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RadialWaveCommandFlags Enumeration

Enumeration that indicates how to handle exposed areas, the type of information in the WaveLength property or waveLength parameter if you are using the appropriate Constructor, and the wave type.

public enum RadialWaveCommandFlags 
Public Enum RadialWaveCommandFlags  
   Inherits System.Enum 
   Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable  
public enum class RadialWaveCommandFlags : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable   
0x00000000ColorFill any exposed areas with the RadialWaveCommand.FillColor, or the fillColor parameter if you are using the appropriate Constructor.
0x00000000PeriodThe value of the RadialWaveCommand.WaveLength property, or the waveLength parameter if you are using the appropriate Constructor, is a wave length given as a percent of the image dimensions. If this flag is used, the valid range is from 0 to 100.
0x00000001RepeatStretch the image edges to fill the exposed area.
0x00000002NoChangeLeave the exposed area as is, without changing it.
0x00000010FrequencyThe value in the RadialWaveCommand.WaveLength property, or the waveLength parameter if you are using the appropriate Constructor, is the frequency, or the number of times the wave repeats.

You can use a bitwise OR ( ¦ ) to specify one flag from each group.

Group Flags
Exposed Areas Color, Repeat, NoChange
WaveLength Period, Frequency


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