WinRT OCR Example on CodeProject

With the recent release of Windows 8 and our WinRT SDK, I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to put together a simple how-to demonstrating one of LEADTOOLS’ most popular features: OCR. Optical Character Recognition is used in a variety of applications including document archival systems, check processing, form processing, healthcare, test scoring, and pretty much anything else you can think of that needs to extract text from images. LEADTOOLS native WinRT libraries not only make developing these apps for the Windows Store a reality, but create them in far less time.

If you have used LEADTOOLS OCR functionality in the past, you will be happy to hear that the WinRT version of our SDK was designed to mimic the architecture of our existing .NET toolkit. In other words, current users porting their applications to WinRT can reuse 100% of their LEADTOOLS code with little or no modification. For new users, LEADTOOLS WinRT is easy to use, and includes all the features you need to create powerful Windows Store applications. Jump over to our latest CodeProject article where I show you just how easy it is to convert virtually any image into searchable PDF/A and raw text using LEADTOOLS WinRT SDK.

Otis Goodwin

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