Implementing User Defined Objects With LEADTOOLS Annotations in WinRT (Windows Store)

Take the following steps to start a project and to add some code that will demonstrate the custom annotation features of the LEADTOOLS WinRT Annotations.

  1. Start Visual Studio .NET 2012.
  2. Start with the project that you created in Working With Automated Annotations in WinRT.
  3. Switch to MainPage.xaml code view (right-click MainPage.xaml in the solution explorer then select View Code) and add the following lines at the beginning of the file:


  4. Update the MainPage() function as shown below:

    public MainPage() 
       AnnAutomationManager manager = new AnnAutomationManager(); 
       AutomationControl viewerControl = new AutomationControl(_viewer); 
       _automation = new AnnAutomation(manager, viewerControl); 
       _rbDesignMode.IsChecked = true; 
       _automation.Active = true; 
       AddItem(_annObjects, AnnObject.SelectObjectId); 
       AddItem(_annObjects, AnnObject.PointerObjectId); 
       AddItem(_annObjects, AnnObject.RectangleObjectId); 
       AddItem(_annObjects, AnnObject.TextObjectId); 
       AddItem(_annObjects, AnnObject.RulerObjectId); 
       _annObjects.SelectedIndex = 0; 
       AnnTriangleObject triangle = new AnnTriangleObject(); 
       // Create user defined automation object 
       AnnAutomationObject triangleAutomation = CreateTriangleAutomationObject(manager, triangle); 
       AddItem(_annObjects, triangleAutomation.Id); 

  5. Add the following class functions:

    private AnnAutomationObject CreateTriangleAutomationObject(AnnAutomationManager manager, AnnObject annObject) 
       AnnAutomationObject automationObj = new AnnAutomationObject(); 
       automationObj.Id = annObject.Id; 
       automationObj.Name = "Triangle"; 
       automationObj.DrawDesignerType = typeof(AnnTriangleDrawDesigner); // hook the custom draw designer 
       automationObj.EditDesignerType = typeof(AnnPolylineEditDesigner); // hook the custom edit designer 
       automationObj.RunDesignerType = typeof(AnnRunDesigner); 
       AnnTriangleRenderer annTriangleRenderer = new AnnTriangleRenderer(); 
       IAnnObjectRenderer annPolylineRenderer = manager.Renderers[AnnObject.PolylineObjectId]; 
       annTriangleRenderer.LocationsThumbStyle = annPolylineRenderer.LocationsThumbStyle; 
       annTriangleRenderer.RotateCenterThumbStyle = annPolylineRenderer.RotateCenterThumbStyle; 
       annTriangleRenderer.RotateGripperThumbStyle = annPolylineRenderer.RotateGripperThumbStyle; 
       AnnRenderingEngine.Renderers[annObject.Id] = annTriangleRenderer; // hook the custom renderer 
       automationObj.ObjectTemplate = annObject; 
       return automationObj; 

  6. In the "Solution Explorer" window, right-click the "Project Name" and select "Add" from the context menu then select "New Item...". In the "Add New Item" dialog box, select Classand Name it TriangleObject from Code tree view item in Visual C#

    Click the Add button to add the above file to the application.

  7. Open TriangleObject.cs code view (right-click TriangleObject.cs in the solution explorer then select View Code) and add the following lines at the beginning of the file:

    using Leadtools; 
    using Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering; 
    using Windows.UI.Xaml; 
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media; 
    using Leadtools.Annotations.Core; 
    using Windows.Foundation; 
    using Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes; 
    using Windows.UI; 
    using Leadtools.Annotations.Designers; 

  8. Open TriangleObject.cs code view (right-click TriangleObject.cs in the solution explorer then select View Code) and replace class TriangleObject with:

    public class AnnTriangleRenderer : AnnPolylineObjectRenderer 
       private LeadPointD[] _points; 
       private GeometryGroup _group = new GeometryGroup(); 
       private AnnObject _annObject; 
       public override List<FrameworkElement> VisualComponents 
             List<FrameworkElement> _visualComponents = base.VisualComponents; 
             if (_group.Children.Count < 2) 
                _group.Children.Add(new EllipseGeometry()); 
                _group.Children.Add(new EllipseGeometry()); 
             if (_points.Length > 0) 
                EllipseGeometry ellipse = (EllipseGeometry)_group.Children[0]; 
                ellipse.RadiusX = 10; 
                ellipse.RadiusY = 10; 
                ellipse.Center = new Point(_points[0].X, _points[0].Y); 
                if (_points.Length == 2) 
                   ellipse = (EllipseGeometry)_group.Children[1]; 
                   ellipse.RadiusX = 10; 
                   ellipse.RadiusY = 10; 
                   ellipse.Center = new Point(_points[1].X, _points[1].Y); 
             if (_visualComponents.Count == 1) 
                _visualComponents.Add(new Path()); 
             Path path = (Path)_visualComponents[1]; 
             // if we are finished 'drawing', allow the base class AnnPolylineObjectRenderer to handle the job 
             if (_annObject.Tag == null ||   "drawing".CompareTo((string)_annObject.Tag) != 0) 
                path.Data = null; 
                path.Data = _group; 
             path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green); 
             path.StrokeThickness = 2; 
             return _visualComponents; 
       public override void Render(AnnContainerMapper mapper, AnnObject annObject) 
          _annObject = annObject; 
          _points = mapper.PointsFromContainerCoordinates(annObject.Points.ToArray(), annObject.FixedStateOperations); 
          base.Render(mapper, annObject); 
    public class AnnTriangleDrawDesigner : AnnDrawDesigner 
       public AnnTriangleDrawDesigner(IAnnAutomationControl automationControl, AnnContainer container, AnnObject annObject) 
          : base(automationControl, container, annObject) 
       // override the onPointerDown method and add 3 points for our triangle 
       public override bool OnPointerDown(AnnContainer container, AnnPointerEventArgs e) 
          bool handled = base.OnPointerDown(container, e); 
          AnnObject targetObject = this.TargetObject; 
          if (targetObject.Points.Count < 3) 
             targetObject.Tag = "drawing"; 
             handled = true; 
          return handled; 
       // override the onPointerUp method and end the drawing when we have our 3 points 
       public override bool OnPointerUp(AnnContainer container, AnnPointerEventArgs e) 
          bool handled = base.OnPointerUp(container, e); 
          handled = true; 
          AnnObject targetObject = this.TargetObject; 
          if (targetObject.Points.Count >= 3) 
             targetObject.Tag = null; 
          return handled; 
    public class AnnTriangleObject : AnnPolylineObject 
       public AnnTriangleObject() 
          : base() 
          this.IsClosed = true; // triangle is a closed figure 
          this.SetId(-99); // set the object id 
          this.Tag = null; 
       protected override AnnObject Create() 
          return new AnnTriangleObject(); 
       public override string FriendlyName 
             return "Triangle"; 

  9. Build, and Run the program to test it. Use the combo box below the viewer to select annotations. The radio buttons will allow you to switch between design and run mode.

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