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AnnProtractorObject Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnProtractorObject.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
AnnProtractorObject Initializes a new instance of AnnProtractorObject.

Public Methods

Name Description
Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnProtractorObject object.
ResetRotatePoints The AnnProtractorObject implementation of AnnObject.ResetRotatePoints.
RestoreOriginalLocation The AnnProtractorObject implementation of RestoreOriginalLocation.
SaveOriginalLocation The AnnProtractorObject implementation of SaveOriginalLocation.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Create Creates a new instance of this AnnProtractorObject.
GetTransformPoints Gets the array of points to be transformed.
OnAcuteChanged Occurs when the value Acute property changes.
OnAnglePrecisionChanged Occurs when the value AnglePrecision property changes.
OnAngularUnitAbbreviationChanged Occurs when the value AngularUnitAbbreviation property changes.
OnAngularUnitChanged Occurs when the value AngularUnit property changes.
OnArcRadiusChanged Occurs when the value ArcRadius property changes.
OnCenterPointChanged Occurs when the value CenterPoint property changes.
OnDpiXChanged Occurs when the value DpiX property changes.
OnDpiYChanged Occurs when the value DpiY property changes.
OnFirstPointChanged Occurs when the value FirstPoint property changes.
OnFontDecorationChanged Occurs when the value FontDecoration property changes.
OnFontFamilyNameChanged Occurs when the value FontFamilyName property changes.
OnFontSizeChanged Occurs when the value FontSize property changes.
OnFontStretchChanged Occurs when the value FontStretch property changes.
OnFontStyleChanged Occurs when the value FontStyle property changes.
OnFontWeightChanged Occurs when the value FontWeight property changes.
OnGaugeLengthChanged Occurs when the value GaugeLength property changes.
OnMeasurementUnitChanged Occurs when the value MeasurementUnit property changes.
OnPrecisionChanged Occurs when the value Precision property changes.
OnRestrictLengthChanged Occurs when the value RestrictLength property changes.
OnSecondPointChanged Occurs when the value SecondPoint property changes.
OnShowAngleChanged Occurs when the value ShowAngle property changes.
OnShowGaugeChanged Occurs when the value ShowGauge property changes.
OnShowLengthChanged Occurs when the value ShowLength property changes.
OnShowTickMarksChanged Occurs when the value ShowTickMarks property changes.
OnTickMarksLengthChanged Occurs when the value TickMarksLength property changes.
OnUnitAbbreviationChanged Occurs when the value UnitAbbreviation property changes.
SetTransformPoints Sets the array of transformed points.

Public Properties

Name Description
Acute Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to mark the inside (acute) or outside (obtuse) angle for this AnnProtractorObject object.
AnglePrecision Gets or sets the precision value used for the angle of this AnnProtractorObject.
AngularUnit Gets or sets the angular unit of the angle of this protractor.
AngularUnitAbbreviation Gets or sets a string value that specifies the abbreviation used with the AngularUnit value.
ArcRadius Gets or sets the arc radius of this AnnProtractorObject.
BoundingRectangle This object is an implementation of AnnObject.BoundingRectangle.
CenterPoint Gets or sets the value for the center point of this AnnProtractorObject.
DefiningGeometry Gets a value that represents the System.Windows.Media.Geometry of this AnnProtractorObject.
DpiX Gets or sets the horizontal DPI (dots per inch) that is used to translate the horizontal distance for the ruler.
DpiY Gets or sets the vertical DPI (dots per inch) that is used to translate the vertical distance for the ruler.
FirstPoint Gets or sets the value for the first point of this AnnProtractorObject.
FontDecoration Gets or sets a value that indicates the TextDecorationCollection to apply to the text.
FontFamilyName Gets or sets a value that indicates the font family of the typeface.
FontSize Gets or sets a value that indicates the font size the text should be formatted at.
FontStretch Gets or sets a value that indicates the degree to which the typeface is stretched. This is a dependency property.
FontStyle Gets or sets a value that indicates the style of the typeface.
FontWeight Gets or sets a value that indicates the relative weight of the typeface.
GaugeLength Gets or sets the length of the gauge (the perpendicular lines at the ends of the protractor rulers) for this AnnProtractorObject.
IsProtractorImplemented Gets a value to determine whether this object implements the IAnnProtractor interface. This is used internally by the annotation framework. User-defined classes that are derived from the AnnObject class and include a protractor should implement this property to always return true.
IsRulerImplemented Gets a value to determine whether this object implements the IAnnRuler interface. This is used internally by the annotation framework. User-defined classes that are derived from the AnnObject class and include a ruler must implement this property to always return true.
MeasurementUnit Gets or sets the unit of measure for the rulers of this AnnProtractorObject.
Origin Gets the logical origin of this AnnProtractorObject.
Precision Gets or sets the precision value used for the length of this AnnProtractorObject.
ProtractorAngle Gets the angle of this AnnProtractorObject object.
RestrictLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether the length text of this object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container.
SecondPoint Gets or sets the value for the second point of this AnnProtractorObject.
ShowAngle Gets or sets a value indicating whether the angle of this AnnProtractorObject is visible.
ShowGauge Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gauge (the perpendicular lines at the ends of the protractor rulers) for this AnnProtractorObject is visible.
ShowLength Enables or disables the display of text showing the length of this AnnProtractorObject.
ShowTickMarks Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tick marks for this AnnProtractorObject are visible.
TickMarksLength Gets or sets the length of the tick marks for this AnnProtractorObject.
TransformMode Gets a value that determines how to transform this AnnProtractorObject when any object transformation method is called.
UnitAbbreviation Gets or sets a string value that specifies the abbreviation used with the MeasurementUnit value.

Public Fields

Name Description
AcuteProperty Identifies the Acute dependency property.
AnglePrecisionProperty Identifies the AnglePrecision dependency property.
AngularUnitAbbreviationProperty Identifies the AngularUnitAbbreviation dependency property.
AngularUnitProperty Identifies the AngularUnit dependency property.
ArcRadiusProperty Identifies the ArcRadius dependency property.
CenterPointProperty Identifies the CenterPoint dependency property.
DpiXProperty Identifies the DpiX dependency property.
DpiYProperty Identifies the DpiY dependency property.
FirstPointProperty Identifies the FirstPoint dependency property.
FontDecorationProperty Identifies the FontDecoration dependency property.
FontFamilyNameProperty Identifies the FontFamilyName dependency property.
FontSizeProperty Identifies the FontSize dependency property.
FontStretchProperty Identifies the FontStretch dependency property.
FontStyleProperty Identifies the FontStyle dependency property.
FontWeightProperty Identifies the FontWeight dependency property.
GaugeLengthProperty Identifies the GaugeLength dependency property.
MeasurementUnitProperty Identifies the MeasurementUnit dependency property.
PrecisionProperty Identifies the Precision dependency property.
RestrictLengthProperty Identifies the RestrictLength dependency property.
SecondPointProperty Identifies the SecondPoint dependency property.
ShowAngleProperty Identifies the ShowAngle dependency property.
ShowGaugeProperty Identifies the ShowGauge dependency property.
ShowLengthProperty Identifies the ShowLength dependency property.
ShowTickMarksProperty Identifies the ShowTickMarks dependency property.
TickMarksLengthProperty Identifies the TickMarksLength dependency property.
UnitAbbreviationProperty Identifies the UnitAbbreviation dependency property.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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