Tag Archives: Microsoft Office

Convert XLS and XLSX to PDF with .NET Core (C#, VB, and Java)

We have recently fielded several questions about converting Office formats such as Excel to PDF using .NET Core. The LEADTOOLS Document Converter SDK class makes this a quick and easy task while still providing flexibility for any scenario. Read more … Continue reading

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LEADTOOLS Version 20 is Here! (Part 2)

Yesterday, we introduced LEADTOOLS Version 20 and its new development platforms to you. Today we’re diving into the features. Overall, the toolkit is faster and more efficient, and major areas of focus in this release were the Recognition Engines, Document … Continue reading

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Document Formats – Enhanced Support Coming Q1 2017

But wait, there’s more! Today, we continue our introduction of the upcoming updates to LEADTOOLS V19 Document and Medical technologies. These updates will include a market-first DICOM Hanging Protocol implementation as well as the fastest Form Recognition and Processing engine … Continue reading

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LEADTOOLS Version 19 Coming Soon!

A new, major version of LEADTOOLS is right around the corner. Version 19 is packed full of incredible Document, Medical and Multimedia Imaging technology with many new features and enhancements across the board. Developers can do more than ever before … Continue reading

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