recursive Property



Indicates whether to cycle through the text and pages till a match is found or the original location is reached.


JavaScript Syntax
Object.defineProperty(DocumentViewerFindText.prototype, 'recursive', 
	get: function(), 
	set: function(value) 
TypeScript Syntax
recursive: boolean; 

Property Value

true to cycle through the text and pages till a match is found or the original location is reached; otherwise, false. Default value is false.


(This property was removed in version Please see Loop, BeginPosition, and EndPosition instead.)

When Recursive is false (the default), then a find next operation will search from current location saved in this DocumentViewerFindText until the end of the page (or if GotoNextPage is true, last page in the document) before it stops trying to find a match. Similarly, a find previous operation will search from current location till beginning of the page (or first page in the document).

When Recursive is true, then find next operation will continue past the end of the page (or document) by going back to the page beginning (or first page) till the whole page or document is exhausted. Similarly with find previous cycling through the page or the document backward.

DocumentViewerFindText saves the location of the last match found internally to prevent infinite recursion and will never go past the last found location.

For more information, refer to DocumentViewerText.Find.

Removed - Replaced by Loop, BeginPosition, and EndPosition

Target Platforms

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