typedef  struct  _VECTORTOOLTIPDESC 
   L_POINT  Point; 
   LOGPEN  Pen; 
   LOGBRUSH  Brush; 
   LOGFONTW  Font; 

The VECTORTOOLTIPDESC structure is used to control how the tool tip will be displayed for an object, which has a tool tip.




This is the point where the tool tip will be placed.


Windows LOGPEN structure that defines the pen properties for the tooltip.


Windows LOGBRUSH structure that defines the brush properties for the tool tip.


Windows LOGFONT structure that defines the font properties that will be used to display the tool tip.


pVECTORTOOLTIPDESC is a pointer to a VECTORTOOLTIPDESC structure. Where the function parameter type is pVECTORTOOLTIPDESC, you can declare a VECTORTOOLTIPDESC variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pVECTORTOOLTIPDESC variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.

The VECTORTOOLTIPDESC structure will be used by the vector toolkit to determine how and where to show the tool tip for a specific object. The Pen, Brush and Font members should be set according to the LOGPEN, LOGBRUSH and LOGFONT mentioned in the Microsoft Windows GDI documentation. This structure used with the LVectorObject::ShowTooltip function.

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