Free MICR Demo Available for iOS in the App Store

Posted on 2013-12-20 09:09:39 by Greg

LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ is still going strong and extending its reach into the native mobile app market. Today we are announcing a new demo featuring Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) technology for iOS. MICR is useful in decoding the special fonts used on checks, making it an invaluable resource for any developer writing software for the financial sector.

As a reminder, LEADTOOLS has many additional demos available for iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows Phone including features such as OCR, Barcode, DICOM and more. If you are a mobile application developer, you can see first-hand how LEADTOOLS works on your devices. As an additional benefit, they serve as a living example of how using LEADTOOLS will have positive effects during the approval process for your app's respective stores.

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New White Paper: Improving Forms Recognition Results with Automated Alignment

Posted on 2013-11-01 08:18:48 by Greg

Forms recognition is a common requirement for document imaging projects. Therefore it is no surprise that there are many companies and services that provide a solution for it. With that in mind, what sets LEADTOOLS apart? Forms alignment is one of the key features that catapults LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition above other products because it offers the best accuracy across the widest gamut of devices and documents.

We have had a number of customers approach us with documents that, to the human eye, appeared to be clean and properly scanned. However, the results still failed to return accurate results. In some cases, the exact same piece of paper would produce offbeat results when using different scanners. In the following white paper we will explain several alignment problems which LEADTOOLS can automatically correct and produce better accuracy than the competition. Click the link below to read this new white paper:

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New White Paper: Using LEADTOOLS PDF File Features to Enhance Google Drive Search

Posted on 2013-10-01 12:45:31 by Greg

In one of our first white papers, we wrote about how to use LEADTOOLS OCR to modify and improve your Google Drive search. Today we're publishing part two of that series and showing how to use the LEADTOOLS PDF SDK to improve Google Drive in a similar fashion.

The problem this white paper addresses is that Google Drive's search features do not look at the keywords metadata within PDF files. Many people use these keywords as an important way to catalog and keep track of their documents, so the usefulness of that information gets lost once synced into your Google Drive. Click the link below to read this new white paper:

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New Updates to the Multimedia SDK

Posted on 2013-09-17 16:35:18 by Greg

LEAD Technologies has worked hard on its Multimedia SDK over the past few months, adding many new features and improvements. This plethora of updates spans across the entire gamut of technology within the Multimedia SDK including playback, conversion, codecs and much more.

  • FLV playback and decoding improvements
    • Increased decoding and encoding speed
    • Faster seeking in large files
    • Improved loading speed for FLV files without duration timestamps
  • Improved playback and conversion of concatenated files
    • Support for reading and writing the discontinuity flag
    • Detect concatenated files
    • More efficient memory usage and disk swapping in LEADTOOLS multiplexers
  • Added support for playing RTP streams with MPEG-2 packets
  • Added support for playing audio from WebM demultiplexer
  • New options for controlling h.264 hardware acceleration
  • Added support for styling individual words with the Text Overlay filter
  • New demo showing how to implement custom video rendering such as GDI or OpenGL (available in C++, C# and
  • Added ability to create 8-bit video with custom palette
  • Various new features and enhancements for the following codecs, multiplexers, demultiplexers and filters
    • MPEG-2
    • h.264
    • AAC
    • WMV
    • MPG
    • AVI
    • OGG
    • DVD

How to Get These Updates

All of these features are free for all current Version 18 customers and are available in the latest Multimedia SDK download. We hope you are as excited about these updates as we are. The majority of these features were added as a result of customer feature requests, so keep them coming!

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LEAD Technologies and National Health IT Week

Posted on 2013-09-16 12:02:37 by Greg

LEAD Technologies is proud to be a part of the 8th annual National Health IT Week (September 16 - 20, 2013). Joining together with approximately 200 public and private sector organizations, LEAD adds their voice expressing the benefits that health information technology brings to U.S. healthcare.

Comprehensive health care reform is not possible without system-wide adoption of health information technology, which improves the quality of healthcare delivery, increases patient safety, decreases medical errors, and strengthens the interaction between patients and healthcare providers.

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