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AnnObjectCollection Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnObjectCollection.

Public Constructors

Name Description
AnnObject Initializes a new instance of AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)

Public Methods

Name Description
BringToFront Brings the specified object forward in the collection.
Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnObject object. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HitTestHeader Performs hit-testing on this AnnObject header. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Invalidate Invalidates the whole area of this object and signals the container to redraw the control. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Lock Locks this AnnObject with the specified password. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
ResetRotatePoints Resets the RotateCenter and RotateGripper control points to a default location. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
ResetTransform Resets the transformation matrix of this AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
RestoreOriginalLocation Restores location information for an AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
RestrictHeader Restricts the header to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container of this AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Rotate Rotates the transformation matrix of this AnnObject around a point. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
SaveOriginalLocation Saves location information for an AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Scale Scales the transformation matrix of this AnnObject by the specified ratios. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
SendToBack Sends the specified object back in the collection.
TransformRotatePoints Applies the transformer to the rotate control points. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Translate Translates the transformation matrix of this AnnObject by the specified values. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Unlock Unlocks this AnnObject with the specified password. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)

Protected Methods

Name Description
Create Creates a new instance of this AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
GetTransformPoints Gets the array of points to be transformed. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnFillBrushChanged Occurs when the value FillBrush property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnFillChanged Occurs when the value Fill property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnFixedStateChanged Occurs when the value FixedState property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnGripperDistanceChanged Occurs when the value GripperDistance property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderBackgroundChanged Occurs when the value HeaderBackground property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderChanged Occurs when the value Header property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderDecorationsChanged Occurs when the value HeaderDecorations property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderFontFamilyNameChanged Occurs when the value HeaderFontFamilyName property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderFontSizeChanged Occurs when the value HeaderFontSize property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderFontStretchChanged Occurs when the value HeaderFontStretch property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderFontStyleChanged Occurs when the value HeaderFontStyle property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderFontWeightChanged Occurs when the value HeaderFontWeight property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderForegroundChanged Occurs when the value HeaderForeground property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHeaderOffsetChanged Occurs when the value HeaderOffset property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnHyperlinkChanged Occurs when the value Hyperlink property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnIsHeaderRestrictedChanged Occurs when the value IsHeaderRestricted property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnIsHeaderVisibleChanged Occurs when the value IsHeaderVisible property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnIsVisibleChanged Occurs when the value IsVisible property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnRotateCenterChanged Occurs when the value RotateCenter property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnRotateGripperChanged Occurs when the value RotateGripper property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeBrushChanged Occurs when the value StrokeBrush property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeChanged Occurs when the value Stroke property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeDashArrayChanged Occurs when the value StrokeDashArray property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeDashCapChanged Occurs when the value StrokeDashCap property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeDashOffsetChanged Occurs when the value StrokeDashOffset property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeEndLineCapChanged Occurs when the value StrokeEndLineCap property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeLineJoinChanged Occurs when the value StrokeLineJoin property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeMiterLimitChanged Occurs when the value StrokeMiterLimit property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeStartLineCapChanged Occurs when the value StrokeStartLineCap property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
OnStrokeThicknessChanged Occurs when the value StrokeThickness property changes. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
SetTransformPoints Sets the array of transformed points. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)

Public Properties

Name Description
BoundingRectangle Gets the logical bounding rectangle of this AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
DefiningGeometry Gets a value that represents the System.Windows.Media.Geometry of the AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Fill Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Color associated with this AnnObject to fill this object geometry. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
FillBrush Gets or sets the AnnBrush associated with this AnnObject to fill this object geometry. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
FixedState The fixed state of this object. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
GripperDistance The distance in pixels that the RotateGripper control point is originally placed from the bounds of the AnnObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Header Gets or sets the header of the AnnObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderBackground Gets or sets the color used to fill the background of the header of this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderDecorations Gets or sets a value that indicates the TextDecorationCollection to apply to the text. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontFamilyName Gets or sets a value that indicates the font family of the header typeface. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontSize Gets or sets a value that indicates the font size the header should be formatted at. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontStretch Gets or sets a value that indicates the degree to which the header typeface is stretched. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontStyle Gets or sets a value that indicates the header style of the typeface. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontWeight Gets or sets a value that indicates the header relative weight of the typeface. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderForeground Gets or sets the color used to draw the text of the header of this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderOffset Gets or sets the header offset relative to the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Hyperlink Gets or sets a string which represents the hyperlink for this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
IsHeaderRestricted Gets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnObject header is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
IsHeaderVisible Gets or sets a value to determine whether to draw the header of this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
IsLocked Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnObject is locked. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
IsVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the object is visible. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Origin Gets the logical origin of this AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Password Gets the password used in the last successful lock operation of this AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
RotateCenter The location of the rotate center control point. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
RotateGripper The location of the rotate gripper control point. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Stroke Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Color associated with this AnnObject to draw this object's outline. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeBrush Gets or sets the AnnBrush associated with this AnnObject to draw this object's outline. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeDashArray Gets or sets an array of double values that represent the dash pattern for the stroke of AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeDashCap Gets or sets the StrokeDashCap style used at the end of the dashes that make up dashed lines drawn with the stroke of AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeDashOffset Gets or sets the distance from the start of a line to the beginning of a dash pattern. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeEndLineCap Gets or sets the AnnStrokeLineCap style used at the end of lines drawn with the stroke of the AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeLineJoin Gets or sets the line join for the stroke. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeMiterLimit Gets or sets the limit of the thickness of the join on a mitered corner. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeStartLineCap Gets or sets the StrokeStartLineCap style used at the beginning of lines drawn with the stroke of this AnnObject. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeThickness Gets or sets the width of the AnnObject outline. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
SupportsFill Gets a value indicating whether this AnnObject object supports a fill. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
SupportsStroke Gets a value indicating whether this AnnObject object supports a stroke. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Tag Gets or sets a user-defined data object that is associated with this object (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
Transform Gets the object current transformation matrix. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
TransformMode Gets a value that determines how to transform this AnnObject when any object transformation method is called. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)

Public Fields

Name Description
FillBrushProperty Identifies the FillBrush dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
FillProperty Identifies the Fill dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
FixedStateProperty Identifies the FixedState dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
GripperDistanceProperty Identifies the GripperDistance dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderBackgroundProperty Identifies the HeaderBackground dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderDecorationsProperty Identifies the HeaderDecorations dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontFamilyNameProperty Identifies the HeaderFontFamilyName dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontSizeProperty Identifies the HeaderFontSize dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontStretchProperty Identifies the HeaderFontStretch dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontStyleProperty Identifies the HeaderFontStyle dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderFontWeightProperty Identifies the HeaderFontWeight dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderForegroundProperty Identifies the HeaderForeground dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderOffsetProperty Identifies the HeaderOffset dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HeaderProperty Identifies the Header dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
HyperlinkProperty Identifies the Hyperlink dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
IsHeaderRestrictedProperty Identifies the IsHeaderRestricted dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
IsHeaderVisibleProperty Identifies the IsHeaderVisible dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
IsVisibleProperty Identifies the IsVisible dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
RotateCenterProperty Identifies the RotateCenter dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
RotateGripperProperty Identifies the RotateGripper dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeBrushProperty Identifies the StrokeBrush dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeProperty Identifies the Stroke dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
StrokeThicknessProperty Identifies the StrokeThickness dependency property. (Inherited from ObservableCollection<AnnObject>)
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Leadtools.Windows.Annotations Assembly