Leadtools.MediaFoundation Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy

Overview and description of Leadtools MediaFoundation classes, delegates, enumerations, and structures.

Class Description
AudioDevices Contains a collection of registered audio devices.
Class AudioFormat The AudioFormat object is a child item of the AudioFormats collection.
Class AudioFormats Contains a collection of audio formats available for an audio device.
Class AudioProcessors Contains a collection of registered audio processors.
Class AudioRenderers Contains a collection of registered audio renderers.
Class CaptureCtrl Allows the user to capture audio and video from hardware devices.
Class CaptureInput The CaptureInput object is a child item of the CaptureInputs collection.
Class CaptureInputs Contains a collections of the capture device inputs.
Class CaptureSize The CaptureSize object contains information about a registered video capture size.
Class CaptureSizes The CaptureSizes object contains a collection of registered video capture sizes.
Class CaptureSubType The CaptureSubType object is a child item of the CaptureSubTypes collection.
Class CaptureSubTypes The CaptureSubTypes object contains a collection of common video capture subtypes supported by the current video device.
Class PreferredMediaSourceHandlers Contains constant string values for predefined values used to identify preferred media source handlers.
Class Constants The Constants static class contains constant string values for the MediaType and subtype strings, processor and compressor names that are used.
Class ControlHost Internal user control base class for PlayCtrl, CaptureCtrl and ConvertCtrl classes.
Class ConvertCtrl Allows the user to convert one media format to another.
Class Device The Device object is a child item of the Devices collection.
Class Devices The Devices object contains a collection of registered audio or video devices.
Class ErrorAbortEventArgs The event argument for the ErrorAbortEventHandler event handler.
Class KeyDownEventArgs The event argument for the KeyDownEventHandler event handler.
Class KeyPressEventArgs The event argument for the KeyPressEventHandler event handler.
Class KeyUpEventArgs The event argument for the KeyUpEventHandler event handler.
Class MouseDownEventArgs The MouseDownEventArgs object is the event arguments object for the MouseDownEventHandler. For more information, see MouseDownEventHandler
Class MouseHoverEventArgs The MouseHoverEventArgs object is the event arguments object for the MouseHoverEventHandler. For more information, see MouseHoverEventHandler
Class MouseMoveEventArgs The MouseMoveEventArgs object is the event arguments object for the MouseMoveEventHandler. For more information, see MouseMoveEventHandler
Class MouseUpEventArgs The MouseUpEventArgs object is the event arguments object for the MouseUpEventHandler. For more information, see MouseUpEventHandler/
Class PlayCtrl The PlayCtrl object allows audio and video playback to be integrated into applications.
Class Processor The Processor object is a child item of the Processors collection.
Class Processors Contains a collection of processing transforms.
Class ProgressEventArgs The ProgressEventArgs object is the event arguments object for the ProgressEventHandler. For more information, see ProgressEventHandler
Class Renderer The Renderer object is a child item of the Renderers collection.
Class Renderers Contains a collection of registered audio or midi renderers.
Class StateChangedEventArgs The StateChangedEventArgs object is the event arguments object for the StateChangedEventHandler. For more information, see StateChangedEventHandler
Class TargetAudioFormat The TargetAudioFormat object is a child item of the TargetAudioFormats collection.
Class TargetAudioFormats Contains predefined and user defined target audio formats.
Class TargetAudioType Represents a child item of the TargetAudioTypes collection.
Class TargetAudioTypes The TargetAudioTypes collection object contains predefined and user defined target audio types.
Class TargetFormat Represents a child item of the TargetFormats collection.
Class TargetFormats The TargetFormats collection object contains predefined and user defined target formats.
Class TargetVideoFormat The TargetVideoFormat object is a child item of the TargetVideoFormats collection.
Class TargetVideoFormats The TargetVideoFormats collection object contains predefined and user defined target video formats.
Class TrackingPositionChangedEventArgs The TrackingPositionChangedEventArgs object is the event arguments object for the TrackingPositionChangedEventHandler. For more information, see TrackingPositionChangedEventHandler
Class TrackingSelectionChangedEventArgs The TrackingSelectionChangedEventArgs object is the event arguments object for the TrackingSelectionChangedEventHandler. For more information, see TrackingSelectionChangedEventHandler
Class TVTuner The TVTuner Object provides methods and properties to control TV tuner devices, supporting tuners for analog broadcast television and AM/FM radio.
Class VideoDevices The VideoDevices object contains a collection of registered video devices.
Class VideoFormat The VideoFormat object is a child item of the VideoFormats collection.
Class VideoFormats The VideoFormats object contains a collection of video formats available for video devices.
Class VideoProcessors Contains a collection of registered video processors.

Structure Description
BITMAPINFOHEADER The BITMAPINFOHEADER structure is useful for accessing bitmap information in captured DIB frames. It contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
Structure DVD_HMSF_TIMECODE The DVD_HMSF_TIMECODE structure encapsulates the hours, minutes, seconds, and frames in a DVD Timecode.
Structure RECT This structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle.
Structure REFERENCE_TIME The REFERENCE_TIME data type defines the units for reference times in Media Foundation or DirectShow. Each unit of reference time is 100 nanoseconds.
Structure VideoInfoHeader The VIDEOINFOHEADER structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video image.
Structure WaveFormatEx The WAVEFORMATEX structure defines the format of waveform-audio data.

Delegate Description
ErrorAbortEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received ErrorAbortEventArgs data.
Delegate KeyDownEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received KeyDownEventArgs data.
Delegate KeyPressEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received KeyPressEventArgs data.
Delegate KeyUpEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received KeyUpEventArgs data.
Delegate MouseDownEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received MouseDownEventArgs data.
Delegate MouseHoverEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received MouseHoverEventArgs data.
Delegate MouseMoveEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received MouseMoveEventArgs data.
Delegate MouseUpEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received MouseUpEventArgs data.
Delegate ProgressEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received ProgressEventArgs data.
Delegate StateChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received StateChangedEventArgs data.
Delegate TrackingPositionChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received TrackingPositionChangedEventArgs data.
Delegate TrackingSelectionChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle an event that has received TrackingSelectionChangedEventArgs data.

Enumeration Description
AnalogVideoStandard Specifies the possible standard video formats available.
Enumeration Appearance Specifies the appearance of the control.
Enumeration BorderStyle Specifies the border style.
Enumeration CaptureDlg Defines helper and property dialog boxes available in the CaptureCtrl object.
Enumeration CaptureMode Defines the type of capture to perform.
Enumeration CapturePreview Defines the source for the preview media.
Enumeration CaptureState Specifies the current state of the CaptureCtrl object.
Enumeration ConvertDlg Defines helper and property dialog boxes available in the ConvertCtrl object.
Enumeration ConvertState Specifies the current state of the ConvertCtrl object.
Enumeration ErrorCode The list of error codes for generic collection thrown exceptions.
Enumeration MousePointer Specifies the type of mouse pointer to use for the control.
Enumeration PlayDlg Defines helper and property dialog boxes available in the PlayCtrl object.
Enumeration PlayObject Defines objects that can be obtained using the PlayCtrl.GetSubObject method.
Enumeration PlaySeeking Determines which seeking capabilities are supported by the current media playback.
Enumeration PlayState Specifies the current state of the PlayCtrl object.
Enumeration PreferredMediaSourceHandler Specifies the preferred media source handler to be used when creating the media source for the conversion/playback process. ConvertCtrl.SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler methodConvertCtrl.GetPreferredMediaSourceHandler method
Enumeration ProcessorDlg Defines helper and property dialog boxes available in the Processor object.
Enumeration ProcessorType Indicates the type of Processor, either video or audio.
Enumeration ScaleMode Specifies the unit of measure for the control.
Enumeration SizeMode Specifies how the video window is sized within the video window frame. Used by both the PlayCtrl and the CaptureCtrl objects.
Enumeration SourceObjectType Specifies the source object type.
Enumeration StillFormatType Defines the format used to save still images using the CaptureCtrl.SaveStillBitmap, ConvertCtrl.SaveStillBitmap and PlayCtrl.SaveStillBitmap methods
Enumeration StillQuality Defines the compression quality factors affecting CMP still images.
Enumeration StreamFormatType Defines the possible stream types.
Enumeration TargetFormatDlg Defines helper and property dialog boxes available in the cached object.
Enumeration TargetFormatType Specifies the format of the target media file associated with the CaptureCtrl.TargetFormat and ConvertCtrl.TargetFormat.
Enumeration TargetObjectType Specifies the media target type used in the capture or conversion processes.
Enumeration TunerInputType Specifies the possible TV Tuner input types for the installed TV Tuner device.
Enumeration TunerModeType Specifies the possible modes supported by the installed TV tuner device.
Enumeration TunerSignalStrength Specifies the possible TV Tuner signal strength indicators.
Enumeration TunerSubChannel Specifies possible TV Tuner audio or video subchannels.

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Leadtools.MediaFoundation Assembly