
#include "ltocr.h"

L_LTOCR_API L_INT EXT_FUNCTION L_OcrSettingManager_GetSettingDescriptor(settingManager, settingName, value)

Gets the descriptor of the given setting name.


L_OcrSettingManager settingManager

Handle to the OCR engine setting manager.

const L_TCHAR* settingName

Name of the setting you wish to get its descriptor. This is the value you retrieved with a call to L_OcrSettingManager_GetSettingName method.

L_OcrSettingDescriptor* value

Pointer to L_OcrSettingDescriptor structure to be updated with the setting descriptor of the passed setting name.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


This function gets the descriptor of the given setting name.

LEADTOOLS OCR Module - LEAD Engine contain specific additional features and functionality that can be queried and updated using different L_OcrSettingManager handle functions.

You can use the different methods of the L_OcrSettingManager handle to get and set the engine-specific settings. Each setting has a unique name (a string value). You can get all the settings available to the current OCR engine through the L_OcrSettingManager_GetSettingName method. The L_OcrSettingManager_GetSettingDescriptor and L_OcrSettingManager_GetSettingDescriptors methods returns a description of the setting (its type, friendly name and value range), you can then use the various setting get and set methods to query and change the value of a certain setting. For example, if the setting type is L_OcrSettingValueType_Integer, you can use the L_OcrSettingManager_GetIntegerValue to get the current value of the setting and the L_OcrSettingManager_SetIntegerValue to change its value. Refer to L_OcrEngine_GetSettingManager for a complete example.

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