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AnnDesigner Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnDesigner.

Public Constructors

Name Description
AnnDesigner Initializes a new AnnDesigner with explicit parameters.

Public Methods

Name Description
Cancel Cancels the current designer operation.
End Ends the current designer
OnMouseDoubleClick Handles mouse double-click events on the designer.
OnMouseLeftButtonDown Handles mouse left button down events on the designer.
OnMouseLeftButtonUp Handles mouse left button up events on the designer.
OnMouseMove Handles mouse move events on the designer.
OnMouseRightButtonDown Handles mouse mouse right button down events on the designer.
Start Starts the current designer

Protected Methods

Name Description
EndClipCursor Ends clipping the mouse cursor.
StartClipCursor Starts clipping the mouse cursor inside the given rectangle.

Public Properties

Name Description
Container Gets the AnnContainer object for this AnnDesigner.
IsClipCursor Enables and disables clipping the cursor.
IsMouseLeftButtonDown Gets a value indicating whether the mouse left button is currently down.

Protected Properties

Name Description
ClipCursorRectangle Gets the rectangle used to clip the cursor.
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Leadtools.Windows.Annotations Assembly