Sets the "Overlay Data" (60xx,3000) for the specified overlay index.
public void SetOverlayImages(
int index,
RasterImage overlayImages
Public Sub SetOverlayImages( _
ByVal index As Integer, _
ByVal overlayImages As RasterImage _
public void setOverlayImages(int index, RasterImage images)
void SetOverlayImages(
int index,
RasterImage^ overlayImages
The zero-based index of the overlay being affected.
Images which will be used to update the overlay data. Cannot be null.
This method will update the stream of bytes under the "Overlay Data" (60xx, 3000) element with the data of the images included in overlayImages. Before calling this method, you must call SetOverlayAttributes to set the attributes of the image you are trying to update. Make sure that the number of images in overlayImages does not exceed the value of the "Number of Frames in Overlay" (60xx,0015) element.