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PlayCtrl Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by PlayCtrl.

Public Constructors

Name Description
PlayCtrl The PlayCtrl control object constructor.

Public Methods

Name Description
CanSaveObjectSettings Determines whether the specified settings can be saved.
CheckSeekingCapabilities Specifies whether the object is capable of performing the specified seeking operation.
EditGraph Registers the current graph and runs the DirectShow GraphEdit utility.
GetPreferredFilter Retrieves the preferred filter's Display Name set using the SetPreferredFilter method.
GetSelectedStream Gets the index of the selected stream of type streamType.
GetStillDIB Gets a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
GetStillImage Gets a System.Drawing.Image object.
GetStreamCount Gets the number of elementary streams
GetSubObject Gets the specified graph object.
HasDialog Checks whether the specified property dialog is available.
IsRateSupported Determines whether a specific playback rate is supported.
LoadSettingsFromFile Loads some or all of the play object settings from a file.
LoadSettingsFromStream Loads settings from a stream.
MarkSelectionEnd Sets the selection ending mark equal to the current position.
MarkSelectionStart Sets the selection starting mark equal to the current position.
NextFrame Seeks to the next video frame.
Pause Pauses the current media file playback.
PreviousFrame Seeks for the previous video frame.
ResetSource Resets the media source.
Run Plays the current media source.
SaveSettingsToFile Saves some or all of the play object settings to a file.
SaveSettingsToStream Saves some or all of the play object settings to a stream.
SaveStillBitmap Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file as a bitmap.
SaveStillDIB Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file as a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).
Scrub Forces a frame to the renderer while stopped.
SeekEnd Seeks for the end of the media file.
SeekSelectionEnd Seeks for the ending mark of the selection.
SeekSelectionStart Seeks for the starting mark for the selection.
SeekStart Seeks for the beginning of the media file.
SetPreferredFilter Sets a preferred filter (decoder or demultiplexer)
SetSelectedStream Indicates which stream of type streamType should be selected (rendered).
SetVideoWindowPos Sets the position and size of the video window.
ShowDialog Displays the specified property dialog.
Stop Stops the current media file playback.
ToggleClosedCaptioning Switches the state of the closed captioning mode on or off.
ToggleFullScreenMode Switches the full screen mode on or off.

Protected Methods

Name Description
AttachInterfaces Internal method to attach interfaces to the underlying control object.
CreateSink Internal method to create the event sink for the underlying control object.
DetachSink Internal method to detach the event sink for the underlying control object.
Dispose Releases internal control object and related object references.

Public Properties

Name Description
AllowedStreams Indicates which streams can be played.
Appearance Gets or sets a value determining the appearance of the control.
AudioProcessors Gets the registered audio processors collection object.
AudioRenderers Gets the registered audio renderers collection object.
Author Gets the name of the media's author (if it exists).
AutoRewind Gets a value indicating whether the object will automatically rewind to the starting point once playback has stopped.
AutoScrub Gets or sets a value indicating whether the object will automatically force a frame to the renderer while stopped.
AutoSize Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control will be automatically resized.
AutoStart Gets a value indicating whether the object will automatically start playing the media once the source has been assigned.
BackColor Gets or sets the background color for the control.
Balance Gets or sets the balance value of the audio stream.
BorderStyle Gets or sets the border style for the control.
ClosedCaptioning Gets a value that indicates whether closed captioning is enabled.
Copyright Gets copyright information for the (if it exists).
CurrentFramePosition Gets or sets the current frame position.
CurrentPosition Gets or sets the current position, relative to the total duration of the media, in seconds.
CurrentProgram Gets or sets the number of the current program for the media file.
CurrentTrackingPosition Gets or sets the current tracking position.
Description Gets the description of the media's content (if it exists).
Duration Gets the duration of the media, in seconds.
DvdController Gets the DVDControl object used to control DVD playback when a DVD is loaded.
DVDecoderResolution Gets or sets the current resolution for the DV Decoder.
Enabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction.
FrameDuration Gets the frame duration of the media, in seconds.
FullScreenMode Gets or sets the full-screen mode for the video renderer.
MidiRenderers Gets the registered midi renderers collection object.
Mute Gets a value indicating whether the audio is muted.
PlayCount Gets or sets the number of times that playback should repeat.
PreferredMPEG2Splitter Gets or sets the preferred MPEG2 splitter, by display name.
PreferredVideoRenderer Gets or sets the preferred VideoRendererType object.
ProgramCount Gets the number of programs.
Rate Gets or sets the rate of playback relative to normal playback speed.
Rating Gets the media's rating (if it exists).
RenderedStreams Gets the streams that have been rendered.
ScaleHeight Gets or sets the height of the client area of the control.
ScaleLeft Specifies the X coordinate of the origin in a custom coordinate system for the client area.
ScaleMode Specifies the unit of measure for the control.
ScaleTop Specifies the Y coordinate of the origin in a custom coordinate system for the client area.
ScaleWidth Specifies the width of the client area of the control.
SelectedAudioProcessors Gets or sets the selected audio processors collection object.
SelectedVideoProcessors Gets the selected video processors collection object.
SelectionEnd Gets or sets the current selection end position, in seconds.
SelectionStart Gets or sets the current selection start position, in seconds.
SourceAudioFOURCC Gets the FOURCC format id for the source audio.
SourceAudioType Gets a string that represents the GUID of the source's audio type.
SourceFile Gets or sets the media source filename, URL or UDP address.
SourceObject Gets or sets the media source object.
SourceStream Gets or sets the media source stream.
SourceType Gets the media source type.
SourceVideoFOURCC Gets the FOURCC format id of the source video format.
SourceVideoType Gets a string that represents the GUID of the source' video type.
State Gets the play control current state.
StillTap Gets or sets a value that indicates the point at which the still image will be captured.
Title Gets the media's title (if it exists).
TrackingSelectionEnd Gets the current tracking selection end position.
TrackingSelectionStart Gets the current tracking selection start position.
UnrenderedStreams Gets the streams that have not been rendered.
UseDVDSource Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object will use the DVD Source object when attempting to convert a DVD image.
UsingDVDecoder Gets a value that indicates whether the state of the DV Decoder is in use.
VideoHeight Gets the height of the current video.
VideoProcessors Gets the registered video processors collection object.
VideoWidth Gets the width of the current video.
VideoWindow Gets the handle to the current video window.
VideoWindowHeight Gets the height of the video window.
VideoWindowLeft Gets the left position of the video window.
VideoWindowSizeMode Gets or sets the current video window size mode.
VideoWindowTop Gets the top position of the video window.
VideoWindowWidth Gets the width of the video window.
Volume Gets or sets the volume (amplitude) of the audio signal.
Window Gets the handle to the Play control window.
WMCertificate Gets or sets the user-assigned Windows Media Certificate.

Public Events

Name Description
Click Occurs when the control is clicked.
DoubleClick Occurs when the control is double-clicked.
ErrorAbort Occurs when an error has caused an operation to abort.
KeyDown Occurs when the control has detected a KeyDown event.
KeyPress Occurs when the control has detected a KeyPress event.
KeyUp Occurs when the control has detected a KeyUp event.
MediaEvent Occurs when the control has detected a media event.
MouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed.
MouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control.
MouseUp Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released.
Resize Occurs when the control is resized.
StateChanged Occurs when the object's state has changed.
TrackingPositionChanged Occurs periodically to provide notification of when the tracking position changes.
TrackingSelectionChanged Provides notification of tracking selection changes.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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