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RasterImageList Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by RasterImageList.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor RasterImageList Initializes a new instance of the RasterImageList class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method BeginUpdate Prevents the control from drawing until the EndUpdate method is called.
Public Method EndUpdate Resumes drawing of the control after drawing is suspended by the BeginUpdate method.
Public Method EnsureVisible Ensures that the specified item is visible within the control, scrolling the contents of the control if necessary.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB GetFixedAspectRatioImageRectangle Calculates how an image is to be sized and positioned in a rectangle while keeping the aspect ratio fixed.
Public Method GetItemRectangle Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a specific item within the RasterImageList control.
Public Method HitTest Queries the specified location to determine if the point is over a RasterImageListItem.
Public Method ScrollItems Scrolls the content of the control.
Public Method SelectAll Selects or un-selects all the items in this RasterImageList control.
Public Method Sort Sorts the items of the RasterImageList control.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method IsInputKey This member overrides Control.IsInputKey.
Protected Method OnAutoDeselectItemsChanged Raises the AutoDeselectItemsChanged event.
Protected Method OnAutoDisposeImagesChanged Raises the AutoDisposeImagesChanged event.
Protected Method OnBorderStyleChanged Raises the BorderStyleChanged event.
Protected Method OnDoubleBufferChanged Raises the DoubleBufferChanged event.
Protected Method OnDrawItem Raises the DrawItem event.
Protected Method OnEnableKeyboardChanged Raises the EnableKeyboardChanged event.
Protected Method OnEnableRubberBandSelectionChanged Raises the EnableRubberBandSelectionChanged event.
Protected Method OnItemBackColorChanged Raises the ItemBackColorChanged event.
Protected Method OnItemBorderStyleChanged Raises the ItemBorderStyleChanged event.
Protected Method OnItemForeColorChanged Raises the ItemForeColorChanged event.
Protected Method OnItemImageBorderStyleChanged Raises the ItemImageBorderStyleChanged event.
Protected Method OnItemImageSizeChanged Raises the ItemImageSizeChanged event.
Protected Method OnItemSelectedBackColorChanged Raises the ItemSelectedBackColorChanged event.
Protected Method OnItemSelectedForeColorChanged Raises the ItemSelectedForeColorChanged event.
Protected Method OnItemSizeChanged Raises the ItemSizeChanged event.
Protected Method OnItemSpacingSizeChanged Raises the ItemSpacingSizeChanged event.
Protected Method OnKeyDown This member overrides Control.OnKeyDown.
Protected Method OnLostFocus This member overrides Control.OnLostFocus.
Protected Method OnMouseDown This member overrides Control.OnMouseDown.
Protected Method OnMouseMove This member overrides Control.OnMouseMove.
Protected Method OnMouseUp This member overrides Control.OnMouseUp.
Protected Method OnPaint This member overrides Control.OnPaint.
Protected Method OnPaintPropertiesChanged Raises the PaintPropertiesChanged event.
Protected Method OnScroll Raises the Scroll event.
Protected Method OnScrollStyleChanged Raises the ScrollStyleChanged event.
Protected Method OnSelectedIndexChanged Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event.
Protected Method OnSelectionModeChanged Raises the SelectionModeChanged event.
Protected Method OnSelectUserImageChanged Raises the SelectUserImageChanged event.
Protected Method OnShowItemTextChanged Raises the ShowItemTextChanged event.
Protected Method OnSizeChanged This member overrides Control.OnSizeChanged.
Protected Method OnSorterChanged Raises the SorterChanged event.
Protected Method OnSortingChanged Raises the SortingChanged event.
Protected Method OnUseDpiChanged Raises the UseDpiChanged event.
Protected Method OnViewStyleChanged Raises the ViewStyleChanged event.
Protected Method WndProc This member overrides Control.WndProc.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AutoDeselectItems Enables or disables de-selecting items when mouse button is clicked.
Public Property AutoDisposeImages Gets or sets a value indicating whether to automatically dispose item images.
Public Property BorderStyle Gets or sets the border style of the control.
Public Property DoubleBuffer Enables or disables double buffer painting, which eliminates flicker.
Public Property EnableKeyboard Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control automatically processes the keyboard.
Public Property EnableRubberBandSelection Enables or disables rubber band selection in the RasterImageList.
Public Property FullVisibleColumns Gets the number of currently full-visible item columns in the control.
Public Property FullVisibleRows Gets the number of currently full-visible item rows in the control.
Public Property ItemBackColor Gets or sets the item background color of the un-selected items in this RasterImageList
Public Property ItemBorderStyle Gets or sets the border style to draw around the RasterImageListItem in the control.
Public Property ItemForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color of the un-selected items in this RasterImageList
Public Property ItemImageBorderStyle Gets or sets the border style to draw around the image of an RasterImageListItem in the control.
Public Property ItemImageSize Gets or sets the maximum size of the image of each RasterImageListItem in the control.
Public Property Items Gets a collection containing all items in the control.
Public Property ItemSelectedBackColor Gets or sets the item background color of the selected items in this RasterImageList.
Public Property ItemSelectedForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color of the selected items in this RasterImageList.
Public Property ItemSize Gets or sets the size of each RasterImageListItem in the control.
Public Property ItemSpacingSize Gets or sets the amount of space between adjacent items in the control.
Public Property PaintProperties Gets or sets the Leadtools.Drawing.RasterPaintProperties which controls the painting of item images in this control.
Public Property ScrollStyle Specifies the direction the RasterImageList Control scrolls the displayed items.
Public Property SelectedItems Gets the items that are selected in the control.
Public Property SelectionMode Gets or sets whether automatic item selection is allowed.
Public Property SelectUserImage Gets or sets a user-defined image to use as the selection marker.
Public Property ShowItemText Indicates whether the item text is shown in the control.
Public Property Site This member overrides the Control.Site property.
Public Property Sorter Gets or sets the sorting comparer for the control.
Public Property Sorting Gets or sets the sort order for items in the control.
Public Property TopIndex Gets or sets the index of the first visible item in the control.
Public Property TotalColumns Gets the number of total item columns in the control.
Public Property TotalRows Gets the number of total item rows in the control.
Public Property UseDpi Gets or sets a value that indicates whether LEAD's automated scaling properties are used to account for the physical resolution of the bitmap.
Public Property ViewStyle Gets or sets how items are displayed in the control.
Public Property VisibleColumns Gets the number of currently full or partial -visible item columns in the control.
Public Property VisibleRows Gets the number of currently full or partial -visible item rows in the control.

Protected Properties

Name Description
Protected Property CreateParams This member overrides Control.CreateParams.
Protected Property IsSorting Gets a value indicating whether this RasterImageList is currently sorting.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event AutoDeselectItemsChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoDeselectItems property changes.
Public Event AutoDisposeImagesChanged Occurs when the value of the AutoDisposeImages property changes.
Public Event BorderStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the BorderStyle property changes.
Public Event DoubleBufferChanged Occurs when the value of the DoubleBuffer property changes.
Public Event DrawItem Occurs when a request is made to draw an item in an owner-drawn RasterImageList.
Public Event EnableKeyboardChanged Occurs when the value of the EnableKeyboard property changes.
Public Event EnableRubberBandSelectionChanged Occurs when the value of the EnableRubberBandSelection property changes.
Public Event ItemBackColorChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemBackColor property changes.
Public Event ItemBorderStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemBorderStyle property changes.
Public Event ItemForeColorChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemForeColor property changes.
Public Event ItemImageBorderStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemImageBorderStyle property changes.
Public Event ItemImageSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemImageSize property changes.
Public Event ItemSelectedBackColorChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSelectedBackColor property changes.
Public Event ItemSelectedForeColorChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSelectedForeColor property changes.
Public Event ItemSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSize property changes.
Public Event ItemSpacingSizeChanged Occurs when the value of the ItemSpacingSize property changes.
Public Event PaintBackground Occurs when the background of the control is redrawn.
Public Event PaintPropertiesChanged Occurs when the value of the PaintProperties property changes.
Public Event Scroll Occurs when the content of control is scrolled.
Public Event ScrollStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the ScrollStyle property changes.
Public Event SelectedIndexChanged Occurs when the index of the selected item in the RasterImageList control changes.
Public Event SelectionModeChanged Occurs when the value of the SelectionMode property changes.
Public Event SelectUserImageChanged Occurs when the value of the SelectUserImage property changes.
Public Event ShowItemTextChanged Occurs when the value of the ShowItemText property changes.
Public Event SorterChanged Occurs when the value of the Sorter property changes.
Public Event SortingChanged Occurs when the value of the Sorting property changes.
Public Event UseDpiChanged Occurs when the value of the UseDpi property changes.
Public Event ViewStyleChanged Occurs when the value of the ViewStyle property changes.

See Also

RasterImageList Class

Leadtools.WinForms Namespace

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