubFormatSmpG31Dim String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SMP "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
722 FileSaveSubFormatSmpG32Dim String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SMP "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
723 FileSaveSubFormatSmpG4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SMP "Ccitt Group 4" string.
724 FileSaveSubFormatSmp String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SMP "Uncompressed" string.
725 FileSaveSubFormatExif String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format EXIF "Uncompressed Rgb" string.
726 FileSaveSubFormatExifYcc String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format EXIF "Uncompressed YCbCr" string.
727 FileSaveSubFormatExifJpeg411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format EXIF "Jpeg 4:1:1" string.
728 FileSaveSubFormatExifJpeg422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format EXIF "Jpeg 4:2:2" string.
729 FileSaveSubFormatFpx String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FPX "Uncompressed" string.
730 FileSaveSubFormatFpxSingleColor String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FPX "Single Color" string.
731 FileSaveSubFormatFpxJpeg String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FPX "Jpeg Default qFactor" string.
732 FileSaveSubFormatFpxJpegQFactor String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FPX "Jpeg Specify qFactor" string.
733 FileSaveSubFormatGifInterlaced String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format GIF "Interlaced 89a" string.
734 FileSaveSubFormatGifNonInterlaced String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format GIF "Non-Interlaced 89a" string.
735 FileSaveSubFormatOs2 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format OS2 BMP "Version 1.0" string.
736 FileSaveSubFormatOs22 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format OS2 BMP "Version 2.0" string.
737 FileSaveSubFormatTifCcitt String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Ccitt" string.
738 FileSaveSubFormatTifCcittGroup31Dim String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
739 FileSaveSubFormatTifCcittGroup32Dim String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
740 FileSaveSubFormatTifCcittGroup4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Ccitt Group 4" string.
741 FileSaveSubFormatTifUncompressedRgb String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Uncompressed Rgb" string.
742 FileSaveSubFormatTifPackBitsRleRgb String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits(Rle)Rgb" string.
743 FileSaveSubFormatTifLzwRgb String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lzw Rgb" string.
744 FileSaveSubFormatTifJbig String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jbig" string.
745 FileSaveSubFormatTifJbig2 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jbig2" string.
747 FileSaveSubFormatTifAbic String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Abic" string.
748 FileSaveSubFormatTif String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Uncompressed" string.
749 FileSaveSubFormatTifPackBits String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits (Rle)" string.
750 FileSaveSubFormatTifJpeg String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg (GRAY) YCbCr" string.
751 FileSaveSubFormatTifLosslessJpeg String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lossless Jpeg" string.
752 FileSaveSubFormatTifCmp String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Cmp" string.
753 FileSaveSubFormatTifJ2k String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg 2000 Stream" string.
754 FileSaveSubFormatTifCmw String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Wavelet Cmp" string.
755 FileSaveSubFormatTifLzw String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lzw" string.
756 FileSaveSubFormatTifCmyk String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Uncompressed Cmyk" string.
757 FileSaveSubFormatTifYcc String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Uncompressed YCbCr" string.
758 FileSaveSubFormatTifPackBitsRgb String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits Rgb" string.
759 FileSaveSubFormatTifPackBitsCmyk String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits Cmyk" string.
760 FileSaveSubFormatTifPackbitsYcc String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits YCbCr" string.
761 FileSaveSubFormatTifJpeg444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg YCbCr 4:4:4" string.
762 FileSaveSubFormatTifJpeg422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg YCbCr 4:2:2" string.
763 FileSaveSubFormatTifJpeg411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg YCbCr 4:1:1" string.
764 FileSaveSubFormatTifLzwCmyk String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lzw Cmyk" string.
765 FileSaveSubFormatTTifLzwYcc String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lzw YCbCr" string.
766 FileSaveSubFormatTifCmpProgressive String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Progressive Cmp" string.
767 FileSaveSubFormatTifLeadMrc String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "LEAD Mrc" string.
768 FileSaveSubFormatTifMrc String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Mrc" string.
769 FileSaveSubFormatTifJpegCmyk444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg Cmyk 4:4:4" string.
770 FileSaveSubFormatTifJpegCmyk422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg Cmyk 4:2:2" string.
771 FileSaveSubFormatTifJpegCmyk411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg Cmyk 4:1:1" string.
772 FileSaveSubFormatBmp String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format BMP "Uncompressed" string.
773 FileSaveSubFormatBmpRle String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format BMP "Rle Compressed" string.
774 FileSaveSubFormatPpmAscii String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPM "Ascii" string.
775 FileSaveSubFormatPpmBinary String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPM "Binary" string.
776 FileSaveSubFormatTifxFaxG4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Ccitt G4" string.
777 FileSaveSubFormatTifxFaxG31D String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Ccitt G3 1D" string.
778 FileSaveSubFormatTifxFaxG32D String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Ccitt G3 2D" string.
779 FileSaveSubFormatTifxJbig String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Jbig" string.
780 FileSaveSubFormatTifxJbigT43 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Jbig T43" string.
781 FileSaveSubFormatTifxJbigT43ItuLab String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Jbig T43 ItuLab" string.
782 FileSaveSubFormatTifxJpeg String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Jpeg" string.
783 FileSaveSubFormatPgmAscii String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PGM "Ascii" string.
784 FileSaveSubFormatPgmBinary String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PGM "Binary" string.
785 FileSaveSubFormatPbmAscii String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Ascii" string.
786 FileSaveSubFormatPbmBinary String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Binary" string.
787 FileSaveSubFormatIffIlbmUncompressed String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Cat Uncompressed" string.
788 FileSaveSubFormatIffIlbm String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Cat Rle Compressed" string.
789 FileSaveSubFormatIffCatUncompressed String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Uncompressed" string.
790 FileSaveSubFormatIffCat String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Rle Compressed" string.
791 FileSaveSubFormatSgi String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SGI "Uncompressed" string.
792 FileSaveSubFormatSgiRle String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SGI "Rle Compressed" string.
793 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdf String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Uncompressed" string.
794 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfG31Dim String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
795 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfG32Dim String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
796 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfG4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Ccitt Group 4" string.
797 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfLzw String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Lzw Rgb" string.
798 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJbig2 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jbig2" string.
799 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpegLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Lossless Jpeg" string.
800 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpeg444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jpeg Yuv 4:4:4" string.
801 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpeg422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jpeg Yuv 4:2:2" string.
802 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpeg411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jpeg Yuv 4:1:1" string.
803 FileSaveSubFormatPdfLeadMrc String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PDF "LEAD Mrc" string.
804 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfCmyk String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Uncompressed CMYK" string.
805 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfLzwCmyk String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Lzw CMYK" string.
806 FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpx String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jpeg 2000" string.
807 FileSaveSubFormatJ2k String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format J2K "Jpeg 2000 Stream" string.
808 FileSaveSubFormatJp2 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JP2 "JP2 File" string.
809 FileSaveSubFormatJpx String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPX "JPX File" string.
810 FileSaveSubFormatTgaRle String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TGA "Rle Compressed" string.
811 FileSaveSubFormatTga String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TGA "Uncompressed" string.
812 FileSaveSubFormatRasRle String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS "Rle Compressed" string.
813 FileSaveSubFormatRas String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS "Uncompressed" string.
814 FileSaveSubFormatXwd10 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XWD "Version 10" string.
815 FileSaveSubFormatXwd11 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XWD "Version 11" string.
816 FileSaveSubFormatHdpGray String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format HDP "MS HDPhoto - Gray" string.
817 FileSaveSubFormatHdp String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format HDP "MS HDPhoto - Rgb" string.
818 FileSaveSubFormatHdpCmyk String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format HDP "MS HDPhoto - Cmyk" string.
819 FileSaveSubFormatXps String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Png" string.
820 FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpeg String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Yuv 4:0:0" string.
821 FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpegLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Lossless" string.
822 FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpeg444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Yuv 4:4:4" string.
823 FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpeg422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Yuv 4:2:2" string.
824 FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpeg411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Yuv 4:1:1" string.
825 FileSaveSubFormatMngGray String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "PNG Gray" string.
826 FileSaveSubFormatMng String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "PNG" string.
827 FileSaveSubFormatMngLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG Lossless" string.
828 FileSaveSubFormatMngYUV String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG YUV 4:0:0" string.
829 FileSaveSubFormatMngYUV444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG YUV 4:4:4" string.
830 FileSaveSubFormatMngYUVProgressive444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG Progressive YUV 4:4:4" string.
831 FileSaveSubFormatMngYUV411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG YUV 4:1:1" string.
832 FileSaveSubFormatMngYUVProgressive411 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG Progressive YUV 4:1:1" string.
833 FileSaveSubFormatMngYUV422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG YUV 4:2:2" string.
834 FileSaveSubFormatMngYUVProgressive422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG Progressive YUV 4:2:2" string.
835 FileSaveSubFormatPpt String ID for the String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPT "BMP" string.
836 FileSaveSubFormatPptJpeg String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPT "JPEG" string.
837 FileSaveSubFormatPptPng String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPT "PNG" string.
838 FileSaveSubFormatJxr String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR Black and White" string.
839 FileSaveSubFormatJxrGray String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR Gray" string.
840 FileSaveSubFormatJxrRgb String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR RGB" string.
841 FileSaveSubFormatJxr444 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR YUV 4:4:4" string.
842 FileSaveSubFormatJxr422 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR YUV 4:2:2" string.
843 FileSaveSubFormatJxr420 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR YUV 4:2:0" string.
844 FileSaveSubFormatJxrJxrCmyk String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR Cmyk" string.
845 FileSaveSubFormatJlsLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Lossless" string.
846 FileSaveSubFormatJlsNearLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Near Lossless" string.
847 FileSaveSubFormatJlsNoneLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode None - Lossless" string.
848 FileSaveSubFormatJlsNoneNearLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode None - Near Lossless" string.
849 FileSaveSubFormatJlsModeLineLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode Line - Lossless" string.
850 FileSaveSubFormatJlsModeLineNearLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode Line - Near Lossless" string.
851 FileSaveSubFormatJlsModeSampleLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode Sample - Lossless" string.
852 FileSaveSubFormatJlsModeSampleNearLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode Sample - Near Lossless" string.
853 FileSaveSubFormatIngRle String ID for the String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ING "INGR RLE" string.
854 FileSaveSubFormatIngG4 String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ING "INGR CCITT4" string.
855 FileSaveSubFormatIngAdaptiveRle String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ING "INGR Adaptive RLE" string.
856 FileSaveSubFormatIng String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ING "INGR Uncompressed" string.
857 FileSaveFormatCmp String ID for the File Save dialog "LEAD (*.cmp)" string.
858 FileSaveFormatJpeg String ID for the File Save dialog "Jpeg (*.jpg)" string.
859 FileSaveFormatCmw String ID for the File Save dialog "LEAD Wavelet (*.cmw)" string.
860 FileSaveFormatJ2k String ID for the File Save dialog "Jpeg 2000 (*.j2k;*.jp2;*.jpx)" string.
861 FileSaveFormatTif String ID for the File Save dialog "Tif (*.tif)" string.
862 FileSaveFormatGif String ID for the File Save dialog "CompuServe Gif (*.gif)" string.
863 FileSaveFormatPng String ID for the File Save dialog "Png (*.png)" string.
864 FileSaveFormatBmp String ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)" string.
866 FileSaveFormatAbic String ID for the File Save dialog "Adaptive bi-level image Compression (*.abic)" string.
867 FileSaveFormatAni String ID for the File Save dialog "Animated Cursor (*.ani)" string.
868 FileSaveFormatCals String ID for the File Save dialog "Cals (*.cal)" string.
869 FileSaveFormatCin String ID for the File Save dialog "Cineon (*.cin)" string.
870 FileSaveFormatClp String ID for the File Save dialog "Clipboard (*.clp)" string.
871 FileSaveFormatWmz String ID for the File Save dialog "Compressed Windows Metafile (*.wmz)" string.
872 FileSaveFormatDicomGrayDic String ID for the File Save dialog "Dicom Gray (*.dic)" string.
873 FileSaveFormatDicomColorDic String ID for the File Save dialog "Dicom Color (*.dic)" string.
874 FileSaveFormatDicomGrayDcm String ID for the File Save dialog "Dicom Gray (*.dcm)" string.
875 FileSaveFormatDicomColorDcm String ID for the File Save dialog "Dicom Color (*.dcm)" string.
876 FileSaveFormatCut String ID for the File Save dialog "Dr Halo (*.cut)" string.
877 FileSaveFormatEps String ID for the File Save dialog "Eps (*.eps)" string.
878 FileSaveFormatExif String ID for the File Save dialog "Exif (*.tif)" string.
879 FileSaveFormatFaxG4 String ID for the File Save dialog "Fax (Raw) (*.fax)" string.
880 FileSaveFormatFit String ID for the File Save dialog "Flexible Image Transport System (*.fit)" string.
881 FileSaveFormatFlc String ID for the File Save dialog "Flc (*.flc)" string.
882 FileSaveFormatFpx String ID for the File Save dialog "Fpx (*.fpx)" string.
883 FileSaveFormatImg String ID for the File Save dialog "Gem (*.img)" string.
884 FileSaveFormatGeoTiff String ID for the File Save dialog "GeoTiff (*.tif)" string.
885 FileSaveFormatIffIlbm String ID for the File Save dialog "Iff (*.iff)" string.
886 FileSaveFormatIntergraphRle String ID for the File Save dialog "Itg (*.itg)" string.
887 FileSaveFormatJbig String ID for the File Save dialog "Jbig (*.jbg)" string.
888 FileSaveFormatJbig2 String ID for the File Save dialog "Jbig2 (*.jb2)" string.
889 FileSaveFormatMac String ID for the File Save dialog "MacPaint (*.mac)" string.
890 FileSaveFormatPct String ID for the File Save dialog "Mac PICT (*.pct)" string.
891 FileSaveFormatIcaG4 String ID for the File Save dialog "Modca:Ioca (*.ica)" string.
892 FileSaveFormatMrc String ID for the File Save dialog "Mrc (*.mrc)" string.
893 FileSaveFormatMsp String ID for the File Save dialog "MS Paint (*.msp)" string.
894 FileSaveFormatOs2 String ID for the File Save dialog "OS/2 Bitmap (*.bmp)" string.
895 FileSaveFormatPbmAscii String ID for the File Save dialog "Pbm (*.pbm)" string.
896 FileSaveFormatPcx String ID for the File Save dialog "Pcx (*.pcx)" string.
897 FileSaveFormatRasPdf String ID for the File Save dialog "Pdf (*.pdf)" string.
898 FileSaveFormatPgmAscii String ID for the File Save dialog "Pgm (*.pgm)" string.
899 FileSaveFormatPpmAscii String ID for the File Save dialog "Ppm (*.ppm)" string.
900 FileSaveFormatPsd String ID for the File Save dialog "Psd (*.psd)" string.
901 FileSaveFormatRaw String ID for the File Save dialog "Raw data (*.raw)" string.
902 FileSaveFormatRawIcaG4 String ID for the File Save dialog "Raw Ioca (*.ica)" string.
903 FileSaveFormatSct String ID for the File Save dialog "Scitex Continuous Tone Sct (*.sct)" string.
904 FileSaveFormatSgi String ID for the File Save dialog "Sgi (*.sgi)" string.
905 FileSaveFormatSff String ID for the File Save dialog "Structured Fax File (*.sff)" string.
906 FileSaveFormatRas String ID for the File Save dialog "Sun Raster (*.ras)" string.
907 FileSaveFormatTga String ID for the File Save dialog "Tga (*.tga)" string.
908 FileSaveFormatTifxJpeg String ID for the File Save dialog "Tifx (*.tifx)" string.
909 FileSaveFormatWinCur String ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Cursor (*.cur)" string.
910 FileSaveFormatEmf String ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Enhanced Metafile (*.emf)" string.
911 FileSaveFormatWinIco String ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Icon (*.ico)" string.
912 FileSaveFormatWmf String ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Metafile (*.wmf)" string.
913 FileSaveFormatWfxG31Dim String ID for the File Save dialog "WinFax (*.wfx)" string.
914 FileSaveFormatWbmp String ID for the File Save dialog "Wireless Bitmap (*.wbmp)" string.
915 FileSaveFormatWpg String ID for the File Save dialog "WordPerfect Graphic (*.wpg)" string.
916 FileSaveFormatXbm String ID for the File Save dialog "Xbm (*.xbm)" string.
917 FileSaveFormatSmp String ID for the File Save dialog "Xionics Smp (*.smp)" string.
918 FileSaveFormatXpm String ID for the File Save dialog "Xpm (*.xpm)" string.
919 FileSaveFormatXwd10 String ID for the File Save dialog "Xwd (*.xwd)" string.
920 FileSaveFormatHdp String ID for the File Save dialog "MS HDPhoto (*.hdp)" string.
921 FileSaveFormatPngIco String ID for the File Save dialog "Vista Png Icon (*.ico)" string.
922 FileSaveFormatXps String ID for the File Save dialog "XPS Document (*.xps)" string.
923 FileSaveFormatMng String ID for the v "Multiple-image Network Graphics (*.mng)" string.
924 FileSaveFormatPpt String ID for the File Save dialog "PowerPoint Presentation (*.ppt)" string.
925 FileSaveFormatJxr String ID for the File Save dialog "JPEG Extended Range (*.jxr)" string.
926 FileSaveFormatJls String ID for the File Save dialog "JPEG LS (*.jls)" string.
927 FileSaveFormatIng String ID for the File Save dialog "INGR (*.cit,*.rle,*.crl,*.t29,*.cot,*.t27,*.rgb)" string.
928 FileOpenFormatX9f String ID for the File Save dialog "X9" string.
929 FileInformationFormatX9f String ID for the File Information dialog "Image Cash Letter" string.
930 FileInformationBytes String ID for the File Information dialog "bytes" string.
931 FileInformationBigTiff String ID for the File Information dialog "Big TIFF" string.
932 FileInformationBigTiffYes String ID for the File Information dialog Big TIFF "Yes" string.
933 FileInformationBigTiffNo String ID for the File Information dialog Big TIFF "No" string.
934 FileSaveFormatBigTiff String ID for the File Save dialog "BigTiff (*.tif)" string.
935 FileInformationMessageCount String ID for the File Information dialog "Message Count" string.
936 FileOpenFormatThreeJS String ID for the File Save dialog "Three JS (*.json)" string.
937 FileInformationFormatThreeJS String ID for the File Information dialog "Three JS." string.
938 FileOpenFormatStl String ID for the File Save dialog "STL (*.stl)" string.
939 FileInformationFormatStl String ID for the File Information dialog "STL." string.
940 LoadOptionsXlsMultiPageUseSheetWidth String ID for the Load Options dialog "Xls" multipage use sheet width.
941 LoadOptionsXlsMultiPagePageOrderDownThenOver String ID for the Load Options dialog "Xls" multipage order down then over.
942 LoadOptionsXlsMultiPageEnableMargins String ID for the Load Options dialog "Xls" multipage enable margins.
943 FileSaveSubFormatJbig2Lossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format Jbig2 "Lossless" string.
944 FileSaveSubFormatJbig2NearLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format Jbig2 "Near Lossless" string.
945 LoadOptionInvalidMarginMessage String ID for the Invalid Margin Message "Margins exceed page size. Invalid values will be reset to 0." string.
946 LoadOptionInvalidMarginCaption String ID for the Invalid Margin Caption "Invalid Margins" string.
947 FileOpenFormatCsv String ID for the File Open dialog "CSV Comma-separated values" string.
948 FileInformationFormatCsv String ID for the File Information dialog "CSV Comma-separated values" string.
949 FileInformationPortfolio String ID for the File Information Portfolio dialog string.
950 FileInformationPortfolioYes String ID for the File Information Portfolio "Yes" dialog string.
951 FileInformationPortfolioNo String ID for the File Information Portfolio "No" dialog string.
952 FileInformationAttachmentCount String ID for the File Information Attachment count dialog string.
953 FileGetPasswordCaption String ID for the File password caption
954 FileGetPasswordMessage String ID for the File password message
955 FileGetPasswordStatic String ID for the File password static
956 FileGetPasswordShowPassword String ID for the File password show password
957 FileGetPasswordOk String ID for the File password Ok
958 FileGetPasswordCancel String ID for the File password Cancel
959 FileOpenFormatHeic String ID for the File Open dialog "High Efficiency Image Container (*.heic)" string.
960 FileInformationFormatHeic String ID for the File Information dialog "High Efficiency Image Container" string.
961 FileSaveFormatHeic String ID for the File Save dialog "High Efficiency Image Container (*.heic)" string.
962 FileInformationFormatXlsb String ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Excel Binary Workbook" string.
963 FileOpenFormatXlsb String ID for the File Open dialog "Microsoft Excel Binary Workbook (*.xlsb)" string.
964 FileInformationHasStamp String ID for the file information has stamp
965 FileInformationHasStampYes String ID for the file format has stamp "Yes"
966 FileInformationHasStampNo String ID for the file format has stamp "No"
967 FileSaveSubFormatTifZip String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Zip" string.
968 LoadOptionsXlsShowGridLines String ID for the Load Options dialog "Show Grid Lines" string for XLS tab.
969 FileOpenFormatWebp String ID for the File Open dialog "WebP Image File (*.webp)" string.
970 FileInformationFormatWebp String ID for the File Information dialog "Single-page WEBP file" string.
971 FileInformationFormatWebpAni String ID for the File Information dialog "Animated WEBP file" string.
972 FileSaveSubFormatWebp String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format WebP "Single-page WEBP file" string.
973 FileSaveSubFormatWebpAni String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format WebP "Animated WEBP file" string.
974 FileSaveFormatWebp String ID for the File Save dialog "WebP Image File Format (*.webp)" string.
975 FileInformationFormatAvif String ID for the File Information dialog "AV1 Image File Format" string.
976 FileOpenFormatAvif String ID for the File Open dialog "AV1 Image File Format (*.avif)" string.
977 FileSaveFormatAvif String ID for the File Save dialog "AV1 Image File Format (*.avif)" string.
978 FileSaveSubFormatAvif String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format AV1 "Lossy" string.
979 FileSaveSubFormatAvifLossless String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format AV1 "Lossless" string.

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Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.File Assembly

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