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DicomDirOptions Structure Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DicomDirOptions.

Public Properties

Name Description
Empty Returns a DicomDirOptions structure with default values.
IncludeSubfolders Gets or sets a value indicating whether the method InsertFile should add the DICOM files in the subfolders of the destination folder (when the method is passed a null reference (Nothing in VB)).
InsertIconImageSequence Gets or sets a value indicating whether an Icon Image Sequence key (0088,0200) should be added to the Image Directory Record when adding a DICOM file or Data Set to the Directory.
RejectInvalidFileId Gets or sets a value indicating whether the methods of the DicomDir class that take a filename as a parameter should fail if the number of components in the File ID exceeds 8 or if the number of characters in any component of the File ID exceeds 8.
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