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AnnAudioObject Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnAudioObject.

Public Constructors

Name Description
AnnImageObject Initializes a new instance of AnnImageObject. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)

Protected Constructors

Name Description
AnnAudioObject Initializes a new instance of AnnAudioObject.

Public Methods

Name Description
Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnAudioObject object.
Invalidate Overrides AnnObject.Invalidate. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
Play Attempts to play the WAV file stored in the Uri property of this AnnAudioObject.
Stop Stops the play of the WAV file stored in the Uri property of this AnnAudioObject.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Create Creates a new instance of this AnnAudioObject object.
OnAlignmentXChanged Occurs when the value AlignmentX property changes. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
OnAlignmentYChanged Occurs when the value AlignmentY property changes. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
OnPictureChanged Overrides AnnImageObject.OnPictureChanged
OnStretchChanged Occurs when the value Stretch property changes. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)

Public Properties

Name Description
AlignmentX Gets or sets the image horizontal alignment. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
AlignmentY Gets or sets the image vertical alignment. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
CanPlay Gets a value indicating whether this AnnAudioObject object can play its WAV file.
DefaultPicture Gets or sets the default picture used by all AnnAudioObject objects.
IsPlaying Gets a value indicating whether the WAV file stored in the Uri property of this AnnAudioObject is playing.
Picture Gets or sets the AnnPicture object associated with this AnnImageObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
Stretch Gets or sets a value that indicates how the image is resized to fill its allocated space. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
Uri Gets or sets the uri of the WAV file of this AnnAudioObject.
UseOriginalPicture Gets or sets a value indicating whether to revert back to the original picture used for all AnnAudioObject objects.

Public Fields

Name Description
AlignmentXProperty Identifies the AlignmentX dependency property. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
AlignmentYProperty Identifies the AlignmentY dependency property. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
PictureProperty Identifies the Picture dependency property. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
StretchProperty Identifies the Stretch dependency property. (Inherited from AnnImageObject)
UriProperty Identifies the Uri dependency property.
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