Working with Zones Using LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine

To add code to an existing project that will let you recognize pages:

  1. Start with the program you created in Working with Pages.

  2. Define the following global IDs in Ezfunc.h in the OCR_Ltdoc2 directory:

    #define IDM_FIND_ZONES              201   
    #define IDM_ZONES_COUNT             202   
    #define IDM_ADD_VERIFICATION_ZONE   203  

  3. Edit EZFUNC.RC file in the OCR_Ltdoc2 directory and add the following lines:

       MENUITEM "Find Zones"            IDM_FIND_ZONES 
       MENUITEM "Zone Count"            IDM_ZONES_COUNT 
       MENUITEM "Add Verification Zone" IDM_ADD_VERIFICATION_ZONE 

  4. Define the following global variables in Ezfunc.H in the OCR_Ltdoc2 directory:

    L_INT nZoneCount; 

  5. In Ezfunc.cpp in the MainWndProc procedure, add the following code to the switch ("switch(LOWORD(wParam))") statement for WM_COMMAND:

    case IDM_FIND_ZONES: 
       AUTOZONEOPTS2 ZoneOpts; 
       memset(&ZoneOpts, 0, sizeof(AUTOZONEOPTS2)); 
       ZoneOpts.uStructSize = sizeof(AUTOZONEOPTS2); 
       ZoneOpts.bEnableForceSingleColumn = TRUE; 
       ZoneOpts.bDetectNonGridedTables = TRUE; 
       L_Doc2SetZoneOptions(hDoc, &ZoneOpts); 
       nRet = L_Doc2FindZones(hDoc, 0); 
       if (nRet == SUCCESS) 
          MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The automatic zone method found all available zones in the specified pages successfully."), TEXT("Notice!"), MB_OK); 
          wsprintf (achBuff, TEXT("Error %d in finding available zones in the specified page."), nRet); 
          MessageBox (NULL, achBuff, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK); 
       // Now the engine will build the OCR zone list, and we need to specify a verification event for each zone 
       // but the engine allows adding a verification event only for user zones. So, we need to duplicate these zones in the same coordinates... 
       InvalidateRect (hWnd, NULL, FALSE); 
    case IDM_ZONES_COUNT: 
       nRet = L_Doc2GetZoneCount(hDoc, 0, &nZoneCount); 
       if (nRet == SUCCESS) 
          wsprintf(achBuff, TEXT("Total Zones count = %d\n"), nZoneCount); 
          MessageBox(NULL, achBuff, TEXT("Zones Count"), MB_OK); 
       ZONEDATA2 Zone; 
       L_INT i; 
       for(i=0; i<nZoneCount; i++) 
          memset(&Zone, 0, sizeof(ZONEDATA2)); 
          nRet = L_Doc2GetZone(hDoc, 0, i, &Zone, sizeof(ZONEDATA2)); 
          if (nRet == SUCCESS) 
                Zone.uFlags &= ~ DOC2_ZONE_CHK_CHECKCBF_PROHIBIT; 
             Zone.pfnCallback = VerificationCB; 
             nRet = L_Doc2UpdateZone(hDoc, 0, i, &Zone); 
             if (nRet != SUCCESS) 
                wsprintf (achBuff, TEXT("Error %d in updating zone # %d"), nRet, i); 
                MessageBox (NULL, achBuff, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK); 

  6. Add the following function at the end of the file in EZFUNC.CPP in the OCR_Ltdoc2 directory.

    L_INT EXT_CALLBACK VerificationCB(L_INT nZoneIndex, L_TCHAR * pszWord, DOC2_VERIFYCODE * pVerify, L_VOID * pUserData) 
       *pVerify = DOC2_VERIFY_ACCEPT; 
       return SUCCESS; 

  7. Also, add the following statement before the MainWndProc function.

    L_INT EXT_CALLBACK VerificationCB(L_INT nZoneIndex, L_TCHAR * pszWord, DOC2_VERIFYCODE * pVerify, L_VOID * pUserData); 

  8. Add the following at the end of the code in EZFUNC.CPP in the OCR_Ltdoc2 directory:

    L_INT DuplicateOcrZones(L_INT nPageIndex) 
       L_INT nOcrCount=0; 
       L_Doc2GetZoneCount(hDoc, nPageIndex, &nOcrZonesCount); 
       pZONEDATA2 pZones = (pZONEDATA2)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, sizeof(ZONEDATA2) * nOcrZonesCount); 
       if (!pZones) 
          return ERROR_NO_MEMORY; 
       L_INT nRet; 
       for (int i=0; i<nOcrZonesCount; i++) 
          nRet = L_Doc2GetZone(hDoc, nPageIndex, i, &pZones[i], sizeof(ZONEDATA2)); 
          if (nRet != SUCCESS) 
             return nRet; 
       for (int i=0; i<nOcrZonesCount; i++) 
       L_Doc2AddZone(hDoc, nPageIndex, -1, &pZones[i]); 
       return SUCCESS; 

  9. Also, add the following statement before the MainWndProc function.

    L_INT DuplicateOcrZones(L_INT nPageIndex); 

  10. Build SimpleLoad.exe.

  11. Run SimpleLoad.exe.

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LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine C API Help

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