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DatamatrixBarcodeWriteOptions Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see DatamatrixBarcodeWriteOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property
DisableCompression Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Datamatrix symbol is written without compression.
Public Property FileIdNumberHighByte Gets or sets a value that indicates the high byte of the file ID number to use when writing Datamatrix symbols.
Public Property FileIdNumberLowByte Gets or sets a value that indicate the low byte of the file ID number to use when writing Datamatrix symbols.
Public Property FriendlyName Gets the friendly name of this class.
Public Property GroupNumber Gets or sets a value that indicates the group number to use when writing Datamatrix symbols.
Public Property GroupTotal Gets or sets a value that indicates the group total to use when writing Datamatrix symbols.
Public Property HorizontalAlignment Gets or sets a value indicating the horizontal alignment to use when fitting this barcode inside the destination bounds.
Public Property HRItoGS1 Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data is formatted as GS1.
Public Property VerticalAlignment Gets or sets a value indicating the vertical alignment to use when fitting this barcode inside the destination bounds.
Public Property XModule Gets or sets a value that indicates the size of the smallest module when writing a Datamatrix barcode.

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