Leadtools.Svg Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy

Overview and description of Leadtools Svg classes, delegates, enumerations, and structures.

Class Description
Assembly Utility class to force dynamic loading of this assembly in the Xamarin platform.
Class SvgDataUri Represents a data URI object.
Class SvgDocument Represents a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) document.
Class SvgElementInfo Holds the information of an SVG element.
Class SvgEnumerateOptions Options to use when enumerating SVG elements (nodes).
Class SvgFlatOptions Options to use when flattening an SVG document.
Class SvgLoadOptions Options to use when loading SVG documents.
Class SvgMergeOptions Options to use with the SvgDocument.MergeWith method.
Class SvgNodeHandle Represents a node (element) in an SVG document.
Class SvgRenderOptions Options for rendering an SVG document to a target device.
Class SvgSaveOptions SVG write options
Class SvgSortOptions Options to control how to sort the elements in this SVG document.
Class SvgTextData Contains the data of a text element.

Structure Description
SvgBounds Represents the calculated bounds of an SVG document.

Delegate Description
SvgEnumerateElementsCallback Callback to receive the SVG elements (nodes).
Delegate SvgFilterElementsCallback Callback to allow certain element types to be ignored when sorting.
Delegate SvgSortElementsCallback Callback to receive the sorted SVG elements.

Enumeration Description
SvgCharacterDirection Character direction
Enumeration SvgDropFlags Options to use when merging SVG documents
Enumeration SvgElementType SVG element types
Enumeration SvgEncoding Encoding to use when saving SVG documents
Enumeration SvgEnumerateDirection The direction to use when enumerating SVG elements (nodes).
Enumeration SvgExtractText Text extraction mode
Enumeration SvgFormat The SVG format.
Enumeration SvgLoadFlags Options to use when loading SVG documents.
Enumeration SvgRenderFlags Extra render options.
Enumeration SvgSortFlags Sorting flags used when enumerating the elements of an SVG
Enumeration SvgTextCharacterFlags Text character position flags
Enumeration SvgVersion SVG document version

Help Version 20.0.2020.3.31
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Leadtools.Svg Assembly