Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters Assembly Changes


Version Changes: 18 to 19

New Members

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.AltoXmlDocumentOptions - Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the ALTO (Analyzed Layout and Text Object) format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.AltoXmlMeasurementUnit - Specifies the measurement unit.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocDocumentOptions.DropObjects Controls which object types to drop from the final document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocDocumentOptions.TextMode Controls how and when to frames the text blocks in the resulting DOC file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentDropObjects - Lists object types available for dropping from the final document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentEmfPage - Data for one Windows Enhanced Metafile (WMF) page to be added to a document file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentEmptyPage - Data for one empty page to be added to a document file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentFontTypes - Type (format) of fonts to use.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentFormat.AltoXml ALTO (Analyzed Layout and Text Object) is an XML Schema used by the library of congress to describe OCR text and layout format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentFormat.Mob Mobipocket e-book format (MOB).
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentFormat.Pub eBooks format (ePUB).
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentFormat.Svg Scalable Vector Graphics format (SVG).
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentPage.#ctor Initializes a new instance of this class.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentPage.Clone Creates an exact copy of this DocumentPage
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentPage.Type Gets the type of this document page.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentPageType - Specifies the document type.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentRasterPage - Data for one raster page to be added to a document file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentSvgPage - Data for one SVG page to be added to a document file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentTextMode - Specifies the document text mode.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentWriter.GetLtdInfo(string) Gets information on an LTD file on disk.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentWriter.GetOptions (DocumentFormat) Gets the extra options to use when saving a document using the specified format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentWriter.InsertPage(DocumentPage,int) Inserts a new page to current document being created.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentWriter.Progress Document writer progress notification event.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentWriter.SetOptions (DocumentFormat,DocumentOptions) Sets the extra options to use when saving a document using the specified format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocxDocumentOptions.DropObjects Controls which object types to drop from the final document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocxDocumentOptions.TextMode Controls how and when to frames the text blocks in the resulting DOCX file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.HtmlDocumentOptions.DropObjects Controls which object types to drop from the final document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.HtmlDocumentOptions.EmbedCSS Indicate whether CSS elements are to be embedded in the document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.HtmlDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts Indicates whether fonts are to be embedded in the document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.HtmlDocumentOptions.EmbedImages Indicate whether images are to be embedded in the document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.HtmlDocumentOptions.FontTypes Font types to embed in the document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.HtmlDocumentOptions.ImageType Format to use when saving images in the document
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentInfo - Contains information on an LTD file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.Clone This class implementation of DocumentOptions.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution This class implementation of DocumentOptions.DocumentResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight This class implementation of DocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution This class implementation of DocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth This class implementation of DocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.Format This class implementation of DocumentOptions.Format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio This class implementation of DocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.PageRestriction This class implementation of DocumentOptions.PageRestriction.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentType - Indicates the type of the LTD file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.MobDocumentOptions - Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Mobipocket e-book format (MOB) format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.CenterWindow Indicates if the initial view should center the document in the window
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.Clone This class implementation of DocumentOptions.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.Creator Creator value to be used in the resulting PDF document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.DisplayDocTitle Indicates that the initial view should display the document title.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution This class implementation of DocumentOptions.DocumentResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.DropObjects Controls which object types to drop from the final document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight This class implementation of DocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution This class implementation of DocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth This class implementation of DocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWindow Indicates if the initial view should fit the document in the window
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.Format This class implementation of DocumentOptions.Format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.HideMenubar Indicates whether the initial view should hide the menu bar
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.HideToolbar Indicates whether the initial view should hide the toolbar
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.HideWindowUI Indicates whether the initial view should hide the window user interface elements
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.InitialPageNumber Initial view page number to use when creating a PDF document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio This class implementation of DocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.PageFitType Initial view page fit type when creating a PDF document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.PageLayoutType Initial view page layout type when creating a PDF document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.PageModeType Initial view page mode type when creating a PDF document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.PageRestriction This class implementation of DocumentOptions.PageRestriction.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.Producer Producer value to be used in the resulting PDF document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.XCoordinate Initial view X coordinate position of the page to use when creating a PDF document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.YCoordinate Initial view Y coordinate position of the page to use when creating a PDF document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.ZoomPercent Initial view zoom percentage to use when creating a PDF document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentPageFitType - Specifies the page fit option.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentPageLayoutType - Specifies the page layout option.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentPageModeType - Specifies the PDF initial view document page mode type.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PubDocumentOptions - Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the eBooks Format (ePUB).
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.RtfDocumentOptions.DropObjects Controls which object types to drop from the final document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.RtfDocumentOptions.TextMode Indicates how and when to frames the text blocks in the resulting RTF file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.SvgDocumentOptions - Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.Clone This class implementation of DocumentOptions.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution This class implementation of DocumentOptions.DocumentResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight This class implementation of DocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution This class implementation of DocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth This class implementation of DocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.Format This class implementation of DocumentOptions.Format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio This class implementation of DocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.PageRestriction This class implementation of DocumentOptions.PageRestriction.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.XlsDocumentOptions.DropObjects Controls which object types to drop from the final document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.XpsDocumentOptions.DropObjects Controls which object types to drop from the final document.

Removed Members

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocDocumentOptions.Framed Gets or sets a value indicating whether to frame the text blocks (use text box objects) in the resulting DOC file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentPage.AnnotationContainer LEADTOOLS Annotation container that contains the objects to use when annotating a page in PDF documents.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentPage.EmfHandle The Windows Enhanced Meta File handle representation of the page.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentPage.Empty Initializes the Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentPage structure with default values.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentPage.Image The image used for creating a PDF document page with the image and text overlay feature.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentWriter.Progress Document writer progress notification event.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocxDocumentOptions.Framed Gets or sets a value indicating whether to frame the text blocks (use text box objects) in the resulting DOCX(2007/2010) file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions - Abstract base class that provides functionality common to all the format option classes in the LEADTOOLS Document Writers.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.RtfDocumentOptions.Framed Gets or sets a value indicating whether to frame the text blocks (use text box objects) in the resulting RTF file.

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

New Members

The following members have been added to the existing types:

Member Description
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions Abstract base class that provides functionality common to all the format option classes in the LEADTOOLS Document Writers.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.Clone Creates an exact copy of this Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.Format Gets the document format type associated with this options class.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.PageRestriction Gets or sets a value that indicates whether there can be blank pages and overlay images.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth Gets or sets the document empty page width.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight Gets or sets the document empty page height.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution Gets or sets the resolution (in dots per inch) of the document empty page.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution Gets or sets the document resolution (in dots per inch) of the resulting document.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio Gets or sets a value indicating whether to maintain the aspect ratio of the original EMF file.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentWriter.GetSupportedFormats Gets an array containing the supported formats.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentWriter.GetOptions(Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentFormat) (WinRT) Gets the extra options to use when saving a document using the specified format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentWriter.SetOptions(Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentFormat,Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions) (WinRT) Sets the extra options to use when saving a document using the specified format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.ColoredImageCompressionType.FlateJpx Use JPEG 2000 compression for images which are more than 8BPP, or for grayscale 8BPP, else use flate compression. Requires Leadtools.Codecs.J2k, Leadtools.Codecs.Tif and Leadtools.Codecs.Bmp
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.ColoredImageCompressionType.LzwJpx Use JPEG 2000 compression for images which are more than 8BPP, or for grayscale 8BPP, else use LZW compression. Requires Leadtools.Codecs.J2k, Leadtools.Codecs.Tif and Leadtools.Codecs.Bmp
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.ColoredImageCompressionType.Jpx Use JPEG 2000 compression for compressing colored images. Requires Leadtools.Codecs.J2k, Leadtools.Codecs.Tif and Leadtools.Codecs.Bmp
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentImageOverTextSize Specifies the resize options for the overlay image (image over text).

Use original size (no resizing is performed). Output will have highest quality and largest size.


Resize the image by two and stretch over to cover the page. Output will have the best ratio between quality and size.


Resize the image by 4 and stretch over to cover the page. Output will have the lowest quality and minimum size.

Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DocumentImageOverTextMode Specifies the how the document writer converts the overlay image (image over text).

Apply no rules. The image will be used as is and no detection is perform.


The document writer will determine if the image is grayscale, if so, it will convert the image to black and white (1 bit per pixel) only if the image contains no grayscale values besides pure black and white.


The document writer will determine if the image is grayscale. If the image has noise or shadows, they will be ignored and the image is converted to black and white (1 bit per pixel).

Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.Clone (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.Format (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.Format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.PageRestriction (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.PageRestriction.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.LtdDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfAutoBookmark Options to use when creating bookmarks in automatic way based on font information of the document when creating Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) documents.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.Clone (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.ImageOverTextSize Gets or sets a value that indicates the resize options for the overlay image (image over text).
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.ImageOverTextMode Gets or sets a value that indicates how the document writer converts the overlay image (image over text).
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.Format (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.Format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.PageRestriction (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.PageRestriction.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.PdfDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.Clone (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.Format (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.Format.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.PageRestriction (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.PageRestriction.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageWidth.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageHeight.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.EmptyPageResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.DocumentResolution.
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.TextDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio (WinRT) This class implementation of Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.IDocumentOptions.MaintainAspectRatio.

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

.NET WinForms support - LEADTOOLS V18 adds .NET WinForms support has been added through the new LEADTOOLS .NET WinForms SDK. This toolkit provides everything a developer needs to create imaging-enabled .NET WinForms applications.

New Libraries

The following Library has been added to LEADTOOLS v18:

DLL Comments
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DLL .NET WinForms support for creating popular multi-page and searchable documents such as Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word and HTML from standard Windows Enhanced Meta File (EMF) objects.

For more information, refer to New in 18.

Version Changes: 17 to 17.5

New Library

WinRT support - LEADTOOLS V17.5 adds WinRT support for the LEADTOOLS Document Writers with the new LEADTOOLS WinRT SDK. The LEADTOOLS WinRT SDK contains everything a developer needs to create imaging-enabled Windows Store applications. It is available as an add-on to any of the Document or Medical products.

The following Library has been added to LEADTOOLS v17.5:

Assemblies Metadata Comments
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.DLL Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters.winmd Contains tools for creating popular multi-page and searchable documents such as Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word and HTML from standard Windows Enhanced Meta File (EMF) objects.

For more information, refer to New in 17.5.


Version Changes: 16.5 to 17

Note on LEADTOOLS for .NET v17

In LEADTOOLS for .NET v16.5, some assemblies had a dependency on System.Drawing. System.Drawing is the .NET 2.0 assembly used with the Windows Forms and GDI+ platforms. Since LEADTOOLS v17 treats Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight as equal citizens, certain types in this LEADTOOLS assembly have been changed to reflect that. For example, properties with System.Drawing.Point type have been changed to use the new Leadtools.LeadPoint type, methods with a parameter of System.Drawing.Rectangle type have been changed to use the new Leadtools.LeadRect type. The following table shows the old 16.5 and corresponding new v17 types:

Old v16.5 Type

New v17 Type











These changes are not listed in the topics below.

New Types

The following new types have been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v17:

Type Description

Specifies the compression types for one bit per pixels images.


Specifies the compression types for colored images.


Options to use when creating bookmarks in automatic way based on font information of the document when creating Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) documents.


Options to use when creating custom bookmarks based when creating Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) documents.


Provides extra options to use when saving a document using the Microsoft Excel 2003 format (XLS).

New Members

The following new members have been added to existing types in LEADTOOLS For .NET v17:

Member Description

Gets or sets one bit compression type used to compress one bit per pixel images when creating a PDF document.


Gets or sets colored images compression type used for compressing colored images when creating a PDF document.


Gets or sets a value that determines the degree of loss in the compression process.


Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to use auto bookmarks in the final PDF document


Gets or sets a value that determines the total number of bookmark levels for created PDF documents.


List of the current auto bookmarks options.


List of the custom (user) bookmarks to use when creating PDF documents.


Microsoft Excel 2003 format (XLS).

DocumentEmfPage.AnnotationContainer and DocumentSvgPage.AnnotationContainer

LEADTOOLS Annotation container that contains the objects to use when annotating a page in PDF documents.


Appends one LEADTOOLS Temporary Document (LTD) file to another.


Version Changes: 16 to 16.5

New Assembly

The following assembly has been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v16.5:

Namespace Description
Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters Includes classes, structures and enumerations for creating popular multi-page searchable documents such as Adobe PDF, Windows Word and HTML from standard Windows Enhanced Meta File (EMF).
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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