
#include "Ltdic.h"

L_UINT16 LDicomWaveformChannel::GetChannelSensitivity(pbIncluded, pdChannelSensitivity, pChannelSensitivityUnits, uStructSize, pdChannelSensitivityCF, pdChannelBaseline)

L_BOOL* pbIncluded;

pointer to a variable to be updated

L_DOUBLE* pdChannelSensitivity;

pointer to a variable to be updated

pDICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM pChannelSensitivityUnits;

pointer to a variable to be updated

L_UINT uStructSize;

size of a structure

L_DOUBLE* pdChannelSensitivityCF;

pointer to a variable to be updated

L_DOUBLE* pdChannelBaseline;

pointer to a variable to be updated

Gets the channel sensitivity.

Parameter Description
pbIncluded Pointer to a flag that indicates whether the channel sensitivity is set for this channel. Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
  TRUE The channel sensitivity is set for this channel.
  FALSE The channel sensitivity is not set for this channel.
pdChannelSensitivity Pointer to a variable that will be updated with the channel sensitivity. For more information, refer to the Channel Sensitivity (003A,0210) element in the DICOM standard.
pChannelSensitivityUnits Pointer to a DICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM structure to be updated with the channel sensitivity units. For more information, refer to the "Channel Sensitivity Units Sequence" (003A,0211) element in the DICOM standard.
uStructSize Size of the DICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM structure. Pass sizeof (DICOMCODESEQUENCEITEM).
pdChannelSensitivityCF Pointer to a variable that will be updated with the channel sensitivity correction factor. For more information, to the "Channel Sensitivity Correction Factor" (003A,0212) element in the DICOM standard.
pdChannelBaseline Pointer to a variable that will be updated with the channel baseline. For more information, refer to the "Channel Baseline" (003A,0213) element in the DICOM standard.



The function was successful.

> 0

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Use this function to get the values for all the elements related to the channel sensitivity.

This function fails and Returns DICOM_ERROR_NULL_PTR if pdChannelSensitivity is NULL.

The pChannelSensitivityUnits parameter points to a structure that can be filled using the functions offered by the LDicomContextGroup class. For more information about this class and the use of Coded Concepts in DICOM, please refer to Working with Context Groups.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application


Win32, x64

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