
#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTDLG_API L_INT L_DlgRemapIntensity (hWndOwner, pDlgParams)

Displays the Remap Intensity dialog box, and gets the options for L_RemapBitmapIntensity.


L_HWND hWndOwner

Handle of the window which owns the dialog.


Pointer to a REMAPINTENSITYDLGPARAMS structure to be updated with the values entered by the user, through the dialog. Set members of this structure, before calling this function, to set the dialogs initial values.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS_DLG_OK The "OK" button was pressed, and the dialog exited successfully.
SUCCESS_DLG_CANCEL The "Cancel" button was pressed, and the dialog exited successfully.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


The Remap Intensity dialog.

This dialog has the following fields:

Channel Drop-down list box:

Use this to select the channel to remap. There are four choices:

Curve Mode Drop-down list box:

Use this to select the curve mode to use when remapping. There are four choices:

Factor Edit box:

Use this to set the factor of the Exponential/Logarithm curve. Enter the value directly in the edit box or use the arrows to set the desired value.

Flip Buttons:

Use these buttons to flip the curve if the Curve Mode is either Curve or Linear. The following options are available:

Reset Button:

Use the Reset button to set the curve of the current channel to default values.

Reset All Button:

Use the Reset All button to set the curve for all the channels to default values.

Load Button:

Use the Load button to load an "*.lri" file that contains Remap Intensity curve settings, using the Load dialog. The loaded file will set a new curve for each channel.


Loading curve settings will overwrite all current settings for all channels.

Save Button:

Use the Save button to save all the curve settings for all the channels into an "*.lri" file. This allows you set the same curve settings for other images by re-loading the file.

Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also




L_INT ShowDlgRemapIntensityExample(HWND           hWnd, 
                                    pBITMAPHANDLE  pBitmap) 
   L_INT nRet; 
   memset ( &DlgParams, 0, sizeof ( REMAPINTENSITYDLGPARAMS ) ) ; 
   DlgParams.uStructSize = sizeof ( REMAPINTENSITYDLGPARAMS ) ; 
   DlgParams.pBitmap     = pBitmap ; 
   DlgParams.uChannel    = CHANNEL_RED ;  
   DlgParams.uDlgFlags   = DLG_REMAPINTENSITY_SHOW_PREVIEW        | 
                           DLG_REMAPINTENSITY_SHOW_TOOL_ZOOMLEVEL ; 
   nRet = L_DlgInit ( DLG_INIT_COLOR ) ; 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = L_DlgRemapIntensity ( hWnd, &DlgParams ) ; 
   if(nRet < 1) 
      return nRet; 
   if ( NULL != DlgParams.puRGBLookup ) 
      GlobalFree ( DlgParams.puRGBLookup ) ; 
   if ( NULL != DlgParams.puRedLookup ) 
      GlobalFree ( DlgParams.puRedLookup ) ; 
   if ( NULL != DlgParams.puGreenLookup ) 
      GlobalFree ( DlgParams.puGreenLookup ) ; 
   if ( NULL != DlgParams.puBlueLookup ) 
      GlobalFree ( DlgParams.puBlueLookup ) ; 
   nRet = L_DlgFree () ; 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   return SUCCESS; 
} ; 
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