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DicomOpenSslVerificationFlags Enumeration


Specifies the verification mode to be used.

public enum DicomOpenSslVerificationFlags   
Public Enum DicomOpenSslVerificationFlags  
public enum class DicomOpenSslVerificationFlags   

0x00000000None Server mode: No request for a certificate is sent to the client, and the client should not send a certificate. Client mode: If the server sends a certificate, it will be verified, but failure will not terminate communication. This flag should not be used in conjunction with any other flag.
0x00000001Peer Server mode: A request for a certificate is sent to the client. The client can ignore the request, but if the client does send a certificate, it will be verified. If verification fails, communication is terminated. Client mode: If the server sends a certificate, it is verified. If verification fails, communication is terminated.
0x00000002FailIfNoPeerCertificate Server mode: If the client does not send a certificate, or if a certificate is sent that fails verification, then communication is terminated. This flag must be combined with Peer. Client mode: This flag is ignored.
0x00000004ClientOnce Server mode: During initial negotiation, a certificate is requested from the client. During renegotiation, no certificates are requested. This flag must be used with Peer">. Client mode: This flag is ignored.
0x00000007All Internal use only.


For an example, refer to Initialize.


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