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Cell Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see Cell members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property
arrangement Gets or sets the current arrangement of each sub-cell inside the cell.
Public Property automation Gets the automation object of the annotation containers of the frames in this cell.
Public Property automationManager Gets the automation manager of the annotation containers of the frames in this cell.
Public Property borderThickness Gets or sets the border size of the sub-cell.
Public Property cinePlayer Gets or sets the class that is used to run the cine player.
Public Property commands Gets or sets an an array of commands that is attached to the Cell
Public Property create3D Gets or sets the boolean value that determines whether to enable creating 3D-ready-data for faster MPR processing.
Public Property currentOffset Gets or sets the current scroll (stack) position of the cell.
Public Property derivatives Gets the children of the cell.
Public Property drawCrossHairLines The value that determines whether to draw a cross on axial, sagittal, and coronal cells.
Public Property exploded Gets or sets a boolean value that specifies whether the cell should be exploded and cover the entire layout.
Public Property frameOfReferenceUID Gets or sets the series frame of references UID.
Public Property frames Gets the collection of frames inside the cell.
Public Property framesMappingIndex Gets or sets the frames mapping index array which controls the sequence of the frames.
Public Property fullDownload Indicates whether to download all the frames, or use the lazy loading technique.
Public Property gridLayout Gets the class that contains the properties to control how the sub-cells are arranged inside the medical viewer.
Public Property highlightedSubCellBorderColor Gets or sets the highlighted sub-cell border color.
Public Property imageViewer Gets the viewer class of this cell.
Public Property lineProfile Gets a line profile object that is drawn on the cell.
Public Property linked Gets or sets whether the various built-in interactive modes are applied to a specific frame or all frames.
Public Property marginFramesCount Gets or sets the value that determines the number of margin frames to download.
Public Property mprType Gets the MPR type of the cell.
Public Property Name Name of this item.
Public Property overlays Gets the collection of overlays inside the cell.
Public Property overlayTextVisible Gets or sets whether to show or hide the overlay text in the cell.
Public Property patientName Gets or sets the Patient name of the series loaded in the cell.
Public Property progress Gets the loading progress information.
Public Property scrollType Gets or sets the scroll type that is used when scrolling though the frames using the mouse wheel.
Public Property selectedBorderColor Gets or sets the cell color when selected.
Public Property selectedItem Gets or sets the first selected sub-cell in the cell.
Public Property selectedItems Gets the collection of the selected sub-cells inside the cell.
Public Property selectedSubCellBorderColor Gets or sets the sub-cell color when the parent cell is selected.
Public Property seriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the series instance UID of the series loaded in the cell.
Public Property seriesNumber Gets or sets the series number that is loaded inside this cell.
Public Property showFrameBorder Gets or sets whether to show a border around each sub-cell.
Public Property signed3D Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the 3D data generated by Create3D is signed or unsigned.
Public Property sortingOperationsSequence Gets or sets the sort operation class.
Public Property studyInstanceUID Gets or sets the study instance UID of the cell
Public Property tickBoxes Gets a list of tick boxes associated with the cell.
Public Property unselectedBorderColor Gets or sets the cell color when not selected.
Public Property useBackCanvas Gets or sets whether to use the back canvas in the cell.
Public Property viewer Gets the MedicalViewer which is the parent of this cell.
Public Property visiblity Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether to make the cell visible.
Public Property Visiblity Gets or sets whether to make the cell visible or not.
Public Property windowLevel Gets or sets the Window Level Interactive Mode for the cell.

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Leadtools.Controls.Medical Assembly