
#include "lvkrn.h"

L_LVKRN_API L_INT L_VecSetObjectAttributes(pVector, pObject, pnROP, pPen, pBrush, pFont, dwFlags)


pointer to a vector handle

const pVECTOROBJECT pObject;

pointer to a vector object

const L_INT * pnROP;

ROP code

const pVECTORPEN pPen;

pen characteristics

const pVECTORBRUSH pBrush;

brush characteristics

const pVECTORFONT pFont;

font characteristics

L_UINT32 dwFlags;


Sets the attributes of an object. This function is available in the LEADTOOLS Vector Imaging Pro Toolkit.

Parameter Description
pVector Pointer to a vector handle.
pObject Pointer to the vector object for which to set the attributes.
pnROP Pointer to a variable that contains the ROP code to set. For more information on valid ROP2 codes, refer to your SDK..
pPen Pointer to a VECTORPEN structure that contains the pen characteristics to set.
pBrush Pointer to a VECTORBRUSH structure that contains the brush characteristics to set.
pFont Pointer to a VECTORFONT structure that contains the font to set.
dwFlags Flag that indicates which objects to process. Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
  0 Set the attributes for all objects.
  VECTOR_FLAGS_SELECTED_ONLY Set the attributes of the selected objects only.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


If pObject is NULL, the function uses the dwFlags parameter to determine the objects for which to set the new attributes.

If NULL is passed for pnROP, pPen, pBrush and/or pFont, then that attribute will not be set. For example, if NULL is passed for the pFont parameter, the pFont parameter will not be set for the specified object.

Certain parameters are ignored depending on pObject. For example, if pObject is VECTOR_LINE, then the pBrush and pFont parameters are ignored.

This function provides a simpler way of setting object information, without having to get the object descriptor, inspect the object type, set the new attributes and then free the descriptor.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


L_VecGetObjectAttributes, L_VecGetObject, L_VecSetObject, L_VecFreeObject


Working with Vector Objects


This example change all objects in a given vector handle to use RED pen.

L_INT VecSetObjectAttributesExample(pVECTORHANDLE pVector) 
   Pen.nSize                     = sizeof( Pen ); 
   Pen.bExtPen                   = FALSE; 
   Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnColor   = RGB( 255, 0, 0 ); 
   Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnWidth.x = 1; 
   Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnWidth.y = 1; 
   Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnStyle   = PS_SOLID; 
   return L_VecSetObjectAttributes( pVector, NULL, NULL, &Pen, NULL, NULL, 0L ); 

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