InterpolationMode Enumeration


Interpolation mode support by LEADTOOLS.


JavaScript Syntax
lt.Controls.InterpolationMode = { 
	None: 0, 
	Resample: 1, 
	ScaleToGray: 2 
TypeScript Syntax
lt.Controls.InterpolationMode = { 
	None: 0, 
	Resample: 1, 
	ScaleToGray: 2 


0 None

(0) No interpolation. Default rendering by the platform.

1 Resample

(1) Use bilinear interpolation (resample) if the render operation needs to resize the image when zoom value is less than 1:1. This mode works for both bitonal (black/white) and color images.

2 ScaleToGray

(2) Enables grayscaling of bitonal images (such as black and white) if the render operation needs to resize the image when zoom value is less than 1:1. This mode produces slightly better result if the original image was black and white. However, in almost all cases, Resample produces similar results in quality and speed and should be used for all images.


For more information, refer to Image Viewer Interpolation.


For an example, refer to InterpolationMode.


Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Controls Namespace

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