RasterImagePrinter Constructor


Initializes a new instance of the RasterImagePrinter class.




Note: The RasterViewerCenterMode type has been renamed in version 15. Use the RasterPaintAlignMode enumeration instead.


using Leadtools.WinForms; 
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
// The image we are printing 
private RasterImage myImage = null; 
// The current page number being printed 
private int currentPrintPageNumber; 
public void RasterImagePrinterExample() 
   // Check if there are printers installed on this machine 
   if (PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters == null || PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.Count < 1) 
      MessageBox.Show("There are no printers installed on this machine"); 
   // Load the image 
   using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
      this.myImage = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Ocr1.tif")); 
   // Create the print document object 
   using (PrintDocument document = new PrintDocument()) 
      // Setup the document pages 
      document.PrinterSettings.MinimumPage = 1; 
      document.PrinterSettings.MaximumPage = this.myImage.PageCount; 
      document.PrinterSettings.FromPage = 1; 
      document.PrinterSettings.ToPage = this.myImage.PageCount; 
      DialogResult result = DialogResult.OK; 
      // Select the printer 
      using (PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog()) 
         printDlg.Document = document; 
         printDlg.AllowSomePages = true; 
         result = printDlg.ShowDialog(); 
      // Setup the page 
      if (result == DialogResult.OK) 
         using (PageSetupDialog pageSetupDlg = new PageSetupDialog()) 
            pageSetupDlg.Document = document; 
      if (result == DialogResult.OK) 
         // Add handlers for Begin/Print and End print events 
         document.BeginPrint += new PrintEventHandler(document_BeginPrint); 
         document.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(document_PrintPage); 
         document.EndPrint += new PrintEventHandler(document_EndPrint); 
         // Use the .NET print preview dialog 
         using (PrintPreviewDialog printPreviewDlg = new PrintPreviewDialog()) 
            printPreviewDlg.Document = document; 
            printPreviewDlg.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; 
            result = printPreviewDlg.ShowDialog(); 
   // Clean up 
private void document_BeginPrint(object sender, PrintEventArgs e) 
   // Reset the current page number 
   // Since we are using the print preview dialog, this event will be called twice (once 
   // to generate the print preview and once for actual printing). So, we must set this back 
   // to the first print page 
   PrintDocument document = sender as PrintDocument; 
   this.currentPrintPageNumber = document.PrinterSettings.FromPage; 
private void document_EndPrint(object sender, PrintEventArgs e) 
   // Nothing to do here 
private void document_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) 
   // Get the print document object 
   PrintDocument document = sender as PrintDocument; 
   // Create an new LEADTOOLS image printer class 
   RasterImagePrinter printer = new RasterImagePrinter(); 
   // Set the document object so page calculations can be performed 
   printer.PrintDocument = document; 
   // We want to fit and center the image into the maximum print area 
   printer.SizeMode = RasterPaintSizeMode.FitAlways; 
   printer.HorizontalAlignMode = RasterPaintAlignMode.Center; 
   printer.VerticalAlignMode = RasterPaintAlignMode.Center; 
   // Account for FAX images that may have different horizontal and vertical resolution 
   printer.UseDpi = true; 
   // Print the whole image 
   printer.ImageRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; 
   // Use maximum page dimension ignoring the margins, this will be equivalant of printing 
   // using Windows Photo Gallery 
   printer.PageRectangle = RectangleF.Empty; 
   printer.UseMargins = false; 
   // Print the current page 
   printer.Print(this.myImage, this.currentPrintPageNumber, e); 
   // Go to the next page 
   // Inform the printer whether we have more pages to print 
   if (this.currentPrintPageNumber <= document.PrinterSettings.ToPage) 
      e.HasMorePages = true; 
      e.HasMorePages = false; 
   // De-couple our PrintDocument from the RasterImagePrinter 
   printer.PrintDocument = null; 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images"; 


Target Platforms

See Also


RasterImagePrinter Class

RasterImagePrinter Members

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