   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uMask; 
   L_UINT uMask1; 
   L_UINT uNumRows; 
   L_UINT uNumCols; 
   COLORREF crEmptyCellBackGroundColor; 
   HCURSOR hDefaultCursor; 
   HCURSOR hRszVertCursor; 
   HCURSOR hRszHorzCursor; 
   HCURSOR hRszBothCursor; 
   L_BOOL bAutoScroll; 
   L_UINT uCellsMaintenance; 
   L_UINT uSplitterStyle; 
   L_UINT bUseExtraSplitters; 
   L_BOOL bCustomSplitterColor; 
   COLORREF crSplitterColor; 
   L_BOOL bShowContainerScroll; 
   L_BOOL bLayoutDesign; 
   L_BOOL bGridMode; 
   L_BOOL bSnapToGrid; 
   L_BOOL bShowGrid; 
   L_INT nGridSizeX; 
   L_INT nGridSizeY; 
   L_INT nDesignTool; 
   L_BOOL bAllowOverlappingCells; 
   COLORREF clrRectBackColor; 
   COLORREF clrRectForeColor; 
   COLORREF clrGridColor; 
   L_BOOL bShowLayoutPosition; 
   L_BOOL bShowLines; 
   COLORREF crBackground; 
   COLORREF crText; 
   COLORREF crShadow; 
   COLORREF crRulerIn; 
   COLORREF crRulerout; 
   COLORREF crActiveBorderColor; 
   COLORREF crNonActiveBorderColor; 
   COLORREF crActiveSubCellBorderColor; 
   HCURSOR hDefaultCursor; 
   HCURSOR hAnnMoveCursor; 
   HCURSOR hAnnSelectCursor; 
   HCURSOR hAnnDefaultCursor; 
   HCURSOR hRegionDefaultCursor; 
   L_BOOL bShowFreezeText; 
   L_UINT uBorderStyle; 
   L_UINT uTextQuality; 
   L_UINT uRulerStyle; 
   L_UINT uPaintingMethod; 
   L_BOOL bShowCellScroll; 
   L_UINT uOverlayTextSize; 
   COLORREF crRegionBorderColor1; 
   COLORREF crRegionBorderColor2; 
   L_BOOL bInteractiveInterpolation; 

The DISPCONTAINERPROPERTIES structure contains options for controlling the behavior of the container.



Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.


Value that indicates which members contains valid data for setting, or which members should be updated. Flags can be combined using the bitwise 'OR. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DCPF_ALL All members must be valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_NUMROWS The uNumRows member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_NUMCOLS The uNumCols member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_EMPTYCELLBACKGROUNDCOLOR The crEmptyCellBackGroundColor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_DEFAULTCURSOR The hDefaultCursor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_VERTCURSOR The hRszVertCursor is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_HORZCURSOR The hRszHorzCursor is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_BOTHCURSOR The hRszBothCursor is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_AUTOSCROLL The bAutoScroll member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_CELLSMAINTENANCE The uCellsMaintenance is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_SPLITTERSTYLE The uSplitterStyle member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_SPLITTERCOLOR The crSplitterColor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_USEEXTRASPLITTERS The bUseExtraSplitters member is valid or must filled in.
DCPF_SHOWVIEWERSCROLL The bShowContainerScroll member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF_VIEWERBACKCOLOR The crEmptyCellBackGroundColor member is valid or must be filled in.


Additional value that indicates which members contains valid data for setting, or which members should be updated. Flags can be combined using the bitwise 'OR.  Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DCPF1_ALL All members must be valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_GRIDMODE [0x00000008] The bGridMode member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_LAYOUTDESIGN [0x00000010] The bGridMode member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_SNAPTOGRID [0x00000020] The bLayoutDesign member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_SHOWGRID [0x00000040] The bShowGrid member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_GRIDSIZE [0x00000080] The nGridSizeX & nGridSizeY members are valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_DESIGNTOOL [0x00000100] The nDesignTool member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_ALLOWOVERLAPPINGCELLS [0x00000200] The bAllowOverlappingCells member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_RECTFORECOLOR [0x00000400] The clrRectForeColor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_RECTBACKCOLOR [0x00000800] The clrRectBackColor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_SHOWLAYOUTPOSITION [0x00001000] The bShowLayoutPosition member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_GRIDCOLOR [0x00020000] The clrGridColor member is valid or must be filled in.
DCPF1_GRIDSHOWLINES [0x00040000] The bShowLines member is valid or must be filled in.


Number of rows in the container. The default value is 1. The maximum is 4.


Number of columns in the container. The default value is 1. The maximum is 8.


Background color to display in empty cells. The default color is black.


Default cursor for the container. The default value is IDC_ARROW.


Default cursor for resizing vertically. The default value is IDC_SIZENS.


Default cursor for resizing horizontally. The default value is IDC_SIZEWE.


Default cursor for resizing horizontally and vertically. The default value is IDC_SIZEBOTH.


Flags that determine the style of the splitter. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
CONTAINER_BORDERSIZE_THIN One pixel width splitter.
CONTAINER_BORDERSIZE_THICK Thick 3D splitter (Default).


Flag that indicates whether to display the extra splitter at the bottom and right of the control in order to allow adding more rows and columns dynamically. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Show the splitter at the right and bottom of the control.
FALSE Do not show the splitters at the right and bottom of the control.


Flag that indicates whether to use crSplitterColor to draw the splitter or to use the system theme color. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE The color of the splitters will be specified in crSplitterColor member.
FALSE The color of the splitters will be determined by the system theme color.


Color of the splitter. This value is ignored when bCustomSplitterColor is FALSE.


Flag that indicates whether to display the viewer scroll that is used to scroll throw the cells. Possible value are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Display the viewer scroll
FALSE Do not display the viewer scroll.


Flag that indicates whether to maintain, if possible, cell size or cell position. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DCPF_CELLSMAINTENANCE_SIZE Maintain cell size, if possible. This is the default value.
DCPF_CELLSMAINTENANCE_POS Maintain cell position.


Value that indicate whether to allow the medical viewer to add a scroll bar to scroll through the cells. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Add a scroll bar to scroll through the cells
FALSE Not to add a scroll bar to scroll through the cells


Flag that indicates whether the viewer is in design mode. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE The viewer is in design mode.
FALSE The viewer is in run mode.


Flag that indicate whether the viewer is layout is in grid mode. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE The viewer is in a grid layout mode.
FALSE The viewer can position cells using layout coordinates.


Flag that indicates whether snap to grid functionality is enabled in design mode. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Enable snap to grid.
FALSE Disable snap to grid.


Flag that indicates whether to show a layout grid in design mode. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Display the layout grid.
FALSE Do not display the layout grid.


Specifies the horizontal size of the grid in design mode.


Specifies the vertical size of the grid in design mode.


Specifies the design tool to use during design mode. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
0 Select.
1 Draw.


Flag that indicates whether or not to allow overlapping cells. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Allow overlapping cells.
FALSE Do not allow overlapping cells.


Specifies the background color of the cell rectangle in design mode.


Specifies the foreground color of the cell rectangle in design mode.


Specifies the color of the layout grid in design mode.


Flag that indicates whether to display cell locations in design mode. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Display cell positions.
FALSE Do not display cell positions.


Flag that indicates whether to display grid lines in design mode. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Display grid lines.
FALSE Do not display grid lines.


Color of the viewer back ground, default is black


Color of the overlay text, default is white.


Color of the overlay text, shadow default is black.


Color of the ruler inner color


Color of the ruler outer color


Color of the selected cell border


Color of the non-selected cell border.


Color of the active sub-cell border.


Default cursor for moving annotation object.


Default cursor for selecting annotation object.


Default cursor for annotation object.


Default cursor for region cursor.


Flag that indicates whether to show the word frozen on the frozen cell. Possible value are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Show the word "frozen" above the frozen cell.
uBorderStyle FALSE Don't Show the word "frozen" above the frozen cell.


Flag that indicates the render quality of the overlay text.

Value Meaning
ANTIALIASED_QUALITY The text is anti-aliased.
DEFAULT_QUALITY Appearance of the font does not matter.


Flag that indicates the style of the cell ruler. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DCPF_RULERSTYLE_INVERT [0x0] The ruler is drawn using an inverted pen.
DCPF_RULERSTYLE_BORDERED [0x1] The ruler is drawn using the crRulerIn and crRulerOut.


Flag that indicates whether the algorithm used to render the images. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DISPLAYMODE_FASTPAINT [0x00000002] Fastest painting method, no interpolation is done. Pixelated results when scaling up or down.
DISPLAYMODE_RESAMPLE [0x00000200] Fast painting method, linear interpolation is done. Good results when scaling up or down.
DISPLAYMODE_BICUBIC [0x00000400] Slow painting method, bicubic interpolation is done, best results when scaling up or down.
CONTAINER_DISPLAYMODE_ALWAYSINTERPOLATE [0x00010000] Always use interpolation.


Flag that indicates whether to show the cell scrollbar or not. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Show the cell scroll bar.
FALSE Hide the cell scroll bar.


Value that indicates the size of the overlay text. if this value is 0, the text will be resized based on the size of the cell. if the user set this value to anything other than 0, the overlay text will always be the same regardless of the size of the cell.


The first color of the region marching ants (region border).


The second color of the region marching ants (region border).


Flag that indicates whether to switch to the high quality interpolation if the user does not moves the mouse during the action. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Switch to a high quality interpolation.
FALSE Wait for the action to finish to switch to high quality interpolation.


This structure is used by the L_DispContainerSetPropertieslimageviewer::setproperties and L_DispContainerGetPropertieslimageviewer::getproperties functions.

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