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SheetImage Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see SheetImage members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property CellRange Retrieves the range of cells that the embedded image spans within an Excel sheet. Provides critical information on how the image is positioned in relation to the sheet's grid, identifying the specific cells over which the image is placed.
Public Property DisplayBounds Retrieves the display bounds of the embedded image within the sheet, expressed as a LeadRect. Provides the dimensions and position of the image in relation to the sheet's coordinate system, offering essential insights into how the image is visually integrated within the sheet layout.
Public Property Dx1 Gets the horizontal offset of the image's top-left corner from the top-left corner of the starting cell in the embedded image's cell range.This property specifies the distance, that the image is offset horizontally within its starting anchor cell.
Public Property Dx2 Obtains the horizontal offset of the image's bottom-right corner from the top-left corner of the ending cell in the embedded image's cell range.This property measures the distance, that the image extends beyond the starting point within its final anchor cell.
Public Property Dy1 Gets the vertical offset of the image's top-left corner from the top-left corner of the starting cell in the embedded image's cell range.This property specifies the distance, that the image is offset vertically within its starting anchor cell.
Public Property Dy2 Retrieves the vertical offset of the image's bottom-right corner from the top-left corner of the ending cell in the embedded image's cell range. Measures the vertical distance that the image extends beyond the starting point within its final anchor cell.

See Also

SheetImage Class

Leadtools.Document.LEADOffice.Sheet Namespace

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