
LEADTOOLS Color Conversion Color Space features can convert images from any color resolution to any other color resolution. Whether you are working with medical images, scanned documents or digital photographs, LEADTOOLS can help you provide the correct color depth for the hardware your clients are using (from 1-bit to 64-bit)*, with multiple dithering methods using various palette options. These functions are included with LEADTOOLS Raster, Vector, Medical, and Document Imaging products.

Key Features:

Source Color Space Can be converted to Conversion method Recommended
RGB Any other color space. Built-in, ICC profiles, or emulation tables, depending on the destination color space.
BGR Any other color space. Built-in, ICC profiles, or emulation tables, depending on the destination color conversion.
YUV Any other color space. Built-in.
CMYK Any other color space. Emulation Tables (one way CMYK => RGB) The best conversion is through the ICC Profiles (USE_ICC). This is because of the nature of the CMYK conversion, which is machine-dependant. You can use profiles that vary in the degree of black color (ink) generation.
ICC Profiles.
HSV Any other color space. Built-in.
HSL Any other color space. Built-in.
YIQ Any other color space. Built-in.
LAB Any other color space. Emulation Tables (one way CMYK => RGB). For two-way conversion (RGB to LAB and vice versa), the best solution is with emulation tables and built-in conversions. These preserve the colors better. However, for one-way conversion you can use ICC profiles.
ICC Profiles.
XYZ Any other color space. Built-in.
YCCK Any other color space. Built-in.
Y41P Any other color space. Built-in.
UYVY Any other color space. Built-in.
YUY2 Any other color space. Built-in.
YVU9 Any other color space. Built-in.
YCC Any other color space. Built-in.
ARGB4 Any other color space. Built-in.
IHS Any other color space. Built-in.

*NOTE: Some functionality is included only in the Document and/or Medical Imaging products. For more information on working with grayscale images and window-leveling, see Grayscale Images.

Supported Environments

The toolkit comes in Win32 and x64 editions. The environments supported depend upon the specific product, platform and function. For more information, refer to Supported Platforms / Operating Systems.

See Also

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